The All Male Version Of Hooters

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Only a boring conversation was taking place at the moment so I decided to stay quiet. Then Mori had slipped onto another banana peel...
"Who the hell is leaving all these peels here?!" I whisper to myself while Mori tragically lies there, stone faced.
"Mori Senpai is.." Tamaki trails off.
"Acting as clumsy as you do boss!" Kaoru states. I snort and I cover my mouth at this. I didn't recognize Kaoru staring at me as I did though.
Then the sky darkened.
"Uh oh, I think it's about time for the squall" Kyoya says checking his watch as little drops of raining slowly began coming down.
"Huh?" The twins ask confused. Soon enough, it was full on raining and cold as hell outside! We were all inside of a little resting hut now luckily, but this isn't good at all. I shuffle to sit next to Haruhi on a bench in the hut.
"Um... Haruhi" I whisper.
"Yeah?" She whispers back.
"Soooo this probably isn't the best time to mention this but;;; my doctor said that my immune system would become weaker for a while after the surgery and Uh.. er.. this over exposure to rain and stuff is gonna give me the flu if we don't leave soon;;;" I whisper.
"What?!" She asks, concerned and now in a regular volume.
"Shush!! I don't want the others knowing! Everyone is already worried enough about honey senpai!" I stressed on the shushing so Haruhi would indeed, stay quiet. She frowns at me.
I overhear Kyoya talking on the phone and the twins teasing tamaki as usual while Haruhi gave her own opinions underneath her breath. It was all somehow.. calming. I yawn.
"Y'know you could take a nap if you want. I'm sure the rain won't stop for another 30 minutes at least" Haruhi says. I close my eyes nodding a bit and rest my head on her shoulder before slowly falling asleep.

-3rd pov-

"What?" The twins ask Tamaki in sync. Tamaki looks behind them.
"Is y/n... sleeping?" Tamaki asks which made the twins quickly turn around to see y/n napping on haruhi's shoulder, the three suddenly appeared in front of the two.
"HES SO ADORABLE!!" Tamaki says loudly making Haruhi shush him.
"Shush, be quiet. Let him sleep" Haruhi glares a bit at the tall blonde making him gulp and continue watching the sleeping H/c that out soft snores every now and then. It was pretty obvious that Kyoya was watching too from farther away. Kyoya walks over, pushing the other three whining idiots away, after taking note that Haruhi was eyeing Mori.
"Here, I'll take your spot, go talk with Mori" Kyoya offers with a smile. Haruhi sighs.
"Sure, thanks Kyoya-Senpai"
"It's my pleasure" Kyoya sits down next to Y/n after Haruhi gets up and allows the younger one to rest his head on his shoulder as well. The second Haruhi walks away the twins and Tamaki were glaring at Kyoya while making some jealous statements also a bit of teasing, Kyoya was content though.
"So.. Kyoya... What's been going on between you and y/n" the twins barely ask.
"I have no idea what you're talking about" Kyoya says back, his chest rumbles while talking making
y/n shift around, receiving everyone's attention. Y/n scoots closer into Kyoya so that his head was completely snuggled against the black haired boy's neck. Kyoya could feel Y/n's soft breathing against his neck making blush ever so slightly.
"Bull crap!" Hikaru says loudly, y/n's eyes began opening and woke up slowly.

-y/n POV-

My eyes flutter open as I wake up from a refreshing nap an- Wait a minute. I blink a few times before seeing that I was, in fact, no longer lying against Haruhi and actually slept on Kyoya... I jump and back away from him, becoming 50 shades of red all in a second.
"I-I" I stammer looking down. The next thing I know was Haruhi standing next to me glaring at the hosts.
"Did you guys.. wake him up" she asks.
"Haruhi, Stop it please." I mumble standing up and shuffling to the other side of the hut.

The rain had finally stopped and Mori Senpai was the first one out of the hut, on the prowl. I follow him curiously.
"Um. Mori Senpai? Honey went the opposite direction" I watched him.
"No, you're wrong, he went this way" he says.
Natural instinct ?
I tilt my head. He began marching through the small clearing alone.
"Hey wait up! I'm coming with you- no way you're going by yourself!" I shout to him and attempt to run after him.. only to see snakes, disgusting roaches, and almost fall into a pond of thick mucky water. Mori stops and turns around to me.
"Y/n" He hovers over me before picking me up with one arm, I steady myself by laying a hand flat on his chest. I blink. Why is he always carrying me? I blush lightly. That's also the first time he's used my first name. My blush darkens as I become slightly pleased.
He continued walking through the jungle only this time with me.. in his uh.. arms. Then we heard loud in sync footsteps and suddenly people in all black were climbing down rope to us and the next thing we know we were surrounded by these people who were aiming guns at us. The fuck??
"Target acquired" I heard one of them say through their mask making me freeze up. The soldiers nod to one another.
"The target has been captured by a suspicious figure!" Eh? What?
"Now take the target into custody" ??? I was growing more confused then scared by the second.
"You there! Put the boy down immediately or we will resort to using force!" One shouts. Okay yeah yup yes yuppers I'm scared again. I unconsciously tightened my grip I had on one of Mori's shoulders.
At least two of the soldiers aim their weapons at Mori as another one grabs me roughly by the forearm.
"H-Hey! What the..!" I shout and Mori immediately punched them across the face which sent them flying. I cling onto him for like itself.
"The suspect is resisting! Prepare to fire warning shots!"
"TAKASHI! Y/N-CHAN OUT OF THE WAY!" I heard honey scream from a vine as he swung down on it and kicked one of the guys in the face. He then proceeds to kick the shit out of everyone that isn't me and Mori. By now Mori has set me back down on my feet as I watch in awe. Honey finished them off as well...
"Picking on my friends is bad! Got it?" Honey yells to the mostly unconscious bodies.
"Y/N!" I look up to see a crying Tamaki and a pissed off and mostly concerned Haruhi. I wave awkwardly. Tamaki hugs me.
"I was so worried" he says and I roll my eyes.

Ok ok ok... so.. Honey is.. like... a national championship of Karate and Judo while Mori is a national championship of Kendo??! I feel a headache coming on...
"Takashi! Good job at protecting Y/n!" Honey pats Mori's head after pulling him down to his level. I blush slightly. I then get ripped back into reality by a pissed off haruhi.
"Why did you think that was a good idea?!?" She asks irritated as I played with my fingers.
".. I didn't want Mori to go alone.." She sighs furrowing her brows.
"You were pretty lonely without me around, huh?!" Honey asks Mori Senpai with a cheerful grin.
".. I don't know I'd say that" he answers looking to the side. Honey just giggles. I stand there, blushing.

"We should go to the beach next, to clear the mood" Hikaru recommends as we walk back to the exit.
"Yeah the beach would be nice!" Kaoru agrees.
"You idiots, Haruhi and Y/n aren't interested in anything like that" Tamaki says matter-of-factly.
"Actually, I might like to go to the beach" Haruhi says with a light smile.
"Yeah, me too! Then I can go bodyboarding!" I say excitedly. I haven't done that in forever.
"Yeah.. alright! Then that's where we'll go next time!" Tamaki exclaims with a twinkle in his eye.
"We're all gonna go to the beach Tama-Chan? That'll be fun won't it, Takashi" honey smiles giddily.
"Yeah" Mori says with his smooth voice.
I'm getting really.. comfy with the host club... maybe I can share my secret sooner then I thought.

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