Sensei Mori

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akdhsksgdjsgs this is episode 22 btw

"Tamaki! You're dressed as Riyoma Sakamoto, right?!" A girl squealed.
"He's so wild and handsome!" Another girl gushed.
"Handsome, wild, and I'm going to steal your hearts, ladies" Tamaki 'purrs' making me gag. The girls all screamed.
"Why is he speaking in the Tosa dialect...?" Haruhi questions as she stood next to me. I stick my tongue out as I tug at the itchy cloth of my cosplay again.
"I didn't know that the Edno era cosplay would be so popular with the ladies.." she hummed.
"What?! But that's the basics! Most girls like it and if they do they're usually crazy about it!" The twins say from behind us after appearing out of no where.
"Haru!!! Can you scratch my back pretty please?!" I whine and she scoffs, ignoring me and directing her attention to Renge who also appeared out of thin air.
"We'll scratch you're back for you, Y/n" the twins said in a creepy sense making me blush and huff, deciding to stand there uncomfortably instead.
"Wow that's quite the history lesson, Renge" Haruhi says sarcastically making me snap out of spacing off and realize Renge had been speaking this whole time about the Edno era. I huff and glance at Haruhi, noticing that she was the one spacing off now, also with girls gushing about her. I sigh and shuffle away from her, wondering what Mori was doing. I glanced around the room until my eyes fell on him.
"So, Mori has to be Kai Shimada?" I listened into a girl speaking to her friend.
"No way. He's totally Yamazaki" the other giggles.
"I think it'd be super cool if he was Soma!" A third girl sighs. Suddenly Mori Senpai stood from his bench and took a nearby spear and stabbed a door....
"Mori Senpai?!" I heard Haruhi question as herself and the rest of the host club go white.
"Why the sudden lunge?!" Hikaru asks.
"Are you not getting enough attention?"
"Calm down Mori Senpai! I know you're upset you only have one line every chapter but you'll be able to have your own soon enough!!" Tamaki says panicked.
"No, we have a trespasser" mori mumbled as he opens the door to reveal a red headed student laying on his ass, glaring up at Mori.
"Takashi Morinozuka!" He growls, getting up and lunging towards Mori. The idiotic trio in the host club screamed bloody murder at this as my eyes widen and gasped.
"Senpai! Please take me on as your apprentice" the red head bowed, leaving me and the rest of the hosts astonished as Mori was also surprised! Astonishingly enough......

"Ritsu Kasanoda, 1st year, Class D. Heir to the 3rd generation head of the Kasanoda Syndicate, the most powerful gang in the Kanto area" Kyoya reads out loud.
"They say that if your eyes meet his then you'll have bad dreams for months, if you bump into him then you'll end up in a hospital, and talking back to him will send you to an early grave. Scared classmates call him the walking blizzard." Kyoya finishes. Me and the hosts were sat on either side of Kyoya, glancing into his notebook.... except for Mori, Honey, and Haruhi, who went to make tea. Kasanoda sat on the couch opposite to us, scowling.
"Seriously? Then why would a human weapon like yourself wanna be Mori Senpai's apprentice?" Tamaki asks, in the red head's personal space.
"Because... well look I maybe tough but I'm not a 'human weapon'. I was just born with a face that makes me look mean." He huffs.
"Well at least you're aware of it, Casanova" the twins nod.
"It's Kasanoda!" He corrects.
"Bossa nova?" The twins and Tamaki all ask in sync.
"I said it was kasanoda! Do you wanna die?!?" He shouts while glaring darkly at them. The trio was suddenly hiding behind the couch, peaking over.
"Man, he really is mean-looking!" They shiver.
"...sorry 'bout that... this always happens because of the way I look" he realizes what he did and rests his face into his palm.
"That's why... Mori-Senpai, I need to know! How can you have so many friends when you're just as cold and distant as me?!" Kasanoda asks making Mori stare at him in shock making me laugh into my hand. The red head bows down in front of Mori once more.
"Please show me how, Senpai!" Tamaki seemed like he was going to let Mori handle this but then... the silent giant gave him a panicked look making the blonde's ego grow three times its size.
"Listen to me, Bossa nova! You need a lovely item! Notice how Mori has Honey?! That's his lovely item that makes him seem loving and caring, when in actuality- he does NOTHING!" He explains making Mori's jaw drop, Haruhi came out of no where and even she was agreeing! With tamaki and the twins of all people! At this point I was standing on my knees, facing the others while still on the couch next to kyoya.
"Y/n, if you're going to be on the couch then please sit on it correctly." Kyoya hums, paying no attention to the chaos.
"Oh! Sorry Senpai" I say in response and stood up from the couch instead, not wanting to annoy Kyoya.
"Hikaru! Kaoru! Make this man fashionable!" Tamaki pointed to kasanoda and the twins jumped him.
"Oh this is going to be good" I giggle.

