A Commoner's Interest [Tamaki]

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F/b- favorite band
Another boring Sunday once more... I wonder if the twins are up for hanging out again. I wonder why they both kissed me... at first I thought for sure that it was them just teasing and trying to get me flustered but then... kissing me before leaving? I'm really confused... do they like me.. more then friends??! I blush and shake the thoughts out of my head before I go to pick up my phone and it begins buzzing making me jump. I don't recognize the caller's number but I pick up anyways.
"Y/N!!" I sweat dropped after clearly recognizing the voice.
"Tamaki?? How did you get my number??!" I ask.
"From kyoya, all of the host club has your number- ANYWAYS! I'm bored let's do something I want to hang out!" He whines.
"Um!? Hold up! How did Kyoya know my phone number in the first place??" I ask after becoming confused and barely processing what he had asked.
"I don't know! Can I pretty please come to your house Y/n??" Tamaki begs over the phone.
"Uh... sure" I answer. To be honest I'm not entirely sure if this was the right move to make.
"Great! I'll be over in 10!!"
"Wait-! You don't kno-"
Beep beep beep
The tone dial interrupts me to suggest that Tamaki has already hung up.
"-w my address..." I finish. Does he already know my address??! I swear to god Kyoya needs to stop giving out my personal information... I get dressed in something casual. The second I finished getting ready for company I heard my doorbell ring. I walk down the stairs to my front door. Barely before I reached it the doorbell was being spammed. I openly the door annoyed and see the blonde standing their. It's weird seeing the hosts in casual clothing..
"Hi Y/n" he says excitedly.
"Heyya" I let him in and close the door behind him.
"Wow your place is much bigger then Haruhi's place" Tamaki comments while looking around.
"My family gets a larger income" I shrug. 
"So... you have more family then your mom??" He asks and I nod slowly. He sits on the couch in the open living room and I sit next to him soon after.
"Oh! Then do you have a father?" He asks and I freeze up. He almost immediately notices what he did wrong.
"..I'm sorry! I didn't know" he quickly apologized.
"Nah it's fine. I'm gonna have to tell you and the rest of the host club at some point. Besides it doesn't... bother me as much as it used to" I smile a bit and he worriedly smiles back. I clear my throat.
".. I few years ago, in the 5th grade, I had... done a few things at school and came clean about some.. stuff" I start.
"The school called my parents and my dad completely over reacted.. my mom was understanding and she has been ever since. She kicked him out that night and he never came back. He argued with my mother over the phone multiple times since then and I barely know about the nephew I have..." Tamaki stares wide eyed.
"Before I get into that- that first year from lobelia academy? She went to my school with me, she had watched me have the melt down at school, she had slapped me then for embarrassing her, I see she hasn't changed" I roll my eyes scoffing.
"I have an older brother and sister as well. My brother is understanding and chose to stay with my mom and I during the divorce while my sister.. left with my dad. And now she has some fancy job- hates me- and has a kid that I've never been able to meet.." I stay silent for a second, mentally envisioning if I had missed anything.
"Wow I'm... terribly sorry Y/n... may I ask what you did that made your um... father leave?" He asks warily. I stand up swiftly.
"No" I snapped and walk into the kitchen.
"Lets do something else, this is depressing. What some tea?" I ask.
"Alright, yes I'll have a cup" he turns around in the couch and smiles at me. I meet his eyes and turn around quickly to hide my blush. I begin boiling the water in the kettle.

I set the tea cup in front of him and he takes it immediately.
"Want a tour?" I ask smiling. He nods furiously while standing up.
I giggle slightly at this.
"Alright, lets go!"

"-and this is my bedroom" I gesture to my messy room and completing the tour. Tamaki instantly invites himself in and sits on my bed looking around at the various F/b posters I had on my walls. I blush a bit and walk in before sitting beside him.
"Well, I can see what kind of music you like at least" he chuckles a bit and giggle with him.
Then it's all quiet again.
"Hey... I know you didn't want to talk about it any more but.. I really appreciate it, you telling me about everything that's happened to you" he smiles softly at me. I blush and look down with furrowed brows.
"Not... everything" I whisper under my breath. I return the smile.
"Really, it's no problem. I needed someone to talk to." Maybe it's just me but I think Tamaki is inching closer to my face. And maybe this is also 'just me' but I think I'm inching closer to his face as well. There was no telling until his plush lips fall onto mine. I blush bright red that follows across my cheeks to the tips of my ears. The kiss barely lasts a full two seconds before Tamaki pulls away hurriedly.
"I-IM TERRIBLY S-SORRY Y/N!!! I DIDNT MEAN TO KISS YOU I JUST COULDNT HELP IT!!" He squeals our with a tomato red face as he scoots away from me. I bring my hand up to my lips and gently feel them. Why is everyone kissing me? Am I a siren of sorts?
Then there was a honking outside.
"O-OH THERES MY LIMO SORRY TO CUT THE VISIT SHORT BUT I NEED TO GO NOW HAH BYE" he quickly stands up attempting at rushing out the door.
"Tamaki.." I mumble and he turns around. We look at each other for a second and I take a deep breath.
"Uh.. g-get home safe..!!!" My blush darkens as I avoid eye contact with the tall blonde. He was about to say something before more honking outside interrupted him.
"IM COMING!!" He shouts slightly annoyed.
"I will" he grins at me, suddenly not as embarrassed as before. I nod and he leaves my room. I hear my front door slamming shut and I let out a relieved sigh that I didn't realize I had building up in me. I turn to look out my window and manage to catch the limo driving off. I sigh heavily and collapsed in my bed. What a hand full he is.

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