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Welp. At least now I know where Haruhi is every summer. I spy on her from afar as she hangs up clean white sheets, while smiling. I shrug. I steal a semi wet sheet from my basket and threw it over myself. I run up and jump through the sheet Haruhi was hanging up.
"BOO!!!" I shout and she screams. I take off the sheet and grin at her. She only glares and hangs the sheet back up.
"Honestly Y/n..." she mumbles only partially annoyed. I giggle a bit. Then, the wind suddenly became abnormally strong..
"HARUHI!! Y/N!!! DADDY'S COME FOR YOUUUU" what. The actual. Fuck. Tamaki was shouting at us, through a microphone, from a helicopter. The wind soon became too much and all of the fresh sheets flew away... sigh.

"OH MY!! WHAT DASHING YOUNG MEN YOU ARE! THESE HUNKS MUST BELONG TO Y/N!!" Miss Sonoda fan girled. I sweat dropped.
"And why on earth would you assume that?" I asked with an annoyed sigh.
"..another tranny..?" I heard Tamaki mumble. Welp now my coming out chapter is pushed back another one. Haruhi slaps me.
"Why did I... do that.." I hear her ask herself while looking down at her hand. But deep down, we both knew who actually hit me. Damn you Author.
"A friend of Ranka's, they used to work at the same shop a few years back." Kyoya explains, fixing his glasses.
"Of course you would know that!!" Tamaki glares.
"Kill me" me and Haruhi whisper in sync.
"I opened this bed and breakfast 2 years ago and let me tell you boys something it's been an absolute fairytale!" Sonoda twirls around.
"So is Haruhi and Y/n more like your indentured servants?" Honey asks.
"More like unpaid employees, this is also the method both Ranka and Y/n's mother prefer to keep track of them both while being busy working" Kyoya pops out of no where. I wonder if Kyoya already knows about who I am. Would I even need to come out to him??
"What the? How do you know all of this stuff?" Tamaki asks glaring even harsher then before towards Kyoya's direction.
"'Take my little girl off my hands'! 'Help our with my precious son'! They both practically begged me! And since I still can't afford to hire and pay employees it works out for everyone!!" The owner goes on. I blush slightly while Haruhi keeps a straight face.
"They're both such model employees! It's a shame I can't pay them anything! Oh tell me boys, what do you think about these two aprons?! I made them myself!" Me and Haruhi stand side by side shoulder to shoulder as our homemade aprons are shown off. The hosts- except for Kyoya- all have a thumbs up.
"You are quite the seamstress!" Tamaki compliments.

"A job, huh?"
"I don't get it, you turn down our invitation to Bali for this?" The twins ask.
"YOU GOT INVITED TO BALI?!" Haruhi shouts at me.
"And we even asked him to go to Switzerland with us, huh Mori?" Honey asks Mori and he nods.
"I also recommend one of our domestic resorts at a discount" Kyoya mentions.
"Y/N YOU HAVE A PASSPORT YOU COULDVE WENT TO SWITZERLAND!" Haruhi yells at me. I shrug smiling nervously.
"It would've been weird without you! I would've missed you" I complain meekly.
"Why are you so stupid.." she mumbles covering her face and shaking her head back and forth.
"Hey I passed the entrance exam too Y'know"
"You traitors... asking y/n to go on summer vacation with you all behind my back..! Have you no feeling of loyalty? Solidarity..?" Tamaki asks popping out from the bushes. I put my index finger to my chin.
"That's also the other reason.. I wanted to hang out with all of the host club" I mumble.
"Why was your-"
"Cellphone turned off?" The twins ask us changing the topic.
"I don't think about it much" Haruhi says and the twins turn to me. I scratch the back of my head awkwardly.
"I.. might've dropped it.."
"Aka he threw it off the balcony because, and I quote, 'my hypothesis says this bitch won't break', purely because he was bored" Haruhi explains further.
"HAHAH" I laugh awkwardly.
"Tell me again how you passed the entrance exam?" I hear from Kyoya and I shoot him a death glare.
"Can you guys leave now? I'd like to spend my vacation in peace" Haruhi says politely. I accidentally drop my tea cup and it shatters on the ground.
"God-fucki- damnit" I mumble and Haruhi's eyebrow twitched.
"At least a little peace" she sighs.
"I hate to break it to you Haruhi, but all of us can spend our summer as freely as you can as well! Y/n even said he wants to hang out with all of the host club!" Haruhi starts screaming 'No' repeatedly until she fell to the ground dramatically.

