Oh No's The Coconut Juice!

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"I don't want to be here" I say loud enough for everyone to hear. Me and Haruhi have been dragged to some sort of jungle retreat that Kyoya's family has built? Well it's still in the making technically.
"Yeah where was the exit again?" Haruhi asks.
"Try to make the most of this down time and just relax~" Tamaki says, laying down with a drink in his hand.
"Personally I think this a waste of time so can we go home now?" Haruhi asks. I hum in agreement.
"I should really be studying and I've got a ton of laundry to do today" Haruhi complains.
"I wanted to beat my high score.." I mumble after her. She eyes me annoyingly and I shrug.
"Senpai, where even are we?" She sighs.

"I can't wait to get home"
"Yeah, did'o" Haruhi and I exchanged simple conversation... that is until the stupid red headed twins grabbed us from behind. Hikaru held me up by the arms while Kaoru did the same with Haruhi.
"Captured" they said.
"What's going on?!" Haruhi asks loudly. Then a long black limo pulled up with the window rolled down to reveal Tamaki.
"Good now take them with you" he says, he was wearing tinted sunglasses along with one of those flower necklace thingies...
"RODGER!" They shout in unison. The window rolls back up.
"Where the hell are we going??" I ask and the twins just chuckle.

I shiver at the memory. Traumatizing.
"This place is a brand new theme park that my family, the Ootori group runs, it's called the tropical octopus garden" Kyoya says.
"I thought your family focused on medical business, Kyoya-Senpai" Haruhi asks.
"Yes but my family likes to diversify things."
Was all I could pick up. I was too entranced by this huge place. Also too entranced to notice the older child looking host next to me.
"Y/n-Chan! Do you want some coconut juice or cake?!" He asks excitedly.
"O-Oh. I'll have some coconut juice, thanks Honey" I smile at him as he runs away giggling. I look over and see Mori Senpai eyeing a bird, that is until he turned around making eye contact with me. I blush and turn around huffing.
"Hey y/n, lets go check out the water slides" Hikaru says standing next to Kaoru.
"Hang on what's with that pull over you're wearing?"
"Yeah aren't you gonna go swimming?" They ask in sync. I sigh still slightly blushing. The cheap foundation I used from time to time to cover the scars on my chest wasn't water proof , and no way I'm going half nude voluntarily in front of these guys!
"No... not really" mumble.
"Hold on you know how to swim can't you?" Hikaru asks blankly.
"Of course I do! I just...don't want to swim today..! That's it" I give an awful excuse. Then the twins start backing me up so that the second I took another step behind me I fell into the 5 foot deep water.
"Are you suuuure?" They ask in unison.
"Besides we've barely seen your upper half!" ??what is wrong with these guys?? Then Tamaki jumps in and steals the twins.
"Stop harassing him you shady twins! If he doesn't know how to swim then don't embarrass him!" He scolds. I blush again. Jeez.
"I-I know how to swim!" I argue but they ignore me.
"Never mind that, Why did you give him that f/c monstrosity?" The twins ask him.
"I would think you'd want to see y/n dressed in only trunks" Kaoru suggests.
"Not making him cover up like that"
"It was surprising" they say slyly making Tamaki blush.
"I know why he did it. He made Y/n cover up because he didn't want him seen by anyone whilst in only trunks! He might be one of those jealous pervert types, that must be it" The twins 'whisper' to each other to start Tamaki up. And it did.
"That's not true at all! I was just trying to protect his innocence and keep him from being looked at like from you shady twins!" He starts and the twins point to me and Tamaki turns around to see me with my eyebrows furrowed, red faced, looking down.
"Jealous pervert... Huh" I mumble.
"WHAT" Tamaki shrieks while the twins smirk and chuckle.

I was sitting down now in the shade and on a bench watching everything around me instead of participating in it. I hear water pumping and I look over and see Hikaru pumping up a water gun, he saw me watching and winks at me before shooting water in Tamaki's face. I giggle at this and he grins at me before facing Tamaki again.
"C'mon boss lets have a water gun fight, get hit in the face you're out"
"It'll be us versus you, waddya say?"
"Forget it, why would I want to subject myself to doing a childish game like that?" Tamaki asks making me slightly sad to watching the twins and Tamaki Senpai shoot water at each other. I could imagine them get really competitive too. I look down to the ground, sadly sipping at my coconut juice.
"Aww but boss! Your making Y/n sad!"
"Yeah look at him!" The twins shout and Tamaki looks to me and now he's suddenly pumping his own water gun insanely fast (get your mind out of the gutter)
I giggle watching the three run around screaming like little kids, all trying to get one another. My attention is drawn to Mori now though as he walks up to me, attempting at hitting water out of his ear. I look to the current pool and see honey swimming against it by himself.
"Taking a break, huh? Here, want something to drink?" I ask handing him my juice. He looks at it before taking it.
"Yeah, thanks" Jesus Christ his voice is deep. I continue watching the water gun fight, the twins come out from behind a tree and start shooting at Tamaki. He jumps sideways and starts shooting but the twins cover each other with these random wooden masks they found?? This place is weird. Tamaki shouts that that's cheating and starts running before slipping on a banana peel... and falling into a very tall totem pool.
Then there's some rattling??
"That can't be good.." I sweat dropped. I hear a clink and see that Mori has dropped the coconut juice I had given him, I look to where he was looking and a huge wave was coming up to honey who was still in the water. They wave takes him out and Mori starts running to him.
"Mitskuni!" He shouts. But then, the fucking banana peel shows up again and Mori slips on it. He falls and slides across the concrete, for sure giving him scratches and bruises.
"Oh Jeez, Mori Senpai" I say worriedly.
"GENTLEMEN! WERE GOING AFTER HONEY SENPAI!! THAT POOL LOOKS LIKE THE QUICKEST WAY- CHARGE!!" Tamaki shouts. I sweat as every starts running that way except for me and Kyoya.
"Wait! I would go that.." Kyoya doesn't even get to finish his line before a bunch of alligators bursted out of the water. I flinch at how sudden it was, drawing the attention of the glasses wearing male. The host club comes running back, screaming.
"ALRIGHT! SO WE CANT GO THAT WAY SO WE GO-" another alligator roars and the twins scream.
"THEYRE HERE TOO!" Tamaki screams.
"What's up with all the alligators?" I ask and turn to Kyoya-Senpai.
"Those alligators belong to the park's tropical animal exhibit, I guess it is a little dangerous to let them run wild. Oh, the cause of our present situation seems to be the location for the switch of the current pool, I'm gonna have to have a little chat with our designers. Thanks a lot you guys, I got some great data today!" Kyoya smiles after closing his notebook. I huff.

No one seemed to be having it.

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