~the next day~

"Someone got on Mori's bad side?" Hikaru questions.
"Nah, that's impossible" Kaoru adds.
"How could you be so sure, you don't know that." Kasanoda huffs.
"Don't you worry you're pretty little head about that. We've got work to do!" Suddenly Tamaki pulled out a giant white board that had "operation kasanoda" written at the top.
"What the hell?! Are you just going to pretend that yesterday never happen?! I looked even more scarier!!" He complained loudly.
"Yes yes, I know. I hope you'll forgive the twins they got... a little carried away... now then..!" Tamaki pulled the rest of the hosts, including haruhi, to the white board.... since Haruhi made tea yesterday I got stuck with it now.. luckily I just finished so I took the tray and walked up to where Kasanoda sat and set it down at the table.
"Just thought I'd warn you but please don't put too much faith into the bunch" I sigh, grabbing his attention.
"Thank you... but morinozuko recommended the guys to me. Besides, I don't have much of a choice, without their help I've got nothing.... hey I don't think I've met you before, what was your name?" He hums and I set a cup of tea in front of him and take a cup for myself and sat down on the couch next to him.
"I'm Y/n L/n, I'm a first year as well. Just like you, I was admitted when I got to high school. Guess we're buddies." I smile a bit and sip at the tea. Kasanoda blushes at this.
", y/n... do you like to play kick the can?" He asks. What a strange topic.
"Not exactly.... I'm not that good at it" I look away from him and look down to my tea.
"But, maybe you can teach me how to be good at it some time?" I hum and sip at my tea again. I glance at him and notice his eyebrow twitching and his pink cheeks.
"What is it?" I hum. He turns away from me.
"Bossa nova!" Tamaki suddenly says.
"Y-...Yes?" He responds.
"I believe we finally came up with something that will change your tough guy image!"


Kasanoda stares at the host club with distaste and agitation because... well... he's wearing cat ears.
"A cat monster" honey said and we all thought of it. I laugh a bit into my fist as the hosts left across the room to discuss this... matter at hand.
"Kas, you don't look too bad in those cat ears" I hum trying to cheer him up, at least a little.
"Oh, are you ok if I call you that for short?" I tilt my head to the side making Kasanoda gulp harshly.
"Y-Yup!! It's fine!!"

After Kasanoda had dramatically ran away after being put in a cat-maid outfit... I had gone outside to look for him and I eventually spotted him sitting on the steps by the hedges and fountain. He had a little basket sat on his lap with an injured bird in it.
"Is that a sparrow?" I ask as I walk up to him.
"Y/n? What're you doing here?"
"Figured you'd wanna talk maybe... anyways, how'd he get injured? The sparrow?"I wonder out loud as I sit down next to him.
"O-oh... I saw him fall out of his nest the other day, I could tell it was hurt so I took it to the vet and they said he'd be fine in no time."
"Aww, I have to admit, I'm kind of a sucker for animals... uh... do you mind if I feed him?" I ask Kas, looking up to him.
"...go ahead" he blushes lightly. I immediately take some of the seed from Kasanoda's hand and carefully fed the baby bird.

"LOOK OUT!" I glance up and see a paint can, for some reason, flying through the air, honey had kicked it and it flew out of my way but the can had cracked and paint spewed all over my expensive uniform... the bird had also flew away...
"It flew away.." I mumble but was quickly pulled away from the scene by Tamaki.
"GAH!! Y/N!!! That's not blood, is it?!?" He squealed making me huff.
"Could you calm down?!" Haruhi lightly smacked Tamaki's shoulder as I roll my eyes at the two.
"It's just paint, Senpai..." I mumble and stand up.
"Are you sure you're alright, L/n?" Kas asks me, also standing up. Before I could answer we heard two males yelling in protest because Mori had captured them....
"Hey, I'm gonna go get changed now" I tell Haruhi and she nods but the twins somehow overheard.
"Want us to come?" I roll my eyes at this and head inside the building.

"Hey, you okay? I'm sor-" I glance quickly to the doors and saw kasanoda, making my whole face turn red and so did his. I was only in my fucking underwear-
"G-Get out!!" I shout in embarrassment as the red head just stood there in embarrassment.

How many of you guys like Kasanoda??
Should he be a love interest?

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