Chapter 21

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Caution. This chapter involves assault and rape. Please read on with caution. Or don't read this chapter.

  I've been blindfolded and tied down. I couldn't break free no matter how hard I tried. I wasn't scared. I'm waiting for the worst though.
  I heard a door open. So it begins.
  "I'm assuming you're somebody I've pissed off." I said.
  No answer. I tensed up at the hand on my face. It wasn't human. It felt like a skeleton hand.
  "Yep, definitely someone I-"
  They shoved a piece of cloth into my mouth.
  "Kinky." I said, it was muffled.
  I felt something wood hit my stomach. I was winded. I couldn't breathe for a few seconds.

Horror POV
  I watched Ink trying to breath. I wasn't going to kill her. Just make her hurt. I punched her hard. Her nose started bleeding more than I thought possible. I smiled.
  Although she wasn't squirming, struggling, or even screaming. I was getting annoyed. I stabbed her in the shoulder. She flinched.
  I laughed and laughed as I punched and kicked and stabbed I was having to much fun. Lust walked in and smiled at me.
  "You know what we have to do right?" He whispered.
  I nodded and left the room. I gave him an hour. I laughed at her screaming and crying. I'm surprised. Usually they're moaning in defeat by now. This kids pretty tough.

Zephyr POV
Error didn't leave his room. He just sat on his bed hugging Inks jacket and crying. Every now and then I'd be downstairs talking with his mom or cops and hear a faint sob.
He didn't trust me but, I love my sister. I know I hadn't seen her in so long and, what our parents did was horrible to both of us, I see that now. Still, I wanna be like we were as kids.
And when our parents are finally caught, when i can finally see my big sister again... this happens.
"Do you know of any enemies she had?" Undyne asked.
"I...I don't know. Error would." I told her.
She nodded and went upstairs.
His mom sat by me.
"...I've never seen him so upset." She said.
I looked over to her. She looked exhausted and as if she hadn't slept.
"What did you think of her?" I asked. "My sister I mean."
She smiled weakly.
"When I first met her? Well, I didn't really trust her. I quickly came to realize she was only troubled. So, I started trying to act as her mother figure. I'd say it worked. She listens to me now." She said.
I nodded and tried not to let tears fall from my eyes.
"It's ok to cry you know." She told me.
"I don't want to." I replied. "I don't want to cry. Ink never cries. At least, she didn't when we were kids."

Error POV
The cops asked me a lot of questions about Ink and I had to answer truthfully. After two and a half days they told me Ink was in the hospital... in... in really bad condition.
I didn't have the time to drive. I just teleported to her. I almost puked. She was covered in bruises and scratches and it looked like she had a few broken ribs.
  I just sat down by her and sobbed. After about thirty minutes a nurse walked in with a doctor.
  "So... are you her.. uh.."
  "I'm her boyfriend. P-please what happened to her?" I asked, holding Ink's hand.
  He looked at the nurse.
  "Uhhh... well, I'm going to put it quite simple... she was kidnapped, assaulted, and it seems she was.. um... well, she was raped." He said.
  "W...who did it...?" I asked.
  I don't think I could cry anymore. I was almost unable to breathe at how much I was now.
  Now I'm just angry. Angry at whoever hurt her. I was being proven right. She just keeps getting hurt by other people. I can't let that happen again.
  "Well, we don't know. She was just kind of dropped off on the sidewalk."
  I felt her squeeze my hand and looked down at her. She was awake and gave me a look as if saying she was sorry.
  "Oh...oh Inky honey...I...I'm so sorry." I said.
  She was crying to.
  I just hugged her. I have a feeling she won't be the same though...

They will accept questions if.. you want.

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