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Oop- imma just ignore the fact I haven't updated for over 4 months now but-

"You guessed it, Kyoya! We're going on a field trip!" Tamaki grins.
"Haruhi won't be joining us today, incidentally, as he presence might harm our credibility as impartial observers"
"...but you're taking me" I mumble. Kyoya groans from his bed before glaring at us. Within a flash the twins, Tamaki, and honey are all trying to sweet talk him into coming along while I stand awkwardly beside Mori.
"Oh c'mon you can't lay in bed all morning! Today is the last day of summer vacation!" The 4 stop as Kyoya sits up with his bangs covering his eyes.
"For your information I was up until 5 am you morons. Which, if you hadn't noticed, makes me a little less then happy about being woken up." As he finished the other hosts stood at the very back of the room, I was the only one who didn't move. Obviously Kyoya is scary but I felt bad for him nonetheless.
"Kyo-Chan sure isn't a morning person is he.." honey comments.
"You have no room to talk" Mori mumbles.
"Hey what does that mean?!"
"Okay, enough with the commoner shtick. If you formulaic halfwits feel like wasting all afternoon on work out old cliches. Go right ahead and suit yourselves." Just as he finished he feel tighter back to sleep.
"Well, if that's what you really want.... YOU HEARD THE MAN! NOW LETS DRESS HIM TO THE NINES AND HEAD FOR THE EXPO!" Tamaki announces.
"W-What?! Tamaki no! Let him rest!" I tried to convince him to stop but him and the others were already trying to changed Kyoya making me flustered. I huff and wait outside the bedroom, texting Haruhi to let her know where we're headed.

We made it to the 'commoners' department store' and the hosts were in awe. Except for Kyoya, who had been dead asleep the whole time.
"Hey everyone! Look at that!" Hikaru points to the suit jackets.
"Wow, all of those suits look exactly the same!" Kaoru exclaims.
"MASS PRODUCTION! MASS PRODUCTION!!!" They cheered. At this point I was sitting down and just watching.
"Gentlemen! There is something here called a 'pet shop'! That will be our very first destination, men!"
"REALLY?!" Tamaki looks at a schedule.
"Wait, Wait, w a i t. THEY ARE HOLDING SOME SUPER SPECIAL EVENT UP THERE TOO! SWEET!" Tamaki drops Kyoya, with out noticing, into the empty seat next to me as he turned around to the others. I watch the hosts leave, walking down the hall hurriedly, forgetting about Kyoya and me. I roll my eyes and glance at Kyoya.
"Well.. today's going to be a long day"

About 30 minutes later I notice Kyoya move and I notice him finally wake up. He sat up more and looked very confused.
"I'm sorry Kyoya! I tried to stop them but they wouldn't listen!" He turned to me and it seems to click where we were. He stood up as he thought to himself.
"It's alright... I appreciate that you stayed with me" he mumbles still tired. I smile a little and blush.
"I'll just call to have a..." He trails off as he realizes his phone nor wallet isn't on him, making me freeze as well, hoping he doesn't get even more mad. Unfortunately.... a little boy was running around and had ran into kyoya's legs... which just further pressed Kyoya.
"I-I'm Sorry s..." the kid stares in horror as Kyoya evilly glares at him. The kid runs away crying. I huff and stand up alongside him.
"Kyoya, I know you're in a bad mood and all but you can't just go ahead and make little kids cry" I glance at him and he's still glaring at nothing. He just grunts in response.
"Tamaki's a dead man when I get my hands on him" I flinch at his tone of voice as it sent a chill up my spine.
"Calm down, you can just use my phone to call a car." I huff and pull out my flip phone for him to use. Just then his stomach growls.
" you by any chance have any money on you, Y/n?"

