*Coughs Awkwardly*

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Episode 14 btw
"Why are you even reading that? You know it's all filled with lies.." Haruhi sweat drops while gesturing to this week's newspaper that Ouran's news paper club had published, which I held in my hands after buying it. I shrug.
"To be honest.. it's pretty funny. Almost everything in it is made up and the rest is overdramatized student relationships. Like a gossip magazine..." I mumble the last bit while Haruhi sighs. It was host club hours and me and Haruhi managed to get alone time from squealing girls and dramatic boys. We had also dressed up in... clothing I could exactly describe. All I know is Haruhi looks like a girl.
"Y/N HARUHI WATCH OUT!!" We look over to see Tamaki running to us. Haruhi quickly backed away from him as he tackles me to the ground. I hear Haruhi snort as a baseball bounced by.
"HIKARU YOU ALMOST KILLED Y/N!!!" Tamaki shouted angrily after standing up. I just lie on the ground.
"Hey, it's you fault Boss for not catching it" both of the twins shrug.
"Yeah who knew you could be so bad a kemari"
"So much for being the genji of Ouran academy" this made Tamaki madder.
"WHAT?!" He begins arguing with the twins and I roll my eyes before standing up and brushing myself off with my tongue sticking out in disgust. These clothes are too fancy to ruin.
"You think so?! Well check this out!" I look over to see Tamaki suddenly in a soccer uniform.
"STARLIGHT KICK!!!" He screams. I shuffle to Haruhi for safety as she watched the soccer ball fly away without amusement. I sigh with relief. Before I look up again and sweat dropped seeing the soccer come flying back and crashing through the school's window- hitting someone on the back of the head.
"Wow love committing first degree murder with the bois" Haruhi knocks me across the head for that one.

"Really... we're truly sorry" Tamaki bows to the president of the newspaper club.
"You're sorry... I didn't do anything" I mumble under my breath but Haruhi managed to hear still so she knocked me upside the head again!
"Owwww" I whine rubbing the spot she hit.
"Oh it's fine! We were actually wondering if we could get an interview with the host club" the president smiles. He's probably annoyed. No one is EVER happy to meet Tamaki for the first time. I slump to the floor and sit there watching the conversation continue on until the three members are bowing to Tamaki.
"Please help us! For our last paper this semester we'd like to do an up close special edition revealing the charms of the host club's members. I'm begging you without your help out Club will close" the President asks pitifully. I stay sitting on the floor bored out of my mind, already knowing Tamaki's answer.
"You can count on us! On behalf of the- AHHH-" Tamaki is pushed away by a smiling Kyoya. I giggle silently at this.
"Well have to decline."
"BUT KYOYA HE GOT HURT BECAUSE OF ME WHATS THE BIG DEAL?!" Tamaki argues. I perk up also wondering what the problem was.
The Kyoya explains not being able to share personal information to anyone other then the guests. Psh. Fucking lying. He gave everyone my phone number.
After some petty whining from the newspaper club and arguing from Tamaki...
"We'll help! We'll rally the strength from our host club and we can re-establish the newspaper club together!" Tamaki says. The twins instantly count themselves out.. then everyone else. Well technically Haruhi never did but the twins stole her away from me. Sigh. Tamaki notices me still sitting down and lights up.
"Y/n!! I can always count on you!" He squeals and I look away blushing a bit. His giddy mood doesn't hold forever though- he turns to the leaving hosts.
"Hold it! How can you be so heartless? These men are about to loose their club, don't you feel sorry for them? THEIR FAMILY'S BREAKING UP!" Tamaki shouts with anime tears streaming down his face. The newspaper does the same.
"WE'RE NOT GOING TO DO IT!!" The host club says in unison to Tamaki. He starts screaming as his ego breaks at their angered faces.

We were in the club room now and Tamaki was sitting in the corner, making no attempt at asking the other hosts again, just sitting there pouting. This was annoying.
"Y/n why did you want to help him?" The twins ask in unison. I stood with Kyoya, Haruhi, and the twins as Mori and honey ate cake at a table.
"I don't know.. probably because this would happen if I didn't." I sigh gesturing to Tamaki who was growing mushrooms now.
"Let's just continue with today hopefully he'll forget about it" Haruhi says grimly.
"I wish. If he acts this way around his guests he'll get less requests" Kyoya says while fixing his glasses. I look at Tamaki sadly, well mostly annoyed- yeah I'm only doing this because I'm 100% annoyed. Kyoya is Vice President so.. he has some word in this... I huff and furrow my brows- mustering up my best pouty face. I turn around and look at Kyoya until he looks at me. Until he recognizes my pouty ass face. He coughs into his fist and looks away.
"..what is it Y/n?" He asks. I notice Tamaki look over with his ears perked up.. somehow... is he part dog??
I let out a small sigh and clear my throat before going back into character.
"Can we plllleeeaasssse help the Newspaper club out?? Tamaki-Senpai is sad and- and he won't feel better until we do something..." I say in my best whiny voice ever. Haruhi looks impressed actually... Kyoya's breath even hitches. I finally take notice of the whole host club staring me down as well. I feel this is how a porno starts out;;;;
"I... there will be some conditions" Kyoya says breathless while fixing his glasses so the reflection can cover his eyes again. Tamaki is already looking much more happy. Dude he even fucking b a r k s.
Kyoya reads off the conditions.
"Well... do we agree?" Kyoya asks the other hosts snapping his Deathnot- book, I mean book, shut. I feel two pairs of arms wrap around my shoulders.
"Since our toy became so whiny over the matter, of course" Hikaru says and Kaoru nods along. I blush a bit. This was a bad fucking idea.
"Since Kyoya is fine with it I am too" honey mumbles with his mouth filled with cake. Mori only hums, while making direct eye contact with me.
As we were leaving the music room to the newspaper club room Haruhi stops me.
"I'm assuming that's how you get your mom to buy all those games for you?" She asks with a sweat drop and I grin.
"Fuck yea" she only groans and hits me over the head.
"Stop. Cussing."

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