To Be Honest- Bowl Cuts Are Hot

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"The Daruma doll fell ove-AH!" Tamaki was playing yet another stupid game with the host club... not me, because of that little stunt I pulled yesterday to help him out gave me extra Tamaki-Senpai points. Aka I don't have to play this game with them today. I sit underneath the shade of a tree as I watch them be stupid. It was pretty entertaining, pretty funny to an extent as well. The twins made poses every time Tamaki was looking and they were frozen while Haruhi glared at me at every chance she received. I giggle into my hand. Oh and let's not forget about the newspaper club watching. They were completely underwhelmed as they watched. Probably waiting for Tamaki to commit yet another attempted murder. And.. already Tamaki is arguing with the twins that he say them both move.
"What are we witnessing President?"
"Is this some sort of new religion?"
"Hell if I know.." I snort while listening in on the other club's comments. Then Tamaki comes out of no where and how I like to say, trying to woo them. Hah. I'm funny.
"I'm not sure if I get what he's saying.."
"Are you sure this guy's not just a complete idiot?" The club whispers to each other again.
"Don't let your guard down just yet, this is all part of his strategy.."
"His only strategy is to make a complete fool out of himself before making out with me" I mumble quietly to myself. I draw the attention of the 3 members still... damnit.
"You're L/n, right?" I look back to them and see the President with a notepad, the shortest of the group holding one of those big circle things to make camera lighting better and the tallest holding a camera aiming towards me.
"Yup" I nod to his obvious question.
"You wouldn't mind if I asked you a few questions would you?" He ask and I hear a camera go off. I glare at the one holding the camera and he flinched. I stand up from my comfortable sitting position and stretch a bit.
"Sure" I mumble and he suddenly slides next to me so we were shoulder to shoulder.
"So why did you join the host club?" He asks with a fake ass smile.
"..well Haruhi was in it so I joined too" no way I'm telling them that we broke a expensive ass vase and we're held against our will. I hear the camera go off again.
"You a honor student, correct?"
"Yeah" I hear the camera go off. Again.
"So in other words the fact you're part of the host club is just another example of the Suoh family loves flaunting their power" what
"... what" I spoke my mind.
"Please tell me all about Tamaki's darkside, if you're able to help me out here I might just be able to set you free" op what
"Uh.. sorry but as far as I can tell Tamaki doesn't have a dark side" I mumble truthfully. He scoffs.
"That can't be right. You expect me to believe that a group of high schoolers genuinely like playing these childish games?" I look back at the childish game still going on.
"I don't think it's that weird"
"You have got to be kidding me." Suddenly the twins come out of no where and swipes me away.
"CHOP" they scream in unison and now I'm being carried away into the hedge maze. I jump out of their arms and they don't seem to notice me gone. I huff.

"Okay Kyoya, you're it!"
"If I must"
"STARLIGHT KICK!!!" Tamaki shouts at the top of his lungs and kicks the soda can and it bounces off the trees before hitting the president over he head.. again.
"C'mon Y/n! Let's go!!" Tamaki grabs my hand and now we're running through the hedge maze.
"I don't want to play.." I mumble but the blonde clearly was having too much fun to notice my pain and suffering.
He suddenly stops running and looks around.
"Did you get us lost Senpai?" I ask.
"Of course he did.." I say out loud with a sigh and it looks like he took a physical blow from that.
"LOOK Y/N I FOUND A GREAT HIDING PLACE OVER HERE!!" He says waving his arms around from behind a corner. I sigh blandly.

We sit at the gazebo that was covered with roses.
"So we're stranded here until someone finds us?" And he sounds like a dog again. I roll my eyes playfully yet without smiling.
"Are you messing with me?"
"WOOF WOOF WOOF" he barks tragically. I rest my head in my crossed arms and look to Tamaki.
"I haven't played any of these games since I was in grade school... and even then they were.." I sigh before finishing my sentence.
"Well.. I probably like playing these goofy games now since I didn't have much of a childhood" I look to him now that he was talking like a normal human. Is he a furry?
"I was too busy worrying about my sick mother back then... I would play the piano for her hoping it would make her feel better" he looks up to the ceiling of the gazebo. I look up too to see a single whit rose in the middle of all the red ones. I smile at that.

"I found you" I look up to see Kyoya and the rest of the host club. Tamaki barked in response making me sweat drop.
"Where's the newspaper club?"
"Something urgent came up! They can no longer cover us!" The twins answer.
"Hm." I hum. Knowing fully well that they just wanted more gossip, just about the host club this time.
"But don't worry"
"They've found a more respectable way to continue their club without being shut down" the twins side eye Tamaki.
"Oh, that's good then!" He says happily. I walk alongside Haruhi.
"Lemme guess. The newspaper wanted gossip on the host club?" I ask quietly so Tamaki won't hear.
"What?! How'd you know?!" She asks loudly. I roll my eyes and shush her.
"A gut feeling" I giggle a bit.
"So.. what did you do with Tamaki? All alone out here?~" Haruhi teases which catches the attention of the rest of the host club making the air tense. I laugh nervously.
"Nothing!! Shut up!" I punch her arm and she chuckles. I look up to the sky that was setting. I sigh in content. Any day now.. I can tell them who I really am.

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