Two Incapable Trolls That Are Now Hosts

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"I saw you playing games the other day, is that all you do?"
"Yes we'd like to know as well!" The ladies day as I sit at the table alone with them. I grin excited to share.
"Oh I like baking! I bake all the time, my favorite thing to bake is layered cakes!" I say and they all blushed squealing. This is easy! Now I can help Haruhi pay her debt, she was also hosting at the moment tell her girls about her mom. I sigh at that.
"I would love to taste your baking sometime Y/n!!"
"Yes me too!"
"Me three!" They all day in their high pitched voices. I nod giggling a bit.
"Oh what could I bake for you ladies?! What's your favorite sweet??" I ask excitedly and they answer, they all like cookies!
"Oh geez but there's sooooo many cookie flavors..." I think of the recipes I know.
"Make is any cookies I'm sure they'll taste great" they enthuse and I nod.
"Ok, I can have them tomorrow if you ladies are free..?"
"YES WE CANT WAIT" they say in unison while squealing. All I could do was smile.

"Y/n come here for a moment please" Tamaki says while snapping his fingers to get my attention. I excuse myself from the girls and walk over.
"Hi Tamaki" I greet standing in front of him.
"This is my regular guest, (insert that red haired girl's name cuz idk how to spell it)"
"Oh nice to meet you miss.." I say trying to get extra points for Haruhi. Tamaki freaks out and now he's swinging me around in his arms.
"AGGHHH THAT WAS SO CUTE, Y/N!!" He squeals with a red face.
I manage to shift around so I wasn't suffocating in his chest but now I need to escape his death grip!! I look over to see Mori Senpai with Honey, he should be strong enough to release me from this idiotic blonde.
"M-Mori Senpai!! Help me!!" I yell out. He suddenly over to us in a flash and lifting me up in the air out of the blonde's grip.
"Uh. Mori Senpai, you really didn't have to go that far" Tamaki says blank faced before Mori sets me down.
"Thanks" I mumble looking away. If I can't see him he can't see my blush!! Hah! Logic!
Tamaki starts baby talking me and I roll my eyes walking away, not noticing the jealous glare I was receiving from that princessy bitch.


"Wha..?" I stare out of the window seeing my bag floating in the water... along with all my other stuff.. I start running to the exit before my stuff could become anymore damaged. You would think snobby kids would have better things to do then bully. I run by the same red head and she starts talking to me. I paused...
"I know what you are, and it's disgusting. You're no man and you never will be"she says. I hear her
200$+ shoes click away from me. It all come flooding back. All of the bad memories. Ever since 5th grade I was different. My eyes start to water as I begin running again with a much faster paste.

I had stopped my crying to sniffles and puffy eyes as I dig around for my wallet.
"You have some nerve skipping out on the club like that" I hear Tamaki at the edge of the pond. I sniffle in a somewhat response.
"Huh? Why is all your stuff wet??" He asks.
"I-I... don't know.." I let out a shaky breath. I then hear more water splashing and turn around to see Tamaki helping me. I couldn't stop staring until he got up with my wallet smiling that faded a bit seeing my puffy eyes.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He asks concerned. I take my wallet from him and drop it onto the pile of damaged school supplies. I sniff again.
"It's nothing" I mumble stepping out of the water not before smiling at him sadly.
"Thanks.. by the way.." I mumble and began slipping my shoes back on and rolling down my damp sleeves.

"My that sounds terrible." I keep my head down. I could feel Haruhi staring at me while concerned but can't ask since she's surrounded by girls.
"I would hate if that would happen to me" I hate her. I hate her. I hate her venom laced words. I hate those evil fucking eyes.
"Stop being so jealous of me, it's sad" I growl out. Her eyes widen and she knocks over the table and collapsed into a submissive pose. She kicked the chair out from under me but I don't fall on top of her, instead I land on my butt.
"HELP THIS TRANNY HAS ASSAULTED ME!!" She screams. No. God fucking please no. This was supposed to be a new year.
"EXCUSE ME??" I hear Haruhi scream from the other side of the room, angry as hell. She stomps over.
"Haruhi please.." I beg her and suddenly the twins appear and dump a bunch of water on all 3 of us. Haruhi is glaring bullets at the red head bitch while I stay sitting trying not to cry again. God damn medicines' making me sensitive and shit. Tamaki helps the red head up. She tried babbling out her lies but Tamaki stops her.
"I'm disappointed in you. Bullying a host and calling them such name? Spreading rumors about them? That's it from you, (insert her name) you are now banned from the host club" she starts crying and runs out. I look down on the floor messing with my fingers before Tamaki offers me a hand. I sigh and take it, standing up.
"Hmmm now how am I going to punish you Haruhi? I mean.. you did yell at a guest.. your quota is now 1000!" Tamaki points at her. And she dies a little inside.
"Are you ok???" She asks me. I shrug.

"We only have these left, I'm sorry but it's better then being wet" Kyoya says handing me both Haruhi and I bags with new uniforms in it.
"C'mon we can have girl talk in the changing room" I snort at haruhi's statement and roll my eyes as we walked off.
"Yeah yeah whatever.

"yoU WALKED IN ON HARUHI?!" I scream at Tamaki after hearing from Haruhi that's how he finally figured out she was female. Oh also, I'm not wearing a girl's uniform since I got the last male one and Haruhi was left with the girl's one.
"IM SORRY" he screams back.
"Gimme please" I did a grabby hand and he shrugs handing it back to me.
"Yesssshhhhh" I whisper.
"Y/n, do you know why the guest called you a tranny?" Hikaru asks. I freeze up and Haruhi starts glaring again.
"Why you lit-"
"H-Haruhi calm down..." I mumble and she backs off annoyed.
"What's I say??" Hikaru asks waving his hands in defense.
"It's whatever" I sigh and look to my side.
Maybe I'll tell them. Some day.

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