Childish Games

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Surprisingly enough- Tamaki wasn't angry for long. And now all of the host club, except for the twins, were seated at the table and we were all talking.
"What should we do, Hikaru? They're having a good time over there we could join them.." I overhear from Kaoru. I look over to see Hikaru still angry.
"No, I'm not going too. I can't believe the boss is actually hanging out with that jerk!" Hikaru retaliates making me sigh softly. I stand up making sure not to draw too much attention and walk over to them both before sitting down next to Hikaru.
"So... what's got you so upset?" I ask him quietly. He seemed a bit happy when I had come over but he was still glaring at Arai.
"You're still hanging out with that.. that.. that asshole!" Hikaru cusses making my eyes widen and draw the others' attention.
"I thought we were your friends, aren't we Y/n?! Why are you hanging out with that-" I slap him across the face cutting him off. He shakes a bit.
"I-I'm.. sorry Hikaru but god damnit stop being the jerk here and stop trash talking Arai!" I shout at him glaring.
"Whatever.." he growls and runs upstairs to what I assume is his room.
"Hikaru!!" Kaoru shouts and runs after him. I sigh and look down to my stinging hand... did I slap him too hard...? Was that even the right thing to do. I rub my hand against my jeans and head to the bathroom in silence to calm down.

I was saying my goodbyes to Arai and so was the rest of the host club before Kaoru came out.... only he was pretending to be Hikaru... ugh, yeah I did the right thing slapping him when he can't even apologize. Kaoru apologizes instead and the second Arai was our earshot I brought my hand to Kaoru's cheek and wiped off the concealer hiding his scratch.
"Kaoru... why are you dressed as Hikaru" I finally ask. Kaoru blushes ever so slightly and sighs in defeat.
"Hikaru's temper isn't gonna let up anytime soon... he's no fun when he's like this" Kaoru smiles.
"So I've got a small favor to ask of you..?" Kaoru asks and I hum for him to go on.
"How would like to go out with me tomorrow on a date?" He grins sheepishly.


"Sorry to keep you waiting" I turn to see Hikaru?
"Hikaru? Where's Kaoru?" I ask curiously.
"Well uh you see..." he then goes on to explain Kaoru being 'sick'. I hum nodding with my eyes closed before looking back up at the twin.
"Well what should we do? Do you wanna go back?" I ask.
"No... I promised Kaoru that I'd 'show you a good time'" he quotes making me giggle slightly. We start walking off alongside each other to enter the shopping areas of town.
"Hikaru.. I'm sorry for slapping you..." I mumble looking to the ground.
"I-It's Fine. I deserved it..... I-I.... I'm... sorry too.." he says the last part quietly making me smile at him.
"Awe. I appreciate that hikaru." He blushes a bit.
"So... what do you want to do?"
"I don't know.. Kaoru said he'd show me around and plan everything" I mumble after remembering off the top of my head.
"Well there's nothing..." he stops himself.
"What.?" I ask curiously.
"I know. Lets go to that outlet mall, they have cheap clothes there." He suggests.
"That's cool but do you need clothes?"
"No, no way I'd buy my clothes there"
"Then let's not go..?" This conversation was going no where. I look up to the sky seeing many clouds.
"I hope there isn't a thunderstorm coming today..." I mumble. I hear Hikaru mumble something but I don't bother listening.  I then see an old guy that strangely looked familiar to Honey Senpai shouting 'ice cream' before being swept away by a tumbling 'dust cloud'. Hmm, ice cream does sound good right about now.. I look across the walk way and see a famous ice cream stand. I excitedly get up and rush over to it.
"One ice cream please"
"Y/n! You shouldn't just run off like that" I turn to see a worried Hikaru. I just smile and take the ice cream I had ordered and showed it to Hikaru.
"I heard this place is famous from their ice cream... here you can have the first bite" I lean it closer to the red head's lips in a way of insisting him.
"Fine. But if it tastes bad we're playing a penalty game" before Hikaru could take a bit he gets shoved back by the 'shop owner'
"WHAT A HANDSOME MAN HERES ANOTHER ICE CREAM ON THE HOUSE" his voice was off and he looked strange.
"Uh. Thanks" he disappeared and I take a lick from my own ice cream cone and smile.
"Delicious" I mumble. Hikaru then takes a bite after eyeing me.
"This does taste pretty good" he says.

