A Dance With The Troll

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"It's so nice to see you all here, my little lambs, the Ouran Host Club would like to bid you all.... a good welcome" Tamaki bows underneath the spotlight and the chandeliers all turn on as the violins got louder. The ladies all clap at this.
"As always ladies, the host club is here for your entertainment so dance with us to each of your heart's content, one lucky lady, based on her dancing skills, will receive a passionate kiss on the cheek by our King" Kyoya announces smiling.
"Good luck ladies~" Tamaki winks to them. Haruhi looked nervous and sweaty as I roll my eyes at the amount of squealing at the moment.
"Y/n show some enthusiasm!" The twins say in unison behind me.
"Sorry but I'm not into parties or... whatever this is" I huff.
"I've only ever been to my neighborhood festivals.." Haruhi mentions, also overwhelmed.
"Well you two are both here now so may as well grab something to eat.. we've got quit the spread" Kyoya says and both I and haruhi's eyebrows quirk up.
"Llliiiike.. fancy tuna?" I ask for the both of us.
They all shout at once making me flinch. Tamaki does a fricken back flip off of the balcony above us and points at Kyoya.
"and some deluxe sushi." Kyoya mumbles. I blush bright pink now being held by both of the twins. Haruhi has distanced herself to the other side of the platform we were standing on. I glare at her. She will die.

"uwu got me some fancy tuna while that Haruhi is forced to dance. Hah" I say to myself happily watching all of the hosts dancing with someone. Haruhi was dancing with Kaniko at the moment, it was her saying sorry for earlier. I was alone. I was watching Haruhi go back on the dance floor with Kaniko before she.. what the hell??! DID THE HOST CLUB JUST KIDNAP HARUHI??!?! I choke on my fancy tuna.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU GUYS ARE DOING??!!" I break down the door, panting. I look up to see the rest of the host club and Haruhi all dressed up as a girl. I squint.
"I feel like this was done... forcefully.. nice hair by the way"
"Oh shut it" Haruhi says annoyed already walking out the door and down the hall. I watch with the other hosts.
"What's going on." I questioned. Well more like demanded.
"The boss made Haruhi dress up and go pronounce her love to a stranger" Hikaru says.
"I.. guess. To put it simply" Kyoya says while adjusting his glasses. I huff.
"Welp! I'm got to go grab Kaniko now! The rest of you can proceed dancing with the guests" Tamaki says and runs off and the rest of us head back to the party.

The couple danced in the spotlight as the rest of the host club and guests smiled.
"That turned out.. better then expected" I mumble to Haruhi and she laughs a bit.
"AND NOW WE'LL ANNOUNCE THE QUEEN OF THE BALL!" Hikaru announces while holding a banana peel. W h a t.
"CONGRATULATIONS PRINCESS KANIKO" Kaoru finishes grinning. Everyone claps. I look back at the twins. Where did those fricken banana peels go??
"WHAT" I shout while Tamaki looks sad again.
"Kyoya did say a little accident at the end of the night might be a little thrilling for everyone" the twins say in unison and shrugging.
"I'm not doing that" I mumble.
"We'll cut haruhi's debt by 1/3 if you do" Kyoya responds. I flinch.
"It's just a fricken kiss." I mumble back and descend down the small staircase. I stand in front of Kaniko who I tilt her head to the side.
"Hey you don't think this is his first kiss do you?" Honey asks tamaki.
He goes pale.
"WAIT Y/N!" Tamaki comes out of no where and slips on the missing peel and pushes me to kiss Kaniko!! On the lips!! A bunch of girls squeal while others sob. Well clearly Tamaki is sobbing the loudest.
"Welp. That's the first time kissing a girl before.." I say out loud.
"WHAT" the host club screams and the ladies fangirl of course. Not Haruhi since she already knew I had a couple boyfriends and kisses with them 'n stuff.
"Uh.. yeah? I gave my first kiss to a boy so what??" I ask confused. That only made the girls scream louder. I roll my eyes as Haruhi laughs a bit alongside me.
"I think they're jealous" I quirk a brow up and look to the hosts. My eyes widen seeing: Kyoya angrily write down in his notebook, Tamaki crying in a corner, a shadow casting Moro's face, and the twins who stole Kyoya's laptop and tried researching who I first kissed? I blush a bit.
I bet they wouldn't care so much if they knew about the true me.

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