Y/n Is Oblivious

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Okie, yeah, kasanoda's officially a love interest, meaning that he will be one of the endings you can choose. I will also write a chapter of you two hanging out outside of school, basically what I had done with the Commoner's Interest series. Let me know what they should do for their 'date'!

"Hey, you okay? I'm sor-" I glance quickly to the doors and saw kasanoda, making my whole face turn red and so did his. I was only in my fucking underwear-
"G-Get out!!" I shout in embarrassment as the red head just stood there in embarrassment.

Kasanoda remains frozen in the doorway, just staring at me with a beet red face that's was just as red as my own.
"U-Uh.." I mumble awkwardly.
"M-My bad!!!!" He snaps out of it and quickly left the room, slamming the door shut behind him. I huff. After that i soon heard yelling.
"PEEPING TOM!!" I heard the twins scream at Kas, making him scream in return. After that, all I heard was muffled voices. This made me hurry up and finish dressing in the clean uniform.
I have to hurry before Kasanoda is beaten to a pulp!
I thought nervously, not bothering to tie my tie correctly before opening the door to see the whole host club, it looked like they've been interrogating Kas as well....
"Knock it off you guys!" I huff to them.
"Sorry, Kasanoda" i turn to face him.
"Hey L/n..." he mumbles nervously since the hosts were still glaring daggers at him... especially Haruhi...
"Kasanoda obviously didn't mean to walk in on me, it's fine... also why are you guys so mad about it?¿" I ask in confusion as Haruhi face palms.
"I just don't get it... it's not like I'm in Haru's position..." I mumble mostly to myself as I bring my fist to my chin and closed my eyes, thinking thoughtfully while Haruhi groans and walks up to me, grabbing me by the wrist.
"Alright well! It's waaayyyy after club hours and we both want to go home, good bye!" She huffs in agitation as she drags me off.

~The Next Day~
Third POV:

Kasanoda walks into the club room during hosting housings, so there were tons of girls all waiting to be tended too. The ladies all began to mumble and whisper about the red head as he sits down on sofa and embarrassingly announces-
"I'd like to request... L/n... please" which made the girls scream and gush if this was real or not. All the while Renge appeared out of no where.
"The genuine article. AT LONG LAST!" She says loudly.
"Renge! Is it really true?! Is he really?-" a girl asks before being cut off by another girl.
"Could he really be that kind of persuasion?" Kasanoda quickly realizes that all eyes were on him, and that no matter how hard he glared, no one would freeze.
"Hi, Kasanoda" he's brought back from his thoughts by Y/n, walking towards him with a tea tray. Y/n sat the tea tray down before sitting next to Kas.
"So... you're our guest today?" The shorter one hums making the red head blush.
"Uh, that's right.."

Your POV:

"Would you like some tea? How much sugar do you normally put in?" I ask, going to pour him a cup of the beverage before he had stopped me.
"H-Here, let me help!" He stammers.
"What? No, it's ok. You're our guest.... well I guest I should say my guest" I go backing to pouring his tea and poured myself some as well. I was trying very hard at playing cool since... I haven't actually hosted without Haruhi before... and she usually does all of the talking!
"So um.... is this your first time in a place like this?" I ask, leaning close to his face since he was spacing out.
"E-Eh?" He blushes and backs away nervously. I laugh a bit.
"I'm just teasing" I smile, not realizing his legs were shaking underneath the table.
"You sure have this down, don't you" he states while facing me finally.
"Aw, you're too kind.... to be honest, this is my first time hosting by myself, I'm usually right next to Haruhi and she would talk up the guests" I turn away from him to add sugar to my drink before sipping it. 
"Would you like sugar?" I ask him while smiling innocently, only hearing the faint arguing between the twins and Haruhi not too far away.
"Uh-um... no thanks... I don't like sweet things.... except for you" I heard him mumble something at the end of his sentence but didn't hear it. Just before I could question what Kas said, Tamaki came walking over like a robot and sat in between me and the red head.
"Uh.... Tamaki-Senpai?? I'm with a guest..." I say awkwardly. He just responded with a 'ma', emotionlessly making me slightly annoyed.
"Why can't you go bother Haruhi, hm? That's your favorite thing to do..." I mumble and glance behind me and saw the twins holding back an angry Haruhi. I roll my eyes and stand up and move to sit on the other side of Tamaki, now sitting very closely to Kasanoda. Then Tamaki's cell rings and he answers.... I pay no mind to him after that and try to start a conversation with Kas but instead Tamaki crushed his phone in his hand and stood up, an outburst of anger coming out of no where.
"BOSSA NOVA!!" He screams and picks up the red head by the collar of his shirt, making me lean back awkwardly.
"You tell him, sir!" I heard Hikaru yell in the distance.
"Why are you harassing Y/n?!" Tamaki finally drops Kas only to point a finger at him.
"As his father I forbid you to see him" I sweat at this.
"...Wait, what? So you're telling me that you're L/n's dad?" Kasanoda asks, Tamaki remains silent.
"That's just not possible"
"...well...we... might not be related by blood..." Tamaki says finally.
"So what? Did you marry his mom?" Tamaki pointed finger falter as he starts to sweat immensely due to nervousness.
"So I guess you're really not his father, are you?" He glared at Tamaki harshly, making him go completely white. Haruhi comes out of no where, very annoyed, and drags  Tamaki away without saying a word.
"Um.... I didn't say anything to set him off.... did I?" Kasanoda asks before sitting back down next to me.
"I don't know...." I sigh before sipping my tea.
"So uh..... Y/n.... do you think we could do this more often...? So you can maybe get a break from all those girls... I-I mean.... if youd... like that..." He asks suddenly with a nervous stammer before looking away.
"Here it comes!!!" I hear Renge shout to the girls, which made me confused but shrugged it off.
"Y/n I.... just wanted to say...."
"Hm?" I turn to face him fully again, I notice him leaning a bit closer in, with red all over his face.
"I just wanted to tell you...."
"I just...wanted to say.... I..."
"You...oh! I know what you were going to say!" I smile to him, making him flinch and glance back at me.
"Y-you do?!"
"Yeah! You want to exchange phone numbers so we can hang outside of school, don't you?" I ask and bring my phone out of my pocket. Kasanoda's head drops.
"Y...Yeah.... that's what I was going to say" he mumbled and pulled his phone out as well.
"I knew it!" I giggle, ignoring the girls' and renge's sighs of disappointments. We exchanged phone numbers and Haruhi suddenly came over and smacked me over the head.
"Ow!! What was that for??!!" I huff and she rolls her eyes.
"How can you be so oblivious?" She says.
"What? What do you mean?" She sighs and hands me my Nintendo switch back from when she took away from me this morning. I gasp lightly and immediately turned it on.
"I need to check up on my islanders!! And repay the rest of my debt to Tom Nook!!!" I say quickly, forgetting that Kasanoda is right in front of me.
"Alright! Host club's over!! Get out!!" Haruhi announces in agitation and glares at Kas until he left.

I kick my legs back and forth as I sat upside down on the couch so the twins couldn't lean over me while I played my game, paying no mind to the hosts around me.
"So... are you really going to hang out with Kasanoda?" Hikaru asks me.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I? I hung out with all of you outside of school before."
*cue end credits*

If you didn't read the a/n at the top already, please let me know where y/n and Kasanoda should hang out, a place that I didn't use for in the commoner's interest series yet T-T
I really don't know where they should go.....

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