Chapter 2

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Error POV
  I should really go with Ink to make sure she won't get hurt. Even if I know she can take care of her self I still care about her.
  I went back to her.
  "I-I'm skipping class with you." I said.
  She smiled.
  "You won't regret it." She said.
After lunch I followed Ink. What am I doing? This is crazy my moms going to kill me! Ink took me to the old shutdown arcade. Her friends aren't here yet so I assumed they got caught. Until that is she cornered me.
"W-What are you doing?" I asked.
She kissed me. I allowed it but I wasn't about to let it go further. I kissed back and soon enough I considered throwing that statement away. Until her friends finally arrived.
"Hey." She said.
They didn't even seem to be looking at us. They were looking at their phones. I looked up.
"It's about to rain." I told Ink.
"Ha! Is newbie afraid of some rain?" Dream asked.
I decided to just stay quiet.
"Hey, Cmon leave him be. He's just warnin us." Ink said, a bit defensively may I add.
Lust laughed.
"Calm down shorty." He said.
Ink glared at him and started talking in some other language.
"Ooooo Lust's gonna get it." Blue said.
Ink had enough and kneed him right in the gut. That was enough for him to cough blood. He fell to the ground and Dream and Blue laughed and applauded her.
She looked at me. I was a bit afraid now. She frowned. Dreams and Blue helped Lust back to school for the nurses office leaving me and Ink alone.
"Sorry I scared ya." She said.
"Actually i was more afraid of you got blood on you." I said.
She laughed and sat down. I sat by her.
"I really like you, Error. And I don't say that to just anyone... would you.... would you say yes if I asked ya on a date?" She asked.
I smiled a bit.
"Sure." I replied.
She only smiled but I could tell just by looking at her eyes she was ecstatic. We didn't go back to school. Instead we kind of just walked around town for a while and I watched her cause trouble. It was nothing serious until a guy pulled a gun on her. I punched him before he could hurt her and she looked pleasantly surprised.
  "Didn't know ya had it in ya." She said.
  She grabbed my hand and laughed as we ran away from the scene. I was not laughing. I saw some sort of bruise or spot on her arm. I stopped her. She threw her arms around my neck and got close to me.
   I got nervous and started shaking a bit. She smiled and kissed me again. I stopped her and tried looking at her arm again.
  Sure enough, there was bruises. I'm not sure how many, but there were more then ten.
  I looked her in the eyes worriedly.
  She started laughing awkwardly. Not her normal mischievous laugh.
"Jeez quiet guy, only known me for two days and  already worried about me. Look, I'm fine. It's nothin don't worry." She said.
  I didn't believe her. I just stared at her in disbelief.
  "Who hurt you? Or... did you do this to yourself?" I asked.
  She seemed to be getting impatient. Instead of answering me at least even to humor me, she gently pushed me onto the floor and got on top of me. I was kind of uncomfortable but I wasn't about to tell her what to do. She honestly scared me but she didn't do anything except just keep me wondering what she's going to do.
  After a few minutes she got off me and we walked home.
  "So real quick are you and Lust still friends since you hurt him?" I asked.
  "Yeah. Lust and I are like siblings he looks out for me and I fight him." She said jokingly.
  I smiled. Before she went into her house she kissed me rather roughly and then told me we were a thing now. Um... ok? Great? I agreed and she went inside.
  I went inside my house where Geno was already waiting for me.
  "Where the hell have you been?" He asked.
  "...with Ink." I replied.
  I ran upstairs and laughed as he looked shocked and afraid. He knew who she was. That's funny to me that someone so cute and tiny can be so well known for being a bad girl.

Cinema sins: roll credits.

Error POV
  Fresh asked me all about her and how we became friends. He's only in eighth grade and knew about her.
  "Broski I'd be careful. She don't seem like the kind of gal to be messin with." He said.
  I rolled my eyes. He was right of course. I'm not exactly strong or willing to stand up to anyone. I have a weak build and am very not athletic.
  I'm sure it'll all be ok though. I did my homework and Ink called me.
  "Hi.." i said quietly.
  I could hear my family scrambling to listen at my door.
  Ink asked if I wanted to go out with her tonight and I said I'd have to ask my parents.
  "No." my mom said from behind the door.
  I rolled my eyes.
  "Mom said no."
  "Fuck that. Just sneak out like I do." She said.
  "I mean... I guess I could." I said.
   "Good. See ya soon~" she said in a seductive tone.
  I grabbed some cash and opened the window.

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