Summer Return

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Summer had made a small base in a cave that was close to Pure Heart Valley. It was a small cave that entrance was only small enough for Summer herself to get inside. It was a gray and there were a number of sharp rocks surrounding it, like a defense. Inside there were a few beakers and vials of elixirs. A few were bought from merchants, though nearly all of them were made by Summer herself. There was a small bed with pitch black covers and a red owl plushie. A cave is a bar true home, so Summer made it a base for her.

Summer was making plans on how to get revenge on Night. She hated taking orders from her. Though she waited for the chance to overthrow her, sadly once that chance came she failed. Reduced to a sobbing mess by the fangs that accursed wolf bared before her. She should have know that using something that gives one such strength was a gated downfall just waiting to happen. Family. Night had strength to be the legend she was because of her loss, yet she had her family supporting her still. What must it be like? To have a warm embrace to greet you upon one's return.

Summer never knew her parents, she hardly remembered who they were or their names. All she knew was that her father was in armor suggesting that he was possibly at one time a knight of the King. As for her mother, a lab coat and her wings were wooden, as if she was born wingless. Her mother was red, at least for what she remembered. As for her father he was orange with red eyes. She took her beautiful looks and similarities from her father yet she got her mother's genius brain. Though she was orphaned by the two. She never knew why.

When Night took her in, she was expecting a warm hearted mother figure, one that will give her hugs and will support her like she always dreamed of. Hope is strong and can accomplish many things, there are times though where hope is diminished like water used douse on a fire. Night only trained her as well as teach her to make elixirs ,formulas, and potions. No hugs when she mastered her training or words of encouragement to make her try harder. Night only train her, provided her meals and give her tasks. No love. Just a routine.

A void was in her heart that was meant to be filled with love and caring was only filled with hatred and sorrow. Each passing day it increased drop by drop as if it was the blood fuelling her heart, making her hate Night with each passing moment that she is by her side. Wanting to make her suffer, destroying all she cares about till she is just a sobbing mess that will be put out of her misery by Summer dagger. As stated before, Summer first attempt to destroy Night had failed and resulted in her being kicked out.

So now she resides within this small cave, waiting and harnessing her plan to take down Night once and for all. She learned rumors about their being a new queen of Pure Heart Valley, she knew straight away who this "New Queen" really was. Summer knew the new queen was Night, yet had absolutely no idea why she took over such a pathetic kingdom such as it. There were no weapons, a small amount of goods at best, and hardly any challenge s there. Night must be losing herself. Looks like Summer will make a house call and give her a new dose of her latest poison.

Patience never came easy for Summer. She could only wait for a few minutes when working for Night. Though that past year that she struggled in her own. Scavenging for food and materials, stating a living the winter that blow so cold that her wings barely held against the mighty winds, and fighting all who try to take the goods that she rightfully earned. So nowadays, Patience has been a companion to her. It shall be with her when she takes down Night once and for all.

Summer decided to wait for the next full moon when the moon flowers bloom around Pure Heart Valley and everyone would be out admiring their beautiful petals and their scent. That will be when she pours the toxic concoction down her throat as it burns her heart, reducing it to an inflamed organ that will be seen only as a burned rock. All will be in a state of despair. Then Summer will be know as the one who took down the unbeatable legendary villianess, Noche.

As the clouds cover the moon, all that could be seen in the forest darkness were a set of blood red eyes.

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