I'm Karen And I'll Be Your Manager

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"Huuaaaaaaw! You look so cute in your kimono
Y/n!" One of my guests squeals.
"Really?? I don't think kimonos really fit me.." I say truthfully to my usual 3 guests.
"Oh! By the way! I brought more sweets for you girls" I smile and they go all doe eyed. I shuffle to a conveniently placed fridge and take out the cake I made and set it down on the table.
"It's carrot cake!" I smile proudly.
"AREN'T YOU JUST THE SWEETEST!" They all say in sync. I scratched the back of my head.
"Well what can I say? I love baking! Hehe" I purposely add the giggle and now the ladies are on the floor.
"Erm.. ladies? Don't you want to taste it?" I ask nervously, I might've broken them.
They all nod excitedly. I grin and cut them each a slice and give it to them. They take a bite and hum.
"This taste great!!"
"You're so good at baking Y/n!!"
"How'd you get so good at it?" They each day their own comment. I sheepishly laugh.
"My... Dad taught me how. Well he stopped a few years back" I mumble, smile fading.
"What's the matter Y/n??"
"Why did he stop?" They ask concerned.
"I guess you could say.. he wasn't exactly pleased to hear I smooched a boy" I chuckle cheekily as the guest continue to smile.

"Y/n-Chan! Y/n-Chan! I lost my sandal!" I look over to see a teary eyed Honey with some of his guests.
"Really?" I look around not seeing it.
"Mitskuni.. you dropped this" I hear Mori's hella deep voice, it sent shivers down my spine and blood rush to my cheeks, mine and Honey/Mori's guests all squealed. Mori slides Honey's missing sandal on for him.
"Takashi!!" He hugs Mori and their fan girl's scream.
"Oh! Honey do you want some carrot cake?" I ask before he could leave, he smiles childishly and jumps up and down as I hand him a piece.
"Thanks Y/n-Chan!" He kisses my cheek and skips away.
"AWWWWE" my guests awe at the action.

My guests had left now so I was wondering and... a lot of the hosts were crying during their acts??
"How do they cry on command..." I whisper to myself before crashing into Hikaru. A bottle of fricken eye drops fall out of his sleeve and to the ground.
"What.." I pick it up and Hikaru takes it from me.
"For your information, no women alive can resist a man on the verge of tears" he says and Kaoru is suddenly here.
"Yes it's common for a host to use them" Kaoru says.
"That's cheating" I furrow my brows at them.
"Oh don't be such a party pooper" Hikaru pokes my cheek grinning so I look away before blood can rush to my dic- I mean cheeks.
"Here Y/n, we got you a little something" Kaoru says taking a small yet expensive looking sweet out from his sleeve and placing it in my hands.
"For me?" I ask surprised.
"Aren't you the cutest" they say in sync.
"I bet you could make that, couldn't you Y/n!?" A guest asks.
"I don't know about that... but.. it's nice to be the one receiving treats every once and awhile" I smile at the twins.
All of the girls gasp softly and awe. I'm not really sure..
"THATS SO ADMIRABLE OF YOU! So kind you are!" Tamaki announces loudly and coming out of no where, he gets his face less then 4 inches away from mine making me blush.
"Here Y/n! Take as many as you'd like!" He says, stacking treat duplicates in my hands.
"Lemme guess, eye drops."
"How could you? My tears are always genuine!" And now I got him started... I can shove these down my kimono... yeeeeaaaaa back in business baby. I then notice a girl standing in the doorway. Tamaki follows my stare and soon the whole host club is watching her. The twins try 'seducing' her but are 'scolded' by Tamaki. Tamaki makes a move and... oof. Now the new girl is roasting the shit out of him..! I wish I had popcorn.. I can already tell today will be fabulous.
"You!" The mystery girl points at Kyoya. She jumps on him. "MY LOVE"

"Why is he sulking?"
"Because Mommy was keeping a secret from Daddy.."
"Whatever, why do people keep on referring to us as if Husband and Wife?" Kyoya asks the twins. This.. 'Renge' girl starts talking about how sweet and sensitive Kyoya is in secrecy..
"Could you have the wrong person?"
"WHO? WHO? WHO?" The host club asks repeatedly as Renge describes the complete opposite of Kyoya.. unless....
"Shut up you guys sound like owls" I mumble mostly to myself.
"YOUR MY REAL LIFE UKJI DOOKI YAMAI (???)!!" She shouts pointing to Kyoya.
"Ah I see, you believe I'm a fictional character in that video game you play and project all of your love for the character onto me therefore deluding yourself into thinking we're engaged" Kyoya goes on. Is this a bad time to mention I've been sitting down eating all of those sweets I was given earlier this whole time??
"So she.. made it up? Your not engaged are you?" Tamaki asks.
"Well no I never remember asking for her hand in marriage.. I never even met the woman" he admits.
"Woah woah woah.. Damn it's hard to keep up" I mumble eyes wide at the news.
"Everyone please be nice to miss Renge for She is the only daughter of the ootori's closest client" Kyoya says just loud enough for us to hear and not her. Thank god.

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