A life in Villiany

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Two years had passed since Night life as a villain had began, she has already made a big name for herself. Night managed to take down many gangs that were greatly feared through many villages. The Clawed Panthers were greatly tortured with the Tiger bench torture method, a method where a person legs are out on top of a cinder block and crushed by a plank of wood. If their legs don't break then another cinder block is added till the sweet sound of bones crushing was heard. Oh, how sweet their screams were, almost as enjoyable as their pathetic pleads for mercy. The members were permanently handicapped and disbanded. Dark Fangs tried to eat her, those one look at her eyes and they were easily terminated by her sword. Finally, the Sister Blisters were taken out by poisoning their water with unscented poison that went down their throats like silk.

Night was now considered a major threat to second ranked villains and was now well known throughout six towns. She even had her first minion.

Summer Batrilla, a small orange bat with red eyes. She had smaller wings then most bats her species, though she made up for it due to her newly acquired skills from her training from Night. 

Night had found her a year ago in a fight with a group of thieves that attempted to mug her. All that got them was six broken necks, two fractured wrist, and twelve and a half broken ribs. Night always enjoy the fear in the eyes of her enemies. The way the terror enters and the eyes widen, knowing they have no chance of escape and they way they desperately gasp for possible last breathe of air. Then take them away from their existence in this world. After that she looted their wagon and found the young bat. Summer was gagged and bruised greatly on her legs and wings.

"Poor kid..." Night took pity on the young one, deciding to take the little one under her wing

Summer looked at Night, her eyes were filled with terror. She had heard the screams and yells from outside and it did not take her long to figure who was responsible. If she wasn't so bruised, she would fly to safety. Sadly the only way that she would escape would be her dreams

Night carefully ungagged and carefully picked her up in her arms.

"LET ME GO!! LET ME GO!! PLEASE!!PLEASE!! PLEASE JUST LET ME GO!!" Summer voice as desperate pleading, almost hysterical the louder she pleaded. Tears erupting from her eyes.

Night ears immediately burster the moment she ungagged the little bat. She regretted helping this bat for a moment and wanted to see if bat are a would make a good diner. Though she knew the little one was just afraid. Night however would show her who was boss.

"Silent!" Night growled, allowing her claws to dig into the child's wings

Summer whimpered from the pain but she obeyed in fear of being killed.Shaking like a leaf in the wind of a severe storm.

"I am Noche, as of today you will serve under me. Is that clear?" Her tone was serious and strong, striking more fear into the orange bat heart.

Summer only respond was a high pitched  whimper and a quick nod.

"Good" Night carried her back to her campsite, where Plesio was guarding, she needed to wash the blood from her fur anyways.

Summer shivered in Night arms, mainly fear. It took all the strength she had not to puke in fear. Especially since it She did, Night would most likely kill her on spot if she even like a single drop on her. She heard rumors of a twelve year old wolf who took down several dangerous gangs and killed many assassin's without hesitation or a speck of mercy. The mere sight of her blue eyes and that would be the last moments of one life. Would this be her final moment? Would she be killed? Summer mental panicked as her fear plagued her mind.

They arrived at the campsite. It was by a river  that had several small fish swimming in it. There Night pet, Plesio was in the water sleeping peacefully. The one that hatched from the egg in the cave two years ago. Plesio was extremely loyal to Night and has killed anyone to keep Night safe. Night put Summer down before kissing Plesio goodnight.

Summer took this chance to try to escape but failed, so she took a nearby dagger and pointed it Night.

Night was no even faded, her eyes glew as Summer fell under the spell of the blue eyes. Summer dropped the knife and was in a daze state.

"Sleep"Night ordered, almost barking it out

Summer obeyed, slumbering on the cold at grass.

Night scooped her up and allowed her to sleep in the tent, Night would keep watch over the camp. Summer reminded her of Timber on that fateful day. Since that day, sleep was either a lucky blessing by the mistress of luck or a good few hours of night terror free sleep. Most night she often choses to ignore sleep. All sleep was a method for the body to relax and become defenseless, something a villain would never need.

Little did she know someone close to her would betray her in the worst way she could ever think of.

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