Homosexual Supporting Cast

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"Welcome ladies" The host club greets in sync.

For once me and Haruhi weren't late and managed to be able to wear the costume too. The costumes were G-rated for a change and Haru was wearing a kimono while I wore a... butler outfit? I'm not sure what to call it but it's the same outfit as Kyoya. And god damn was Kyoya killing it.
Anyways Tamaki stole my 3DS so I could be "more social" with my guests.
My usual 3 guests notice me staring at Kyoya.
"Hehe. Why are you staring at Kyoya, Y/n-Chan?" one of the girls giggles out.
"O-Oh, nothing..." I stuttered bringing my stare back to them. They all squeal.
"So cute!!" They day in unison. I blush a bit looking at the ground.
"I don't mean to be rude girls but... how was that cute?" I ask, generally curious.
"Well.. you were obviously checking Kyoya out" my face turns completely red at this, making them let out more squeals.
"N-No I wasn't! I-I just think he looks good in the outfit..." I defend myself but it didn't exactly seem like it. They all let out giggles.
I look back over at Kyoya and notice him trying to sell picture books of us- WAIT A MINUTE. WHAT KIND OF PICTURES ARE IN MINE??? Oh god. I swiftly look down at my lap since Kyoya was looking over.
"I totally ship it" one of my guests say making look up at her.
"No-no-no... I ship him with Kyoya AND Mori" a girl argues. My face becomes more red if possible.
"L-Ladies.. please" I slightly beg.
"WELL I SHIP HIM WITH THE WHOLE HOST CLUB" the 3rd girl responds. The other two clap for her. I shove my face into my hands.
"Aww. Sorry Y/n" they apologize with sweat drops.

"So Y/n, have you decided your electives for this course?" The twins ask me after my last guests left.
"How about conversational French?" Hikaru asks.
"I don't know.." I mumble not really interested in finding an elective right now.
"I was thinking the 4 of us could take it together, we are in the same class" Kaoru says before Hikaru synced up with him. They glanced behind us and I notice Tamaki there. Now Tamaki is sulking, great.
"Say.. mommy dear?"
"What is it now, Daddy?" Kyoya is taking this too far Jesus Christ.

I stopped paying attention since the twins were asking about my electives and such and were in my face until Tamaki pushed them away and grabbed me by the shoulders.
"Y/n! I want you to stop hanging out with those shady twins!" He yells.
"Who are you calling shady??" Hikaru asks.
"Take a good look at yourself boss!" Kaoru finishes. I snort at this. I quickly cover my mouth.
"You need to go back to who you were in middle school!! YOU NEED TO HANG AROUND GOOD PEOPLE Y/N!!" Tamaki screams. I roll my eyes playfully.
"Maybe after physical exams he'll be swarming with a bunch of 'good girls'" Kaoru brings up.
"Physical.. Exams??" I ask confused.
All of the host club were by me now, and god knows where Haruhi is!! But now the host club was staring me down.
"Oh yes I forgot about that" Kyoya says. My breath hitches.
"I-I don't wanna do that!! Hahah!" I laugh nervously slowly becoming nervous.
"Oh and what about Haruhi?? Isn't she gonna get discovered that she's actually a girl?" I ask so I can distract them. Success. I escape whilst panic ensues within the host club. I walk around the yard and eventually find Haruhi.
"HARUHIIII" I whined overdramatized.
"THEY HAVE PSYCHICAL EXAMMMSSSS" I explain the whole thing to her. After a bit of discussing we thought of a 'plan' so my scars, that foundation can't cover for shit, won't be seen by the public!!


"So... what do you guys do in these?" Haruhi asks the twins as I rapidly smash some buttons on my 3DS.
"It's just like any other physical exam" Hikaru says.
"Yeah, just because we're rich doesn't mean it's any different for us." Kaoru says.  Then my battery dies.
"If my beloved has died... I will die as well" I mumble sadly slipping my 3DS into my pocket.
"Hah I guess your right" Haruhi responds to the twins. She then opens the door and.. lines of doctors. I shiver. I hate doctors. Got some bad experiences with them.
"See? Just like any other casual psychical exam" Hikaru says walking in with Kaoru right behind him. They get their nurses and they're off.
"Casual??" Me and Haruhi ask in unison. Then a nurse drags Haruhi away. I sigh and start walking to my appropriate area for my exam but not before some weirdo in a lab coat bumped into me.
"S-Sorry" He says messily and runs off.
"Uh.. Kay then.." I mumble heading to the special boy's clinic.

~with the host club~

"I swear!! A doctor grabbed my shoulder! He was trying to make a pass with me!" A girl sobbed as the host club, including Haruhi all stood by.
"Hopefully the security will catch him, I don't believe it could be one of my doctors.." Kyoya says.
"Yeah" The twins say in unison.
"Did you see where he was headed?"
"Yes! He was heading towards the special boy's clinic!!" The girl sobbed Haruhi freezes up. The hosts look to her.
"What wrong??" Tamaki asks.
"Y/N IS AT THE SPECIAL BOY'S CLINIC RIGHT NOW!!" Haruhi yells in panic. The two didn't tell the hosts where he would be getting his exam so they didn't make a big deal but..!
"WHAT?!" The host club shouts in unison.

~back with you~

I examine my scars in the mirror behind the curtained off room. I heard the curtain move  and looked over to see a strange man. I quickly cover myself with my removed shirt.
"W-What th-" he covers my mouth, panicked.
"Please don't say anything it's not what you-"
"TAMA CHA KICK" Tamaki screams jumping through the curtain and kicking the stranger to the wall. I blush and cover my nude chest with my removed shirt the best I could as the entire host club shows up. A worried Haruhi tackles me kind of.
"Are you oKAY??!??" She asks worried.
"Uh yeah??" I ask confused.
"PLEASE DONT HURT ME!! SPARE ME MY LIFE!" The stranger screams. And now his life story.
"*insert this dude's story*"
"THATS SO TRAGIC" Tamaki adds.

In the end.. the host club helped this dude out.
"I'm sorry about this guys but uh... could you guys leave?" I ask still with a small blush staining my cheeks. I mean I was partially nude in front of these guys!! They all jump back.
"Are you mad at us?!!?" Tamaki asks worried. I giggle a bit and turned around.
"No silly, I need to finish my exam, duh" I grin. He blushes and starts hugging me.
"AHHHHH YOURE SO CUTE!!" He squeals.
I hang on tightly for my dress shirt that has been successfully covering my chest.
Maybe.. one day I could let go of this dress shirt..

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