No, We're Here To Rob The Supermarket

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"So mom... how was work?" I ask nervously while Tamaki remained in the position that made it seem I was pinned down by him. Then my mother smiles. I watch in fear as she power walked up to us and easily threw Tamaki to the wall behind him.
"I'm so sorry for leaving you and Haruhi alone last night! How was your guys' sleepover?" She asks completely ignoring the Tamaki sliding down the now dented wall.
"Y-you..." I stare wide eyed with my mouth agape.
"My my, my shoulder is so sore! Like I went hand to hand with a ferocious beast!" She complains while rubbing her shoulder. Tamaki whimpers begins her while reaching to me.
"I could sure use a cup of hot tea about now." She says and Tamaki jumps up.
"ILL GET YOU SOME TEA MISS! Y/N DO I USE FIRE WOOD TO BOIL IT?! HURRY UP YOUR MOM WANTS TEA!-" Tamaki barely finished his rant before my mother steps on him.
"Oh my! Would you look at that?! It's seem I've come across a LITTLE PEST! WOULD YOU LIKE TO TELL ME WHY YOU HAD MY SON PINNED TO THE FLOOR YOUNG MAN?!" My mom shouts at him while he screams and starts sobbing in fear.
"Hey boss what's taking so long?"
"Woah look that person with Haruhi's dad is y/n's mother!" The twins say peaking through the doorway.
"HIKARU KAORU HELP ME OUT HERE- AHHGK!" The twins began literally walking all over Tamaki to shake my mother's hand.
"Nice to meet you Miss! We're good friends with your son, the Hitachin Brothers. Sorry about him he didn't get enough air in the womb, he likes to fool around a lot" the twins say in sync all the while Tamaki screams from being stepped on.
"He likes to fool around, eh?" My mom asks angrily after shaking hands with Hikaru and Kaoru.
"NO IM NOT MA'AM IM A NICE GUY!! I CARE ABOUT HIM!!" Tamaki defends. I blush darkly and huff.
"I get it. You guys must be the host club I hear so much about" suddenly flowers were popping off of her. My eyebrow twitched. The whole host club was sitting down around my mom now while Haruhi and her dad were snickering in the kitchen, and Tamaki sat in the corner, back facing us.
"You're certainly all a bunch of fine looking young men! I don't know which of you I like best! What about you dear? How about you boys just call me Sakura San?" I squeeze myself into a tight ball.
"Hi Sakura San I'm-!"
"Mitskuni, I know!" My mom says cheerfully.
"Wait, how did you know my name Ma'am?" Honey asks and my mom starts naming all of the hosts of how I DESCRIBED THEM TO HER!!
"You're Mitskuni, a third year that's 'nice and gives me free cake'" my mom quotes me and I quickly make my escape to the kitchen.
"You're Takashi, a third year who's 'basically a giraffe but hot'"
"You're the Hitachin Twins, Kaoru and Hikaru, first years that are 'adorable yet trouble'"
"You're Kyoya, a second year who is 'smart and a cutie'"
"And you.. You're Tamaki, also a second year and is 'a big blonde moron who acts like a baby'" I hate my mom. I cover my face while I stood in the kitchen with my back facing them so I don't meet their burning stares.
"Well that's awfully nice of Y/n" the twins purr out in unison.
"Y/n why didn't you say I was hot and smart-!!" Tamaki shouts.
"IM GOING TO THE SUPERMARKET AND ONLY HARUHI IS COMING WITH ME SO LAY OFF!!" I shout- face burning red as I grab Haruhi's wrist and was out the door with her. I slam the door and huff.

Me and Haruhi stood inside the market deciding what greens to put in the stew we were going to make. I was no longer blushing but every time I think about what had just happened it makes my ears glow red no matter what.
"Celery or Spinach?" Haruhi asks me, holding the two packages up. I shrug.
"Celery. I hate spinach" I stick my tongue out at the terrible tasting vegetable. Haruhi slightly chuckled and I swore I could hear a familiar squealing.
Then I heard someone fall behind me. I look over to see Tamaki laying flat on the floor.
"What are you doing here, senpai?" I ask quirking a brow up. He gets up quickly and grins.
"Oh Y/n!! I've followed you here to carry your basket! You know how much I love accessories! Now hand it over.!!!" He says weirdly. I tilt my head to the side before giggling a bit.
"You're so weird" I smile.
"Why do you have mushrooms all over you?" Haruhi asks him as the rest of the host club is suddenly revealed and all exploring different parts of the market.
"You up for a stewpot?" I ask Tamaki smiling as I put the Celery in I had picked out into the basket he was was holding for me.
"Yeah.. but with a lot of meat in it.. no chrysanthemum.." he mumbled.
"I'm sure we can make that just fine" I give a thumbs up.

We made it home and Haruhi helped me make the stew and served the Honey Chamomile cake for desert afterwards. Which received many compliments.

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