Put Your Nail On A Leash, It Bit Me

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"I was thinking and... maybe having a female manager won't be a bad idea" Tamaki starts. I sat in between Mori and Honey and I smile while nodding as Honey whispers frantically of all the sweets he wants me to bake. At some point I began writing them down on a notepad that Honey had, for some reason, since they were getting really specific. I could sense Mori staring at me happily write down the orders.
I heard him mumble something as well.
"Huh? What was that Mori-Senpai?" I ask. He shakes his head 'no' as if saying a 'never mind' I shrug and put away the notepad since Honey was done now.
"Hello boys! You'll be happy to know that your new manager Renge has baked all of you some cookies" Renge says opening the door. I stay silent with my arms crossed.
"Ah! How ladylike! I'm moved by your generosity!" Tamaki says posing beside her.
"I didn't bake these cookies for you, Phony Prince" she says and Tamaki started sulking. Okay now that's just mean. I sigh and walk up to Tamaki.
"Tamaki-Senpai, I can bake you some cookies sometime.. y'know..." I mumble out with a bit of blush on my cheeks. He turns his head around but doesn't move from his squatting position. He stared at me with a slight blush.
"R-Really?" He asks. I roll my eyes playfully yet without smiling.
"Yeah.. really" I mumble scratching the back of my head. Suddenly I'm being smothered by him. As usual.
"AHH YOURE SO CUTE Y/N!!!" He screams making my eyebrows furrow and blush become more apparent. He pulls away and sees the state my face is in.
"You're not falling for me, are you?~" he flirts.
"YOuRe nOt FAlLinG fOr mE ARe yOu" I mock still red faced and stomp away to sit on the couch.
I notice Renge's burnt cookies sitting on the coffee table. I take one and shrug, she's busy scaring Honey to death anyways..~ I take a bite and swallow after chewing the crunchy cookie.
"Eh.. to be honest I was expecting worst" I mumble out nonchalantly. I put the cookie back in my mouth and before I could bite it again, Kaoru pulls my chin up to face him.
"May I try?~" he flirts, taking a bite of my cookie! What the hell I just calmed my blushing down!! I scrunch up my face confused and embarrassed.
"Uh oh, Y/n, you got crumbs on your face" Hikaru says from behind me and licks my cheek. AKFJFHSDKKDHSKFGJDHHF

Tamaki starts freaking out yelling telling Kyoya that the twins were indeed shady as hell. The twins were just grinning like idiots though, while I stood in the middle of it, red faced, and looking down with my brows furrowed. I heard Haruhi laughing from a chair. I whip my head up and glare at her. That just makes her laugh more though- almost manically.
"Oh c'mon boss, we were just joking around~" Kaoru defends.
"Yeah, weren't we Y/n?" Hikaru asks, now all the host club's eyes were on me and my painfully obvious blush. I don't answer and keep my stare to the ground- still emotionally confused.
"YOU BROKE HIM!" Tamaki shrieks.

"lukewarm... ALL OF YOU- EXCEPT FOR KYOYA- ALL OF YOUR CHARACTERS ARE LUKEWARM!!" Renge shouts drawing the hosts' attention, I take this as my chance and escape by sitting behind the chair Haruhi was in.

"AND YOU- Wait where did he go??" I hear Renge ask. Shiiiiiit.
"Leave him alone" Haruhi sighs. Thank god.
"The lonely prince..." I hear Tamaki mumble. Suddenly the lights dim and a spotlight is on him. I get out of my hiding spot and watch Tamaki's lonesome prince act, which is approved by Renge..
At some point she sneezed up behind me..
"AHHH!" I scream and fall out of the chair from the sudden voice behind me.

-rip y/n-

"Im sorry, but I'm envious, you two are so supportive of each other"
"But Suoh-Senpai! How can you be envious of us??! You're the school's idol!"
"An idol.. right.. I hate how everyone worships me for something so superficial as my appearance.. I think it will be much better for me to be alone.."

One lonely heart leads another.. they pass each other..! Wounding one another..! What are the heads of these young men made of?!

"You can't run away forever, I'm gonna show you what happens to anyone who crosses me.."
"Don't do it Mitskuni, you should've realized by now that by hurting others- you're only hurting yourself"
"I didn't ask for any of your advice, do you need me to put you over my knee again?"

