Chapter 23

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  Error did not want to leave me when we went to my next class. I didn't really want him to go either.
  "Okay, you'll be fine..'ll... I.." He sighed and hugged me tightly.
  I hugged back.
  "I want to believe you'll be fine... i just... after what happened.." he put me down and looked me straight in the eyes.
  "'ll be fine."
  I kissed his cheek and went inside the classroom. I usually sat by Lust since I knew him. But, for obvious reasons I can't anymore. However my teacher forced me to as there was no other seats I could go to.
He looked at me and smirked. I just looked down at my desk and tried not to think. But, it was all I thought about. It scared me. I...i feel like I cheated on my Error. I hate that thought.
But, the thought I hate the most had to be how I've made Error feel. I..i can deal with the fact I was raped. I can deal with the fact I wasn't strong enough to escape. I can deal with the fact that I can't trust anyone but him.
I can't deal with the fact that he cried because I was gone. That he felt the need to be by me every second. That he was probably worried sick about me right now.
I don't want him to suffer. Anyone else, I don't give a shit. But he was different somehow. I remembered the early part of our relationship.
I remembered I didn't understand how he could be so nice and the rest of the world could be so... horrible.
I thought with time I'd get it but, I've only gotten more confused. I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped. I shut my eyes tightly and tried stopping the tears and panic attack.
I looked beside me. Lust. He tightened his grip.
"You tell anyone we did it and Horror and I will make your life hell." He said in a low, quiet voice.
I nodded. He dug his 'nails' into my shoulder and then let go. I just want to go home. I want Error.

Error POV
I didn't pay attention all class. I wanna text Ink but she doesn't answer her phone in class anymore.
I so badly just want to run out and check on her. I felt weird. Like someone was gripping my shoulder. I felt it tighten and then something sharp. And then it was over.
The bell rang and I ran to find my Inky. Lust was talking to her. She looked over to me and ran over. I picked her up and hugged her.
"Was class ok? Nobody did anything?" I asked.
She just laid on me. I smiled. At least I get to hold her still. I looked at Lust. I put Ink down and told her I'd meet her in the cafeteria.
"Hey, I know we haven't always gotten along but, has Ink told you who... um..."
"No. The little bitch hasn't talked lately."
"Call my baby a bitch again and I will-"
I restrained myself and just walked away. I got my answer. I don't need to talk to him.

(As Always questions and hugs are accepted)

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