"Uh... Kyoya? Are you sure this is the place you want to eat at? There are nicer places here.." I mumble as I sweat drop, while we both stood in line for McDonald's.
"Well you don't have much on you so our choices are limited. Just be sure to get a receipt. Tamaki will reimburse you tenfold." He uses that tone again which sent a shiver up my spine.. again. I begin to space off. I hope he doesn't end up actually strangling Tamaki... that would end up badly... ugh and Tamaki would probably bring up the whole 'mommy almost killed daddy' thing.
"Y/n? I think it's our turn in line, how do I order?" He asks confused and I snap out of it, rushing to his side.
"Oh, here, why don't I order for both of us?" I ask, now realizing that skipping breakfast was a bad idea.
"Do you know what you want?"
"You pick. Just get us a lot of it." I giggle a bit at the answer.
"Well okay.. that and that one please, both with fries too please" I tell the cashier while pointing to the food items. The cashier notices Kyoya and immediately starts fawning over him, making me feel.... huh why do I feel so negative about her??
"Okay, coming right up! Would you be interested in adding one of our delicious desserts?"
"Thank you, no. I don't care for sweets" Kyoya answered. The Cashier suddenly has hearts all in her eyes as she admires kyoya. Making me feel... jealous.
"Before you decide, we have a new shake that's absolutely-"
"I have given you my answer" Kyoya glares, using that god damn tone again!
"Um... please be sure to include our receipt..." I mumble to the shocked cashier.

I set the large tray of food down at the table Kyoya chose to sit at.
I glare at him slightly as I sit down and he picks up his burger. He notices my stare.
"Kyoya, the poor girl was just doing her job" he rolls his eyes before taking a bite of his food. After he swallowed he answers.
"Her job is to serve us food, not bother me with some weak sales pitch" he grumbles. We continue to eat our food in silence before he tries to start a conversation.
"If you don't mind me asking.. on the day we went to the beach.." oh god here it comes.
"Where did you get those scars?" He asks before slurping at his drink casually. Intense up and stare down at my lap.
"I'm sorry I've made you uncomfortable, you don't have to answer" He says and I nod slightly and continue to eat my food.
"Oh my gosh! Girls, that guys in the glasses is a total hottie!"
"You're right, he's gorgeous!" My grip on my drink tightens as the group of girls wander over to our table.
"Excuse me, I'm so sorry to interrupt, I was wondering if you're not using this chair, can my friends and I borrow it?" I keep my gaze down as Kyoya glances to them carelessly.
"Why not" he sounded bored.
"Thank you so much! That's awesome!" Hearts were basically flying off of them.
"You're quite welcome.." Kyoya stares off and I glance up at him as the girls drag the chair off. I hope he's doing alright.

"Um... Senpai? I thought you wanted to head home?" I question as we walk into the expo.
"I am, but I might as well have a look around first."
(Lol I know I'm skipping a lot here but I'm lazy so eh)
"Hey Y/n. Did you know this?" I turn to see Kyoya at a snack table deep in thought. I hum in response.
"Is melon the preferred flavor among snack makers?"
"Huh??" I ask taking a step forward.
"It doesn't make sense.. if the primary ingredient is corn why go through the trouble of artificially making it taste like fruit?" I glance at the package he was holding and I snort and burst into giggles.
"That's an intriguing notion, in its own way" I continue to giggle as Kyoya stares at me.
"Oh was I being funny?"
"You sound exactly like Tamaki-Senpai" I notice him smile and look away, making me blush.
"This does seem like something him and the twins would fawn over... very well I'll buy 3 of them, y/n, your wallet" I stop giggling and hand him it.
"Just make sure to get the receipt.."

Attention Shoppers. This is an announcement for two missing children. Two little boys named Kyoya Otori and Y/n L/n are lost inside the store. Their guardian, Suoh, is waiting for them at the 2nd floor information counter. Kyoya is 5'11, with black hair and wearing prescription glasses. Y/n is (height) with (h/c).
I turn red from the announcement and glance at Kyoya nervously.
"That damn idiot... I'll kill him!" I flinch at his tone.
"Alright big guy calm down! Please don't strangle Tamaki-Senpai!" I nervously pat his shoulders.

Me and Kyoya find the host club waiting at the information desk and the second they notice us there they start yelling about how worried they were.
"If you guys were so worried you would've called me.." I grumbled before noticing a dog on top of Tamaki..
"OHMYGOD WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS CUTIE?!?" I shout excitedly as I grin widely and immediately squat down to pet the golden retriever.
"I bought her at a place called a pet shop!" Tamaki exclaims, equally excited as he pets her as well.


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