Will it be the light of salvation to save these boys??! Or will it be something else..?

"You know, it really pisses me off when people don't know there place......"
Renge screams at the poor Mitskuni while I sit in a pull out chair muffling my laughs with my palm.

"What's so funny?" I look over to see Tamaki soaking wet from his scene. I hand him a towel while still muffling my laughs.
"I... 'put you over my knee again'?? HEARING HONEY SAY THAT I.. I... BWHAAHAHAH!!" I start bursting out laughing loudly, finally. Tamaki watches me with a small blush.
"Well... how do you think I did??" He asks excitedly.
"Definitely my type" I wink jokingly but.. he didn't seem to take it as a joke.
"Y/N YOUR ON!!" I hear that annoying voice scream before I could clarify the joke.
"I-It was a joke Tamaki-Senpai" I say quickly and running around the corner to see... Renge with two strange looking boys. I walk up to them.

"Great! These two gentlemen have decided to stare in our film! Besides we're gonna need some tough guys for the ending!" She says with stars in her eyes.
"We didn't say we wanted to be part of your film!" One of them say and I sweat nervously.
"They're gonna be part of the mafia! And that's where they get all their wealth from!"
"R-Renge that's not-"
"Whatever my dad does I'm not involved with it!!!"
"Oh c'mon I just need you two for a lil bit.."
"Hey! You think you can push me around?? You don't even know me!" One of the guys shouts and pushes Renge into the wood planks left laying against the wall. My eyes widen and I jump in at the last second, behind Renge. OW WHAT THE FUCK!! I felt the back of my thigh receive a sharp stabbing pain. Renge quickly leaves my arms and looks at me worriedly. I pull my leg with the stabbing pain forward and look behind me to see a nail facing me with red at the end of it..
"Are you alright Y/n?!?!"
"That guy was right Renge, you can't do that. If you judge a person on appearance you're stereotyping them and you don't get to see the person they are on the inside"
"I.. don't understand what you're trying to say" she says worriedly. I can feel the warm liquid leave my open wound and run down my leg, staining the fancy and expensive pants...
"Y/n is everything ok??!" Tamaki comes around and his eyes widen. He saw the blood down my leg and immediately pinned one of the strange young men to the wall.
"So which one of you guys hurt Y/n?!" He asks angrily.
"Wait you don't understand! That girl was giving us a hard time!"
"He's telling the truth you big dum dum" I mumble balancing myself on my non-injured leg. Tamaki lets go of the dude and they both ran for it. He comes over to me and holds both my cheeks.
"What happened??"
"I stabbed mah leg with a nail" I said trying not to make it a big deal.

CAMERAMAN!" Renge shouts the worker responds with a default 'yes boss'.


I looked over and saw that Kyoya broke the camera recording us the whole time, with a rock. Renge looked wide eyed and hurt.
"What's wring??" Renge asks.
"I won't have any records of a host member becoming involved with violence and getting harmed. Renge, I believe you've caused enough trouble, please stop being such a pest" Kyoya says while glaring. OOOOOHHHHH BURRNNNNNN!!
Renge starts crying and rambles on and on about the fictional Kyoya and it's not.. working out for her. Now she's on the ground. Sobbing. I roll my eyes sighing. I carefully sit on the ground in front of her so I don't harm myself even more.
"Renge, Kyoya might now be who you thought he was, but that doesn't mean you can't get to know him more little by little.. besides it's a lot more fun that way" I look away from her face and huff.
"Now can someone please take me to the nurse? I don't want my wound to become infected" I mumble the last bit. I notice the whole host club here now and blush by embarrassment. Mori walks over and gently picks me up bridle style making my face glow red even more then before. Annnddd were off!

Man.. he doesn't talk very much.. I though still with a light blush now that me and Mori were alone for the first time in the hallways.
"..red velvet"
"Hm? What was that?" I ask, very confused.
"From earlier.. what I mumbled... I was wondering if you could bake me.. red velvet cupcakes" He says still stone faced. I blink at him for a second before registering what he said. Was he.. embarrassed to ask? Is that why??
"Yeah.. sure it's no problem, Mori-Senpai" I smile softly to him. He hums. And that was that.

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