Flamingo Boy & Blueberry Boy

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I unpack my stuff onto my desk for class. That's weird.. the twins are always here before me and Haruhi.
You could hear the bell still ringing through out the school too.
"Hello, Y/n, Haruhi. Good morning" I look over and see Hikaru with pink dyed hair. He walks over to his usually seat in between Haruhi and me.
"Oh wow Hikaru, why'd you dye your hair pink?" I ask.
"Because pink suits me, don't you think it's cute?" He asks and I let out a little laugh.
"From now on I'm the pink haired twin!" He smiles. Then Kaoru walks in with his hair dyed blue..
"I didn't want to be mistaken for that Kaoru for the rest of my life y'know?" Hikaru says making me frown.
"Good morning Y/n and Haruhi" Kaoru greets now standing next to Hikaru.
"I slept by myself last night and had a nightmare. I dreamt that my stylist dyed my hair pink" Hikaru clearly got annoyed as he sits down in between me and Haruhi.
"It was so garish that I woke up screaming" he smiles going to sit down on the empty chair to the other side of me. That is before Hikaru pushes it out from under him making Kaoru land on his butt.
Kaoru instantly pushes Hikaru's chair over. The both stand up with shadows casting their faces, staring each other down. Me and Haruhi sweat drop as the two start throwing anything they could find at each other.
"O-Oh geez... Haruhi? Do you think I caused this??" I ask nervously smiling to her. She tsks.
"No of course not, they're just mentally deficient" she says and I roll my eyes. That didn't calm my nerves at all though.

Soon enough it was lunch time, and I was in the cafeteria with Haruhi even though we usually eat together in a classroom.. yet the twins were still there- screaming at each other. I sigh worriedly.
"Honestly, you two are still fighting with each other?" I hear a familiar voice and turn around to see Tamaki... and of course the rest of the host club. I lay my forehead onto the table. I can't escape them!!
Tamaki then notices us after Honey makes the fight worst with cake.
"Oh Y/n Haruhi what you guys doing in here?!?" He asks us as if his tail was wagging.
"We usually eat in the classroom with our boxed lunches but Y/n was worried about the twins and dragged the both of us here" Haruhi explains blankly.
"Shut up" I grumble. Tamaki spaces out for a second until he started screaming, "I DONT CARE IF ITS IN A HEART SHAPE, I WILL EAT IT!!"
"I don't know what you're talking about, but it's evident that your fantasies are completely incoherent" Kyoya says with a lunch tray and walks away.

"Hey, Y/n, sit with me?" Hikaru asks. I look at Haruhi worried but she was already stuffing her face, not giving a care to the world... I nod.
"Sure" I mumble. He takes me to an empty table. Hikaru sits next to me. I started thinking back to what Kaoru had said yesterday.. he had said that Hikaru likes me. I wonder if it were true.
"What'cha eating?" He asks.
"Just some leftovers, nothing special.." I say looking to my bento.
"Wanna trade? I ended up ordering something I didn't like, because of Kaoru" he says boringly, before I could answer he steals my lunch and slides the tray in front of me. I look down to the tray and see all sorts of fancy and expensive food. I take a fork and stab some random food and eat it. H ol y shh h it. It was pretty obvious that I loved the food, the host club was even staring at me, ugh, embarrassing.
"I'll trade you my tray for the bento box Hikaru!" Tamaki says coming out of no where.
"What? No way" he says sternly and they start bickering. Then Kaoru sits next to me.
"So Y/n, is that any good?" He asks, I then realize I've had the fork in my mouth this whole time. I take it out slightly blushing.
"How would you like to taste mine?" He asks and takes my chin in his hand. He puts a spoonful of some kind of desert in front of my mouth.
"Ahhh" He says while smiling. It was coming closer to my mouth.. that is... before.. Hikaru nommed it. I now realize the situation I was in and blush dark red.
"Quit butting in, get lost Kaoru" Hikaru says with the spoon still in his mouth.
Kaoru slowly takes a bowl full of soup and slaps it into Hikaru's face! Oh wait.. it was Tamaki's. And now the twins are throwing things at one another again.
"I'm... I'm not hungry anymore" I whisper and stand up leaving their fight.


The two twins stared at each other from across the room with a tower of stuff they'd been throwing, panting.
"Don't you guys think it's time to give up all this fighting?" Woah that's the first time seeing Tamaki actually annoyed.
"It's driving me insane" he adds.
"What'd you say? It's driving YOU insane?! How do you think I feel right now?! Every time I look in the mirror I see his face, IM SICK AND TIRED OF CONSTANTLY BEING MISTAKEN AS YOU KAORU!" Hikaru screams. God this is definitely my fault..
"You took the words right out of my mouth. In fact I hate you so much I bought this!" Kaoru says whipping out a curse doll. Tamaki screeches. My eyebrow twitched. They're taking this too far..
"I'm going to complete the curse on you Hikaru! I'm going to write your name on his back!" Kaoru says.
"From this day forward you'll h-" I didn't even let Kaoru finish his sentence and run up to them both. I knocked them on the heads as hard as I could.
"CAN YOU GUYS KNOCK IT OFF?!" I shout annoyed, angry, and concerned as hell. The host club just watches.
"YOU DONT BRING THIS BULL CRAP INTO A PETTY FIGHT!" I scream some more holding up the curse doll as the two twins stare up at me with tears in their eyes.
"THE SAD PART IS YOU BROUGHT EVERYONE ELSE INTO THIS STUPID FIGHT! NOW IF YOU DONT APOLOGIZE RIGHT NOW ILL NEVER LET YOU COME OVER TO MY HOUSE EVER!! GOT IT?!?" I panted trying to catch my breath from the rant. Then.. the two twins smirk. They stand up.
"So what your saying Y/n... if we make up we can come over to your place..?" They ask in unison still smirking and now posing behind me.
"Wha.." I furrow my eyebrows and look down at the doll. I turn it around and... o-oh geez. IT HAD FUCKING "BLANK" WRITTEN ON IT!!! I pinch the bridge of my nose huffing heavily.
"I'm so sorry Kaoru... even though we were just sticking to our script, I said such awful things to you" Hikaru says.
"Don't say that Hikaru I couldn't go on without being your brother" the hosts stare wide eyed. I huff loudly and kick both of the twins in the shins.
"stupid hot twins... stupid fricken idiotic... fricken.." I mumble to myself, red faced from embarrassment of being fooled by those.. those... those DEVILS!, stomping to a couch across the room and sitting there mumbling to myself.
"Uhhh did we break him?" The twins ask in unison. Haruhi shakes her head.
"He's just embarrassed." She rolls her eyes

"LETS PLAY THE WHICH ONE IS HIKARU GAME!" The twins shout enthusiastically making the girls clap and squeal.
"Oh oh! Your Hikaru" a lady says pointing to the one with pink dyed hair.
"WE HAVE A WINNER!" The ladies clap excitedly again.
"So are you two gonna keep your wild hair color? It's much more helpful to tell the difference between you two!" A guest asks.
"No it's not" I mumble still a bit focused on my game. The twins hum.
"Today Kaoru's the pink one, Hikaru is the blue one" I look up from my game smiling at them.
"You guys switched your hair colors today" I looked back down at my game as the twins stared at me.

Do you realized what's happened.. Hikaru? Until now, there were only two groups of people: us and the rest of the world.... but for the first time, someone has crossed into our world....

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