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"Stop playing your game while running your gonna trip!"
"Nuh uh!!" I stick my tongue out while playing my game and running at the same time. Then Haruhi stopped to open the door and I fell into her.
"That wasn't tripping!!" I argue. She rolls her eyes and opens the door. My eyes widen seeing it was a tropical forest with- OMG IS THAT A CHAMELEON?? I rush into the room.
"THIS IS AWESOME" I squeal with a bird already on my head and a butterfly giving me kisses on my nose.
"Why are you guys so late?" The twins ask in unison fanning themselves.
"I could be wrong but my calendar says it's early spring.." Haruhi says. Tamaki starts talking about the weather but I just continue playing with the animals while sitting on the floor.
"Ok now get dressed up!" Tamaki throws me a costume that matches the club's theme. I look at it then him.
"You don't have to y/n" Haruhi says softly since the clothes are revealing as hell.
"I remembered my foundation! I can where the costume!" I cheered and quickly ran to the changing room excitedly.

I come out in costume and with my scars covered with foundation that matches my skin tone. I grin walking over to where Haruhi was, which was with the others.
"Look look!! Haruhi look!!" I say excitedly and she turns around smiling.
"You look-"
"GAH SO CUTE!! WE NEED TO DRESS UP MORE OFTEN!!!" Tamaki screams cutting Haruhi off she looked annoyed which made me laugh a bit. I didn't notice the rest of the hosts staring at me in the revealing costume. I have to say, I love this outfit!
And now the host club is open!

"I didn't forget your girl's cookies!" I say taking a plate of my homemade cookies and handing them to the girls.
"They're snickerdoodles!" I explain and they nod excitedly and each took a bite of their own cookie. I can feel Honey's eyes boring into me. I sigh playfully and look to him.
"Honey do you want a cookie?" I ask and he smiles.
"Yes please!!" He says grabbing one and eating it in one bite!
"MMM Y/N THESE TASTE GREAT!!" Honey says childishly. The girls nod their heads in agreement while humming. I blush a bit looking away.
"They can't be that good.. heheh..." suddenly the rest of the host club was gathered around my table and trying my cookies.
"Try one Mori!!" Honey insists and he complies.
I began receiving too many compliments for them. I blush a bit darker scratching my cheek shyly.
"I guess.. they are.."
"Y/n-Chan can you start bringing me homemade sweets??!" He asks excitedly after eating at least 3 huge cookies.
"S-sure."This was a bit overwhelming;;;
"We should have them at the party!"
"A party...?" I ask to myself hearing it from the other hosts.
"Excuse me" I look up seeing a new girl.
"I believe the hosts are switching clients now"
"Oh! I'm sorry" I apologize.
"Hmm. Your even cuter then I expected. Ive decided.. you're now my new favorite host" I tilt my head to the side while she holds my chin up.
"Huh?" She only giggles and I shrug.


"Hey boss! How about you stop eating that commoners' ramen and help us with the party planning?" Hikaru asks.
"That's not even the good brand" I mumble to myself.
"Does it really bother you that much that she took a liking to Y/n?" Kaoru asks.
"He shouldn't be surprised, she's had the illness for a while now hasn't she?" Kyoya says boringly while typing away at his laptop.
"What illness?" Haruhi asks.
"She's got the host hopping disease" Hikaru comes over along with Kaoru.
"That means the never-same-boy-twice" Kaoru explains further.
"That's right! So Tama-Chan is upset that y/n's her favorite Host now" honey says walking over.
"Oooohhhh So He's jealous of me??" I ask looking up from my game to the host club.
"SHUT UP" Tamaki gets in my face now angry and blushing as well.
"IM RUNNING OUT OF PATIENCE WITH YOU!" Tamaki asks. I tilt my head confused.
"HOW ARE YOU SO POPULAR WITH THE LADIES???! ALL YOU DO IS SIT THERE PLAYING VIDEO GAMES!!" He screams and drags a chest out of nowhere that had 'king's private property' printed on it.
"NOW YOU LISTEN TO DADDY Y/N!!" he yanks out a large framed photo and it was me in fucking middle school all dressed nice and preppy and without the messy hair and without the bags under my eyes that I usually do have.
"WHO GAVE YOU MY MIDDLE SCHOOL PICTURE???!??!!" I shout back with a bright red face.
"The more I look at this photo the more amazed I am" Hikaru says. Now the WHOLE HOST CLUB was looking at middle school me!!! What the hell seriously who gave them that!!!
"Haruhi.." I glare at her and she sweat drops.
"H-Hey!! It wasn't me!!" She says. I sigh, believing her.
"Hate to change the subject but do you have formal dancing experience? You two will need it at the party" Kaoru says and it's obvious Haruhi hasn't- well I haven't either but..
"Er.. it's not counted as my quota right?? So if we can be excused.." Haruhi sweats more.
"NOPE! Sorry Haruhi but if you want to be hosts and not errand boys again you're gonna have to learn the waltz in the next week!" Tamaki says smirking and I whine while Haruhi looks defeated.

"Quick, quick, slow.. Quick, quick, slow.."
Tamaki is sulking in the corner again...
"Now, Y/n, on slow you need to bring your feet more inwards.." I furrow my eyebrows looking down at our feet.
"Remember the gentlemen always leads, and make sure to look at the lady you're dancing with" she giggles a bit.
"Ok.. I think I...- AH!" I trip over my own two feet and fall, accidentally landing on top of Lady Kaniko (?)
"Oh geez.. I'm really sorry!!" I blush.
"Heheh it's alright y/n" she wraps her arms around my neck making me embarrassed so I immediately get up and lend her a hand.

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