A Commoner's Interest [Kyoya]

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Rc/m- rom com movie
Yet... another boring Sunday... damn these are happening too often.. well I actually WAS gonna go to the movies with Haruhi today but she cancelled last minute because she just realized a big test was THIS Monday and not next week! So she is spending all day stressfully studying. I was whining the whole time we were on the phone when she was cancelling so she told me to go to the movies with someone else and now we're here. Clicking in between contacts. I land on Ootori, Kyoya, I had him and the rest of the host club's number saved to my flip phone after I complained to them about it after Tamaki told me about Kyoya giving out my number. I roll my eyes a bit. I hesitate to click the call button over Kyoya's contact but did it anyways. It felt like the monotone ringing went on for ages before he finally picked up.
"Yes, Y/n?" I think it was his tone but I got the vibe he was already annoyed with moi.
"I'm not interrupting anything right??!" I ask worriedly.
"No, of course not. What have you that impression?" He asks in a more regular tone of voice now.
"..nothing.. anyways-! If you weren't planning on doing anything else today I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me?" I ask.
"Why so sudden?"
"Well I was going to watch it with Haruhi but she cancelled out last minute and now I'm left with two tickets! So will you come???" I ask in a pleading tone.
"I don't see why not, when shall I pick you up?" He doesn't even ask if I want to be picked up!
"U-um. In one hour is fine" I stammer ever so slightly but it was still obvious as hell. My face lights up when I hear chuckling over the phone.
"Alright, see you then" he hangs up before either of us could say anything else. I huff a bit. I wonder if he's ever been to a movie theater. I bet he has one installed in his mansion. I walk to my wardrobe and pick out my outfit.

 I walk to my wardrobe and pick out my outfit

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(You can wear whatever- just using these as reference :) )
After many trials and errors... I have come up with this beauty! I smile happily as I examine the outfit I slid on. I check the time and my heart sinks once I realize Kyoya will be here any minute. I quickly tame my hair to be somewhat presentable and as I was splashing water in my face, to make sure I look a little less dead inside, I heard my doorbell ring. My eyes go a bit wide as I quickly dry my face and rush downstairs. I open the door to see Kyoya.
"Hey... Hey Kyoya!" I greet- out of breathe. He quirks an eyebrow up before looking at my outfit.
"You look nice. Come on, we don't want to miss the movie" he says turning around and walking to the limo. I nod and close my front door behind me. I catch up to him before I realize he was holding the car door open for me.
"I can open doors on my own" I playfully roll my eyes and slide into the fancy leather seats. He gets in after me and gestures to the driver to head to the cinema.
"Are you sure? It did take you awhile to open the front door" he smirks while adjusting his glasses. I huff.
"I was busy getting ready you dum dum!" I look out the window so he couldn't see the slight blush that was burning up my flesh.
"Of course" I could hear the smug smirk in his voice!

We make it to the cinema and I'm nearly bursting through the seams with joy, I've been waiting forever for Rc/m to come out.
"You seem excited" Kyoya says matter-of-factly. I don't respond and instead hurry into the movie theater with Kyoya following behind.
"First, we need popcorn" I say mostly to myself while Kyoya nods it off anyways. We stand in the concession line which was a taking a bit.
"I never asked, what movie are we seeing?" He asks.
"Oh! It's called Rc/m, I've seen the trailer for it a million times, it looks great!" I smile to him before it was our turn  to grab our snacks.
"Hey Darling, What can I get you?" The employee greets while winking.
"Hi Love" I snicker.
"One large popcorn, please"
"Anything for you, babe" he says chuckling a bit before leaving and coming back with the buttery goodness. I grin and take it.
"How much" Kyoya asks with a dark aura surrounding him as the reflection in his glasses made his eyes invisible. I sweat.
"Uh- um. I-It's on the house man!" He says quickly putting his hands up in defense. Me and Kyoya leave soon after. I would ask him what's wrong but he's still pretty scary at the moment, so we walk into the theater playing Rc/m and get comfy in a our own row way in the back.

It was half way through the movie and Kyoya hasn't said a word since earlier. Maybe I'll ask him after this great fucking movie. I hear Kyoya yawn so I look over and he has his arms stretched up in the air before letting them fall- one of which falls around my shoulders. I chuckled I a bit.
"Kyoya?" I ask smiling at the extremely cheesy move he had just commuted. He doesn't take his eyes off the screen and is still silent as ever. I sigh and look back to the movie, not before I snuggled into him a tiny bit.

The movie ended and we were the last two to exit. He doesn't seem as scary as before so I decided now is the time to ask.
"Kyoya, what's wrong? You've been silent this whole time.." I grab his bicep to get his attention.
"You were flirting with that man! In front of me none the less!" He says, louder then his regular tone of voice. I flinch. Before I begin laughing, like;; laughing really hard. Kyoya watched me with furrowed brows.
"Kyoya are you... jealous?" I ask look up to him after calming my laughing a bit. He lets out a huff of air and looks he other way blushing a bit.
"You are!!" I exclaim.
"Kyoya, I didn't mean to make you jealous, that was just James! We fake flirt like that all the time! Trust me, there's nothing going on between us, he actually has a girlfriend" I explain. Kyoya looks back to me as I continue letting out little giggles. That is, until he took my chin in his hand and lifted my face up to his.
"Honestly, why didn't you tell me before?" He asks glaring a bit. Before I can argue his lips were on mine... my eyes widen a bit as I realize he was kissing me in front of many people, including James! He pulls away before I can and I blush dark red.
"WOO!! GET SOME Y/N!!" I hear James yell across the room. I cover my face with both hands and groan in embarrassment.
"Oh? What's this? Did I make you become flustered y/n?" Kyoya asks while smirking. I remove my hands.
"Whatever... lets go.." I mumble. He chuckles a bit before nodding in agreement.

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