"I'm so sorry boys! I'd love to have you all as guests! But I'm afraid there is only one vacant room left!" The owner says.
"Only one room you say? Well that settles it, I'll have to stay here to represent the club!" Tamaki says cheekily.
"Hey!! That isn't fair!" Honey cried while holding onto Usa-Chan.
"Have you have no feeling of loyalty? Of solidarity boss?!" Hikaru asks in a teasing tone.
"Togetherness is our guiding principal!" Kaoru says just as cheekily.
"My own words... twisted! And thrown back in my face!" Tamaki shakes.
"Here's an idea! How about a little competition?"
"We call it 'guestroom refreshing job contest In Karuizawa'" I soon stopped listening after that and turned to Haruhi who was still shaking with rage and annoyance. I tap her a bit and I get her attention.
"Who do you want to stay?" I ask. She shrugs.
"I don't know.." she mumbles.
"Hmm" I think for my own answer.
"I'd say Kyoya.. he's the least annoying- besides Mori." I mumble.
I notice Sonoda spinning around with anime eyes so now I guess there's a contest about 'refreshingness'?? That's not a word...

As I was walking some food to an outside table I notice Honey and Tamaki extremely sad.. Tamaki had also hit his finger with a hammer. Dumbass. I sigh and walk over to them after delivering the food, with an empty food tray in my hand. I put both my hands to my hips.
"So? What happened?" I ask.
"Y/n! Thank god you're here! That woman deducted 6 points from us!" He whines while crying. I roll my eyes and squat down so I can make eye level with him since he was sitting on the ground;;
"Lemme see your finger" he shows me it and of course it's red.
"You're fine. Just stop being stupid, 'Kay?" I ask him and walk off before getting an answer.
As I was walking back inside thought he front door I notice both of the twins there, greeting everyone. They start seducing two women and take them to their rooms before I could say hi. I make it inside and notice Sonoda nodding and giving 'refreshment points' to them. I also see Mori walking out with a table. Too much is going on man..
"Ugh.. can I have my break now.?" I ask her and she just waves me off with a nod, clearly she's enjoying herself.
I walk around back and notice Kyoya sitting alone at a table reading and drinking tea. I head over and stand by his table. It's much more quiet back here..
"You're keeping yourself out of this i see.." and with the one person I wanted here too;;;
"Of course, winning means I'd end up staying here alone which doesn't appeal to me, I'll just sit back and watch things unfold then head for the cottage."
He explains.
"The cottage?" I question tilting my head a bit.
"That's right, we all have our own in the area" he explains. Ugh. Then why is everyone acting like they'll die if they loose.
"So who's your favorite to win?" Kyoya asks smiling up to me. O o f.
"There must be someone you have in mind, care to bet?" I huff in embarrassment.
"Well;; I was kind of hoping for you to stay" I sigh and look away from him.
"Really? And why's that?" He asks, smirk apparent in his tone of voice.
"Eh. Your not/that/dramatic" I shrug.
"Awe, Y/n, you're hurting our feelings" I look over to see Kaoru and Hikaru leaning on one another.
"You do know we're most likely to when" Hikaru smirks.
"Maybe. But you do realize that the room has one bed.." I mention.
"No big deal we can just bring another bed over from the cottage"
"Yeah, we can even squeeze into a single" Kaoru says as well. Tease. I'm gonNA TEASE 'EM!
"Thats too bad" I grab their attention.
"I was gonna offer one of you two to sleep with me, in my bed while the other sleeps in the room but you two clearly have it all figured out" I look the other way as they stare at me.
"...I call sleeping with Y/n"
"No I do!"
"NO I DO!!"
"I CALLED FIRST!!" I sweat dropped at their immediate fighting.
"Guys guys... I was just messing with you two" I laugh nervously. Now they're pouting. Great.

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