Ballerinas Still Aren't Fun

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Me and Haruhi we're walking down the hall way to the host club after the watching the performance down by the Lobelia Girl's Academy.
"Who designed their costumes?" Haruhi asks trying to light up the mood.
"Right?!" I ask laughing. Then she stops, I look ahead of us seeing the same three ladies from before. I mentally groan.
"C'mon Haruhi, D/n! Let's set those boys straight!!" Benibara shouts enthusiastically as I roll my eyes.
"Excuse me? Set what straight?" Haruhi asks.
"We're gonna tell those boys that you two belong with your own kind! And then you'll be able to us at our wonderful Zuka Club!!" The other 2nd year shouts.
"It will be a good influence on you, D/n" Hinagiku says in a bitchy tone. I pull my lower eyelid down with my index finger and stuck my tongue out at her.

(Like this lol)"

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(Like this lol)
"..right.." Haruhi mumbles.

We make it to the host club doors and open them and.. the lights are off?? Me and Haruhi stare at each in confusion. Then look back seeing two 'female' figures stand up singing Ouran at high pitches...???? And then a male figure stood up singing Ouran and very deep voice. I watch with my brows furrowed and eyes squinting in some hardcore confusion. Then another 'female' figure singing Ouran in a bad female voice. And then another one came up screaming Ouran in a childish voice. The lights finally flickered on to show the hosts- except for Mori- all in dresses.
"OURAN!!!" Tamaki sings finally getting up.
"HOST CLUB" they all sing in unison.
"WELCOMES YOU!" Me and Haruhi stare wide eyed... analyzing.
"Oh Haruhi, Y/n! Welcome back!" Female Tamaki greets us while walking up to us.
"Haru Chan Y/n Chan!! Look I'm a princess!" Honey shouts excitedly spinning up to us. The 3 girls become mad.
"What is this?! Some sort of mockery?!? What is the meaning of this?!?!" Benibara shouts.
"What? No! That's not it at all!! Our strategy is guaranteed to make even a crying child smile. ITS THE FREEBIE CAMPAIGN!!!" Tamaki poses with the host club. I'm might start crying not gonna lie.
"You ladies who have lived sheltered lives at lobelia might not know this, but commoners are apt to have a weakness for free things. So if you stay with us Haruhi and Y/n, not sure why you'll be going but, you'll not only gain a host club full of brothers but sisters too!! This way you can experience feminine bonding while staying in the host club!" Tamaki explains his 'plan'.
"Why you idiots! Are you really trying to win them over like this?! IVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR FOOLING AROUND!" Benibara shouts but me and Haruhi couldn't hold it in anymore and start laughing maniacally. Immediately I'm in tears and on the floor.
"I KNEW YOU GUYS WERE A BUNCH OF GOOFBALLS BUT NOT LIKE THIS" Haruhi says in between laughs while I'm still on the floor.
"Are we really that funny?" The twins and honey ask in sync while in front of me and Haruhi.
"AHHH" me and Haruhi scream as the three began chasing us.
"NO O OH HOOOO!!" I cried out.
"SAY IT PLLLLEEEEASSSE??!" Me and Haruhi shook our heads no.
"C'mon cut it out!!" Haruhi says and they do. She catches her breath while I'm still giggling to myself.
"What were you guys thinking?" She asks.
"We did this because we didn't want you two leaving the host club" Hikaru says.
"Well maidens? Have you made a choice" Benibara asks us both. I stopped talking by now and glared at her.
"I- We appreciate your offer but Y/n's a boy, and I've come to this school with a goal set already. So we won't be joining your club nor school any time soon after the way you've treated y/n" Haruhi's voice grows flat. Hinagiku scoffs rolling her eyes. I get up dusting myself off finally and smile sheepishly.
"Benio...?" The other 2nd year I forgot the name of asks.
"Yes.. I know" she responds.
"We're not gonna give up on you two maidens. We swear to you, someday we'll come and rescue you two from this place! And when we do, WE'LL ABOLISH THE OURAN HOST CLUB!" Benibara shouts angrily and annoyed.
"When we meet again~" she says goodbye and the three start twirling down the halls before they all slip on a banana peel and fall. The doors close and finally the host club is left alone.
"So... why did they keep calling you a D/n, Y/n?" Hikaru asks.
"Yeah why did they think you were a girl??" Kaoru asks as well. It was quiet obvious that the rest of the host club wanted to know why too. I just sigh.
"It's been a long day... I'll tell you guys some other time but let's just forget about it for now" I smile softly up to them.
"AGH OF COURSE ANYTHING FOR YOU YOU CUTE LITTLE COMMONER!!" Tamaki squeals huffing me tightly. I laugh a bit and smile at him.
I can't keep it a secret forever. And I know that.

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