Im Pretty Sure This Is A Cult

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"Pardon me, Tamaki, I've heard that recently the Host club has been keeping a couple kittens un-pedigreed"
"I don't know I'd call them that. Oh, speak of the devils"

"Haruhiiiii lemme help!!" I beg her so she doesn't suffer by herself.
"No, Y/n! I'm the one who broke it the vase, you shouldn't be here doing the work!" She argued carrying the groceries to Tamaki.
"Haaaarrrrruuuuuu" I whine lowly but stopped talking when Tamaki asked about the coffee.

"Oh, commoner's coffee where you only have to add hot water right?" He asks. Suddenly crowds of guests and the rest of the host club began to form around Tamaki who was holding the instant coffee.
"I can bring it back if you want" Haruhi offers.
"No no! I want to please Haruhi I wanna be useful!" I beg again.
"Ugh here, go busy yourself" she hands me my 3DS she stole from me this morning since it was 'distracting'.
"YES" I cheer to myself and quickly take the device and sit on an empty couch replaying all some old game while the little coffee party went on.

Apparently that ended quickly and the hosts went back to hosting but I wasn't really paying attention, just like how I wasn't paying attention to the small group of girls that began to surround me from behind, watching me play.
"Do you play this game often? You seem experienced" a girl asks from behind me.
"Hehe, yup! It's my favorite game, I've replayed it a billion times!!" I say excitedly since I love sharing about my interests. I pay no mind to the few squeals I received and a few mumbled 'so cute' and 'so adorable'. I didn't notice the girls clear away quickly as the Host King came behind me.
"What are you doing, my little geek?" He blows on my neck making me flinch and get killed by an enemy I was fighting.
"Awwwwe!! You made me die!!" I shout mostly sad that I had to go through that crazy hard maze to find the enemy and steal his money again.
"It seems some of the girls think your interesting. Well you're gonna need a makeover if they ever do become more interested" he said stealing my 3DS from me.
"Hey!!" I stood up from the couch much Tamaki's long ass arms held the game up too high for me to reach.
He starts going on being a gentleman and how to be the perfect host all while holding my game in the air and stuffing it into his chest pocket. I stop trying to get my game back and start wondering. There's a word that describes him perfectly... pain in the neck? No... it's one word that's...
"-how effective a glance to the side could be"
"I got it" saying out loud to finish my thoughts.
"Oh did I st-"
"Obnoxious" He begins sulking and the twins come up behind me, both leaning against a different side.
"You really have done it now" a twins says. I start to feel bad.
"I'm sorry, Senpai, your lesson did strike a chord in me" I say and he is immediately back on his feet.
"Really? it did?" Jesus did he get a power up or something??!
"Call me king!~"
"-you can teach him all of the basics of hosting you want, but he has to look the part" the other twin says. I really don't know which is Hikaru and Kaoru... they stand in front of me. My bangs were kind of in my face so they both move them to the side.
"..can you not touch my face please??" I ask trying to make my burning cheeks less obvious yet that was going no where. I guess the host club couldn't really see my eyes and now they're tripping?? I could see Haruhi across the room watching this.
The host club was still dead silent.
"Uh-um.. guys???" I ask nervously. Tamaki snaps his fingers.
"Hikaru, Kaoru"
"YESSIR" they both pick me up and now they're taking me somewhere?? This is a confusing line of action...
"What the hell??" I get out.

"FINE ILL CHANGE BUT YOU TWO HAVE TO GET OUT!!" I shout and push them out to the other side of the curtain. My face is pink after they tried removing my shirt. My scars are still visible as hell I don't want them knowing about them!! I huff and I get changed into the uniform.

"I look to awkward in this.."
"I'm sure you look fine!! Come out now!!" Tamaki loudly talks from the other side of the curtain. I roll my eyes and open the curtain.
"I shouldn't be trusted with such an expensive outfit.." I mumble having the tie tied weirdly since I rarely wear ties. Tamaki lets out a squeal and Haruhi comes up to me and she has a makeover too!!
I gasped grabbing her shoulders with stars in my eyes.
"Haruhi you look so pretty!!!" I squeal.
"Hahah you look good too" she chuckles.

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