Chapter 38

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The majority agreed that the story is fine without it.

Error POV
  Ink has been pretty paranoid lately. I don't know why. She's perfectly safe and we figured out how to block her mom.
  I sat by her. She jumped. I held her.
  "Shhh. Shh it's only me."
  She smiled and rested her head on my chest.
  "Baby, what's been bothering you?"
  "My dad's been released... Error I don't wanna go back home with them." She said.
I held her tightly. I don't want her to go back either. God the scars and bruises she would have... she doesn't have to go back.
She's sort of but not really been adopted by us. They can't legally take her but I don't think that'll stop them.
"Shit! What if they get Zeph?" She asked.
"Hey, hey listen to me. I will not let them even look at you. You can beat them in a fight. And if not then we call the cops."
"...why are you crying?"
I didn't let her go. I held her tighter.
"I don't want you to go either..."
She wiped my tears away and kissed me. I kissed back. I tried assuring him I wouldn't go anywhere and also tried believing myself. I don't think I really have a choice.
My parents will find a way to get me back to the house. And that plan probably includes my brother. Speak of the devil, he called me.

Error POV
I left the room for a bit. The only thing I could think of to keep her safe from them was... killing her parents.
I know I can't. Well, not legally. I want to. But I don't wanna get arrested. Not this early in life. Still, I'm considering it.
  Who am I kidding? I couldn't kill anyone! My attack is far to weak right now. I just want my Inky to be safe. Even if she can protect herself.
  I think she still struggles a lot with the thoughts of when she did live with them. She's still... I wanna say traumatized even if she doesn't admit it or speak of it.
  I know it's only because she didn't want me to be hurt or anything. Or she wouldn't let it bother her that they kept calling and texting and threatening  
  I decided to focus on my homework for now. I'm not saying that it took me two hours just to get a page of math done. But it totally took me two hours to get a page of math done.
  Ink was napping on our bed by now. I woke her up. She needs to eat. She hasn't been eating lately.
  She rolled her eyes and went to eat. I know I shouldn't do this but I looked in her phone. Her dad was sending threats now. Great.
  I put it away and went to the kitchen. Ink and mom were talking about it. My mother agreed that she'd be safe here.
  Ink said maybe it'd be better if she left for a while with her brother. That call was that he was going to live with some friends until he thinks it's safe.
  I don't want that for her. I don't give a shit what her brother does but I need her here! And I can't go with her. I have school. She does to but, let's face it she never goes and I can't force her.
  I tried talking her out of it. She doesn't seem to be very convinced though.
  "Ink, please, I-I promise we'll keep you safe. Please don't go." I begged.
  "I kinda have to. Babe, don't get me wrong, I love ya, I wanna stay here with ya. But, I also don't wanna get hit with a fuckin pipe again."
  I started crying. I really shouldn't have. It makes her uncomfortable and guilty. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
  "Please don't be like that... look, it's not forever. I don't know how long but, not forever... if you want I'll convince him to let you go with us."
  I just hugged her and began sobbing. She hugged back, I wish she'd just stay here.

"Just stay."

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