A Commoner's Interest [Mori]

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Note: I know absolutely nothing about kendo
GUESS WHAT? Another boring Sunday!! Yay! That was sarcasm.
I sit upside down on my couch watching some nature documentary.. I don't really know anymore. I pull out my phone. That's usually where the chapter gets somewhere, right? My phone falls onto my face.. yeah I kind of deserved that for breaking the fourth wall...
I haven't hanged out with Mori-Senpai and it would be fair since I've hanged out with every other host.
"Ta-Ka-Shi..." I mumble to myself as I press the call button over his contact.
"How'd he get 'Mori' as his nick name..." I wondered out loud but quickly shut up after hearing the ringing tone.
"...Hello?"I blush a small bit, hearing this god damn giraffe's voice over the phone just seems to make it more deeper, if it was possible I mean.
"Hi, Mori-Senpai! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today..?" I ask. I hear him grunt a bit.
"I have kendo practice in a bit... I wouldn't mind if you come along and watch.." that may have been the longest sentence I've ever heard from him! I'm kind of impressed.
"Y-Yeah! Now I can watch you be a badass" I giggle nervously at the end. I hear him hum out of fondness.
"I'll pick you up" before I could ask what time he hanged up. He did say he had practice in a bit so he's coming over right now! At least I assume. I rush upstairs to slowly become presentable in the small amount of time I have.


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