1 Bed 0 Bekfest

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I hear the piano playing and instantly I knew it was Tamaki playing so he can make up for the shit fence he built. I was walking to the deck around back with newly drying laundry and notice only Kaoru standing there.
"Kaoru? Where's Hikaru?" I ask walking up next to him.
"He went to get some trash bags for us" he smiles to ma as I walk by.
"Oh, that's nice of him" I smile back. I stop for a second.
"Do you still think you'll win?" I ask, genuinely curious.
"I don't know.." he responds.
"Kyoya creates a monster... Tamaki didn't even realize this place had a piano until he pointed it out to him" I hum at that. I hear a gasp from above me and I looked up to see a vase falling.. right on top of me...
"LOOK OUT!" Kaoru yells.
He pushes me out of the way.
"I'm so sorry! Are you two alright ??" The girl from above asked.
"We're Fine! That was a close one" Kaoru yells back.
"Right?" Kaoru looks down at me with both his hands on my shoulders.
"Y-Yeah" I stutter from how close he was.
"Kaoru!" Kaoru turns around seeing Hikaru run up to him.
"You're hurt! Let me see!" He says clearly panicked.
"I'm fine Hikaru it's just a little scratch." Kaoru smiles at his worried brother. Hikaru sighs with relief and lets his forehead fall onto Kaoru's shoulder.
"Don't scare me like that..."
"Hey, I'm sorry. So you forgive me?" What the fuck is this. Hikaru just smiles at him and he smiles back. Then the owners comes out of no where, streaming anime tears which scares the shit out of me.
"BRAVO BRAVO 100 REFRESHMENT POINTS FOR BROTHERLY LOVE!!" The thing that scared me the most was she was on the roof spinning around.
"AND THE WINNER IS THE HITACHIN BROTHERS!!!!~" she says in a pitched voice.
"Congrats you guys" I mumble and stand up brushing myself off.
"Was all of the staged??"
"Well no..who can say?" I sigh annoyed.

"C'mon I said I was sorry what do you want me to do?"
"I didn't mean to kick you out of bed! It was an accident" I hear Hikaru argue to Kaoru as I served breakfast to the guests.
"Accident or not my back is killing me" Kaoru huffs.
They both sit down and I start taking their orders except... it's all this stuff I can pronounce.
"Hold on we don't even serve that" I stop them before they could explain any further.
"BEHAVE!" Tamaki comes out of no where and slaps them both upside the head.
"Just who do you think you are? Acting like some members of some aristocracy on holiday!" Tamaki scolds.
"We are aristocracy..?"
"So are you boss"
"You're missing the whole pint of travel, when in Rome do as the romans do, That's what I say!" Tamaki says revealing a large plate of 'ethnic' foods.

"While you two were sleeping the day away I made a refreshing host's workshop! I even wrote a manual!" The twins managed to get ahold of said manuals.
"Wait on number 5 it says we have to be up at six am. Did Kyoya and Honey Senpai read this yet?" Hikaru asks while Tamaki backs up in pure traumatization. He actually starts crying in the corner.
"Hey were sorry boss!"
"We didn't mean to stir up painful memories!" Painful??? What the hell did they do to him?!?? I hear the bell from the door being opened go off. I look over.
"Aria Produce!" He announces.
"My working boy eh?" Sonoda asks walking up to him.
"A high schooler?"
"Yes ma'am, I'm helping out with my uncle's shop for the summer."
"HOW REFRESHING!! Y/n would you mind putting these in the refrigerator for me?" I walk over and recognize him immediately..
"Y/n... l/n?" He asks as his hat falls off.
"Arai...?" I ask while blushing. We stare at each other for a second.
"Uh.. long time no see?" He asks awkwardly before I jump on him and hug him.
"HUH?!?!!" I hear Tamaki and the twins all shout in unison and jealousy.
Suddenly the three were crouching down awkwardly beside me.
"So uh.. these your friends?" He asks awkwardly. I look to them blandly.
"These are Hikaru and Kaoru, they're in my class" I gesture to the two twins that were pouting.
"And this is Tamaki..... an aquantince (I CANT SPELL FOR SHIT IM SRY) of mine" Tamaki took a physical blow from that while miss owner jammed her fingers on the piano- knowing damn well what was going on.

"It's been so long! We haven't seen each other since middle school graduation" I spoke while we now sat at a table smiling and talking to one another.
"Yeah, So hows Ouran been treating you?" He asks.
"Do you keep in touch with anyone from middle school anymore?"
"Well I kept in touch with James... and Ouran's been pretty fun" I smile.
"So these guys... are all in a club with you?" Arai asks.
"Yup, the host club.."
"Is that so..?"
"Y/n! Don't you think you should be working? YOU SHOULDN'T BE SLACKING OFF!" Hikaru yells while waving his empty glass around. That's not like him much.
"Sonoda said I could have a break, ask Haruhi" I roll my eyes playfully. I hear tearing of paper and turn to Tamaki to see exactly that... shreds of paper from his manual surrounded him in the corner.
"Tamaki, stop making such a mess!" I scold.
"I'm not making a mess... I'm making a home for my hamster......."
"Senpai, you don't have a hamster"
"I'm not your Senpai.. remember" he says sadly. I sigh and turn to Arai.
"I'm sorry about him." Arai only laughs.
"You Ouran Guys are funny. I would imagine the academy to be a whole different world"
"It's a different world alright" I stick my tongue out.
"To be honest Y/n I thought you were gonna have a hard time going to such an elite school, I'm glad to see you doing well" I grin at him. He suddenly blushes.
"I mean.. it's not like I was the only one worried about you..! Lots of people were!"
"Yeah yeah sure.." I tease a bit. I hear Hikaru argue until he announces loudly.
"It's sickening to try and watch him flirt" he adds.
"Yeah, doofus, we used to date" I add blandly.
"WWWWWWHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT?!!?!!!!??!!!!!?!!!!???!!???!" The host club screams. Tamaki jumps in immediately.
"Y/n, Arai! FILL US IN RIGHT NOW!!!" He shouts.
I look to Arai and we both shrug to each other.
I rest my head on my hands and let out a barely annoyed sigh.
"It's nothing really... we just dated for a bit in grade eight" I 'explain'.
"W-Well! Why did you two break up!?" Tamaki shouts. I roll my eyes. Man I do that a lot. Why am I just realizing that?
"Apparently, I was just some guy to experiment his sexuality on-"
"WHAT?!" Tamaki shouts and glared at Arai while he sweats.
"Taaammmmaaakkiiii! You didn't let me finish;;; even though that made me utterly furious, he apologized and after we broke up we stayed friends. There, that's your explanation, happy?" I cross my arms and lean back in my chair. The twins and Tamaki didn't look so happy- in fact they looked mad so I turned back to Arai.
"Be warned: they will probably be glaring at you for the rest of the day" he sighs.

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