A Commoner's Interest [Kasanoda]

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//not my art btw-//
//ps- James is in this chapter ;)//
//pps- s/m= scary movie//

My phone vibrates making me face away from my tv and pick it up. Kasanoda had messaged me!
Hey Y/n, what are you doing today?
I read to myself before eagerly typing back.
Not sure;;; kinda bored actually
I hum to myself and go to place my phone back down but then it buzzed again.
Then do you wanna catch a movie? My treat.
I smile at what had been sent and respond just as quickly.
Sounds good! :) what time should I be there?
I turn off my tv and stand up from the couch while waiting for a text back.
Just be ready by 1, I'll pick you up :)
I felt butterflies in my stomach as I check the time only to see it was already 12:10 pm! I plug my phone into a charger before rushing to my room to figure out what to wear.

I finish getting dressed and check the time seeing it was already 1pm, just as I was leaving my room I heard a knock at my door. I open the front door and saw kasanoda with a shy smile.
"Hey, Kas!" I smile and he blushes.
"Uh, hey... thanks for accepting my last minute plans" he chuckles nervously.
"How could I resist a free movie?" I hum walking out my door and shutting it behind me.

~at the theater~

Me and Kasanoda arrive at the movie theater and immediately get in line to get snacks, I once again see James working behind the register like last time I was here. Once we get to the counter James' eyes light up.
"Hey y/n!"
"Hey, James" I return his smile and Kas obviously looks a bit confused.
"Oh! Kas, this is my friend James" I continue to grin.
"Er... nice to meet you... can we order now please?" This makes James laugh.
"Oh yeah, sorry! What can I get ya?"

Me and Kasanoda make it to the screening room and I actually just now realize that I have no clue what we're watching! I look back at my ticket and saw it was s/m.... oh no. I do NOT do well with scary movies but... Kas already paid for the tickets and snacks and I don't wanna ruin it for him! I quietly huff to myself as the ads abruptly stops and the movie begins.

This was probably the third time I had let out a scared yelp and it was probably the last because Kasanoda faces me with a concerned look.
"Are you alright?" He whispers and I nod before gulping and facing the screen once more before a gore-y scene was shown, which made me shove my face into Kas' side so that I didn't see the screen.
"Alright, c'mon, lets go" Kasanoda sighs worriedly, already getting up so I got up with him, not really wanting to argue as I followed him. Once we were outside of the screening room he turns to me.
"Y/n? Do you not like scary movies?"
"Um.. n-no... but you had already bought the tickets and snacks and I didn't want to ruin it for you!" I look up at him sadly which made him freeze and blush.
"Hey hey!! You didn't ruin it for me!! Uh-.. how about we go to the park instead?" He smiles at me.
"Yes, of course" his smile grew wider which made me smile a bit as well. Just as we were leaving the cinema I heard James.

Me and kasanoda were taking a peaceful walk in a mostly quiet park at the moment...
"Uh...y/n?... do you mind me asking where you got those scars..?" I knew what he was referring to when he asks that. We both stop walking and I fumble with the hem of my shirt with a sigh.
"Um... it's actually uh... surg-" I cut myself off when I hear a small mew from the bushes. Kasanoda seem to of heard it as well and had immediately went to the bushes nearby and got on his knees. I walk over to investigate as well and saw two pointy little ears. Kas picks the creature up to reveal a fuzzy little kitten that looked barely a month old.
"Aww!! Cutie!" I squeal and gently take the feline from the red head to cuddle it as he stands up.
"What are you doing out here, baby??" I ask the kitten and it just meows making me giggle. I glance at Kasanoda and see him blushing.
"Kas! What if the poor thing is homeless?!" I jut my lower lip out as I look back at the itty bitty baby in my arms.
"Then I guess we would have to take it to the animal shelter" I gasp at the suggestion and let the cat.
"What?! That's like jail for this cute thing!!.... I'm taking it home!" I smile and the cat meows again.
"Well... that'll work I guess" he smiles as well and pets the cat making it purr.
"This has been a good day" I sigh happily.

Holy fuck this was shit

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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