Path of Choice

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Night stay where she was, unmoved from Timber side. Her hot tears fell upon his ice cold body, she could only cry the night away. She wanted to call her aunt Willow who lived not to far from where she was, but she refused. Night did not want to be pitied, this was her problem that she would solve somehow. Night thought for a long time about what had happened, the events played on an endless loop in her mind. Timber words, the image of her parents dead bodies, the site of her house burning like a bonfire on a camp out. Though one thought kept replaying in her head non stop.

Why did the daughters of Shin Mao do this?

Night knew that her parents crimes would catch up with them someday, they were not saints but murder was not a thing heroes do. Arson was also something heroes don't do. What hero set a home in fire with two kids inside?! The thoughts only fueled Night anger. Evil or not, no one deserves death, especially someone like Timber.

"Timber....I will make your dream come true...I swear it!" Night gently kissed Timber head and laid his body down carefully

Timber looked so peaceful in death, like he was just sleeping or a realistic looking statue. His fur was slightly burned down to the fiery debris, he also had a few bruise but his new eyes were horribly scarred.

"I love you little brother..You truly were and forever will be the best thing I had in this life.Though you're going to hate me...please continue to watch over me...little brother"Night began to bury him, she decided in front of the house was good since Timber loved that spot the most.

Night felt her heart tugged at her like a barbed wire was lasso around it and cause her heart to tear apart slowly. Though she endured for Timber sake. Once he was properly buried, she place a single white lily at his grave.

" Farewell little brother"Night paid her final respects by humming Timber his favorite song, then left.

Her parents bodies were too badly damaged to be buried as they wished, so with a heavy heart she was forced to leave them how they were.

"Mom, Dad...Even if you were villains and caused this...I forgive two are my parents...I love you forever. Please watch over me and protect Timber in the sky above the clouds"She spoke, the years continued to flow down her face. She pay her respects and left.

Night had no idea where she go, she had nothing but her eye powers to help her. Hopefully that would be enough to help her survive in the world of villians.  She would have to start small, be a thief or minion before becoming a legendary villianess like her mother was. Night need a cover name as well, hiding as much of her identity as possible to avoid enemies learning of her life. She would need many to survive in this new world she would be entering.

" Noche will be my name for now"She thought to herself

Night entered the forest to search for a place to rest. She could worry about the other details of being a villain later. For now she would need rest, something that would not come easy with what has happened. Night wandered a bit before coming across a cave. It was not big but large enough for a temporary resting place for the Night. She gathered some nearby moss to make a pillow for the evening.

"Goodnight me"She spoke to herself before resting her eyes and drifting to a slumber filled with endless night terrors

The next morning, she felt something crawling on her stomach, something small and squirmy. She woke to see a baby blue monster that appear to have just hatched on her stomach. It was just a baby, most likely left behind as an egg. Alone just like she was.

" Hi..There little one... "Night carefully picked up the little monster to get a closer look at it.

The monster was small and looked hungry, Night herself was hungry, so it was  obvious she need to get something to eat

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The monster was small and looked hungry, Night herself was hungry, so it was  obvious she need to get something to eat. Not to mention her something for her little friend as well. She got up and looked around for any edible berries but could only find bare branches. Just her luck,to be hungry with a newly hatched baby monster with no sights of food.

" Hey little girl! Hand over that Plesiosaurus! Villains will pay too dollar for it! If you just do as you're told, I may let ya live"A brute had a sword tip to her  chest, just a man further and she be singing with her angelic brother.

Night sighed before allowing her eyes to glow as she stared direct at the brute eyes. As predicted he stared deeply at here and soon fell under their spell. She then took the sword from his hand and stabbed him without hesitation. After that she took the sword and anything he had of value and left. Smiling to herself. Oh what fun a villain life is.

This was the path she had chosen. Look out villians, heroes and innocents. There is a new villianess in town and her name is Noche.

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