Which Is Gone

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The Ootori family villa. Huh.
My thoughts were interrupted by Mori opening my room.
"Oh hi Mori" I greet.
"Dinner" He says and I nod. We got Haruhi as well and I was happy seeing her in a dress.
"I think your dad repacked my bags too" I scratch the back of my head nervously. She looks down seeing I was wearing shorts and that's when she knew what I meant.
"Heh. Sorry. But you do have nice legs" she compliments with a small smile. We follow Mori into the dining room and everyone has noticed Haruhi in the dress and me in shorts for once.
"Nice outfits guys!" The twins say in unison.
"My dad switched out both of our bags" Haruhi sighs slightly annoyed. The twins give two thumbs up each.
"Way to go Haruhi's dad!"

We all sat in awkward silence before honey recommends we actually eat. I mostly watch Haruhi eat like 15 and sass Tamaki before he has enough.
"Ok it's fine I get it... you're not apologizing to me huh.. fine with me I'm going to bed. Kyoya please show me to my room." I rolled my eyes.
"No problem. Well, excuse me everyone." Kyoya says. I then realized I haven't eaten anything yet. I break a crab leg and eat it.
"Maybe I should learn some self defense." Haruhi wonders out loud.
"Yeah.. maybe.." I saw in between bites.
Haruhi apologizes to everyone. For some reason. I haven't really been keeping up with the conversation because now my stomach is hurting like a mother fucker.
"Um.. is something wrong Y/n?" The twins ask.
"Um... honey Senpai.. did you season the crab?" I ask nervously. He nods worriedly.
"Oh geez... I'm gonna puke.."
"WHERE'S THE NEAREST WASHROOM?!" Haruhi asks for me. Luckily is wasn't far.

The sink water runs. After all that puking I've been thinking. Maybe I should apologize to Tamaki. I finish washing my hands and turn the water off before leaving the room. Where am I?
"Are you ok?" I look over to see fricken Kyoya shirtless... I blush.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine.." I mumble.
"I'm sorry, we should've asked if you had allergies"
"I'm not allergic to my stomach is just sensitive to certain things... and don't apologize I should've been the one to inform" I sigh.
"I mean, you should be the one apologizing" he says standing up.
"I did have a hard time separating Hikaru and Kaoru from those two hooligans... they almost beat them half to death. And I had to send each of the girls a bouquet of flowers to apologize" he walked across the room to me.
"I-I'm sorry, Senpai. I can pay you pay for the flowers" I stammer having a hard time with him so close and so shirtless.
"Each bouquet costed 50,000 yen, that would be 600,000 yen total, Y/n" Kyoya turned off the lights making tilts my head, becoming very confused.
"Why'd you turn the lights off?"
"If you want to, you can pay me back with your body" he says leaning down to my eye level, still shirtless and no glasses. He grabs me by the wrist and pulls me to the bed. He hovered over me while I remained blushing and looking up at him.
"You should rethink your own gullibility, that things have nothing to do with being a boy or girl"
"You've left yourself completely defenseless to me"
"Are you practicing on me? Because you should do this to Haruhi. Or have you already asked her these? And just wanted to be in such a position with me?" I ask and smile. I've seem to have caught him dumbfounded.
"You won't do it Senpai. You don't gain anything from it" I give a real answer.
"..what if I said yes?"
"Hm?" I ask.
"What if I wanted to be in such a position with you?" He asks and my mind goes blank. He gets off of me and sits at the edge of the bed chuckling.
"You're a fascinating man, Y/n" I giggle a bit and sit up as he stands up. Then there was a knock at the door.
"Kyoya you got any lotion the sun burn is-" it was Tamaki and he had opened the door seeing the state of the room.
"You bastard!-"
"Here, use as much as you want you big goof" kyoya smacks Tamaki with a bottle of lotion. I laugh at this.

Now I was in my room being scolded by Tamaki.
"What were you doing in his room" he asks.
"Nothing.." I blush at the thought.
"Whatever. I'm sure your tired after today. Night.." he began walking off before the storm outside decided to make itself heard.
".. Senpai..!" Then crackingly loud thunder and lightning clashed together outside. I grab onto Tamaki's shirt from behind but quickly pulled away when he turned around looking at me strangely. But then more thunder came immediately after the first clash making me jump and look down holding myself tightly.
"What's wrong Y/n?"
"WHAT BUSINESS DO YOU HAVE WITH A CLOSET?!?" He shouts from outside which is muffled. Then more lightening and thunder strikes making me whimper.
"Y/n.. are you afraid of the thunder?"
"N-NO IM NOT!!" I shout keeping the closet locked. I don't want him to see me crying. He then breaks the cheap lock and opens the door to see me curled up in a tight ball and covering my face.
"Come on. You can come out now" he offers a hand. I shake my head no and sniffle.
"Y/n, it's ok you'll be ok.." he comforts. He takes my chin in his hand and brings my head up to see him eye to eye. His are slightly widened seeing me cry for the first time.
"It's ok y/n" I hear him whisper before another lightening clash is heard and I jump into his arms quickly. I cling on tightly to him and he holds me against him. I squeeze my eyes shut.
"Shush. Your safe with me. There's nothing to be afraid of." I feel his arm around me and hand gently lying on the back of my head.

"Knock knock Tamaki! Y/n! We're coming in!" The door opens revealing the rest of the host club to see y/n comfortable asleep in Tamaki's lap as he sat on the bed.
"Get out" Haruhi tells Tamaki. And he does puppy dog eyes before being to leave y/n's room. That that is until the sleepy y/n wouldn't let go of Tamaki.
"Hmmng stay.. please" his words came out slurred but they hit all of the hosts directly in the heart. So Tamaki got to sleep with Y/n that night since Haruhi felt too bad to remove him now.
I guess you could consider this, all of the hosts seeing his scars, as a half way point to his little secret.

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