After we finished our ice cream cones we strolled around until I found a little stand.
"Look at these, they're picked yams! Pretty weird huh?" I ask holding a free sample of it up.
"Pickled food's lame" Hikaru comments. I roll my eyes and put a piece against his lips.
"Try it then" he glared a bit and bites into it.
"...ok it's kind of good" he admits making me giggle.
"2 bags please" I request and Hikaru glared at the food.
"Don't you know you're supposed to buy souvenirs on the last day of the trip??" He asks.
"These are for Kaoru. Maybe he'll feel better knowing we were thinking of him" I mention smiling.
"... how could you tell I was upset about Kaoru?" He asks with a slight blush looking away.
"I just can. Okie lets go" I say casually and began walking away from the frozen up Hikaru.

We spent the whole afternoon looking at little gift shops and cute food places until we were looking at books through the window until I heard a rumble come from the sky. I flinch and quickly look up to see the darkening sky and clouds turning grayer by the minute.
"Did you.. hear something?" I ask hoping I was imagining stuff.
"Nope. But it looks like it'll rain soon, wanna head back?" He asks considerately. I smile softly and nod.
"Yes please"
"Cool. Let's head down there and we'll hail a cab" he suggests. From behind Hikaru I saw Arai's familiar face.
"Oh. Hey Arai, what're you king here?" I ask walking around Hikaru to see him fully. Hikaru is already giving off the vibe of annoyance making me frown.
"Oh this is my uncle's shop! You guys shopping?"
"We were but it's gonna rain soon so we're leaving at the moment" I mention.
"Oh then take my uncle's car! I'm sure he won't mind Lemme ask-"
"Actually we were gonna call a taxi"
"Oh don't waste your money on taxi fare!" I hear a louder rumble of thunder come from the sky making me jump again. I furrow my eyebrows and calm my breathing.
"H-hey the sooner we get home the better right??" I ask really wanting to leave.
".. then I guess you'll be riding home alone then" he says with his bangs covering his eyes.
"Hikaru pl-please-"
"Just Do Whatever you want ok???!! Go ahead and catch up but leave me out of it!" He shouts running off.. again.
"H-Hikaru!!" I shout. I chase after him and the second I do began raining....

I shivered as I continued crying silently underneath the table inside an abandoned church I had found.... there was horrible thunder and lightning and I couldn't find Hikaru..
"Y/n?! You in here?" I flinch as I hear him walking up the aisle. He finally stops in front of me. Looking down at my quivering frame.
"Y/n..." he mumbles before pulling off the table cloth on the table and sitting next to me before wrapping me with it so could be dryer. Before I could say anything he sets his headphone over my ears which played music. I sigh shakily and leaned against Hikaru as he had his arm wrapped around my waist.
"I'm so sorry y/n.... I'm sorry for leaving you and being an ass to your friend Arai..." I hear his muffled talking through the music. I only nod and shuffle closer to him.
"I forgive you...Hikaru.. just please stay here with me" I lay my head in the dip in between his shoulder and neck.
"O-of course." I hear as I fall asleep almost immediately.

"Oh hey Arai!" I greet happily as he walks in with a huge watermelon.
"Hi Y/n, look what I've gotten for you guys! It's from my uncle's shop! He always grows the best melons" he mentions grinning. Tamaki, Mori and honey all surrounded him.
"That is a big melon!" Tamaki agrees. Hikaru then walks over.
"Here!" Arai hands Hikaru the melon while smiling. Hikaru smiles a bit back. I look up to see Kaoru and Kyoya standing at the over hang hallway.
"Come on guys!! Melon cutting time!!" I shout grinning to them.

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