Facts about Kiyomo Bladeclaw

199 1 713

Age 64


A violet furred wolf with black eyes with red blossom pupils. She wears a traditional Japanese kimono. It is back with a red sash, the red lilies are designed in it were handmade by herself. Her tail is a bit frizzy, though it is a good medium length. Surprisingly, she have been 65, though she still looks like she is in her early 20s. Though she is a demon, despite her sweetheart looks. In her demon form, her fur goes black, she has patches of violet fur that covers her chest and makes long scythe sharp hairstyle. She also sprouts horns in the shape of roses. Her eyes stay the same like her normal form but more demonic like.

Born in the inferno town of Sinera, Kiyomo was raised to be a demon goddess that can charm her enemies and drained their life force. Kiyomo loved her demonic powers and was fully prepared to accept her fate. That is till she went to the outside world and saw the beauty of it. Kikimo, her best friend encouraged her to choose her own path, despite the clan wishes. So together the two of them travel the world, this only fueled Kiyomo desire to preserve the outside world and love there. Kikimo chose to return to her clan, feeling like an outcast to the outside world. Thus, Kiyomo new life in the outside world began.

Kiyomo started a tea shop in a small town, fully embracing her new peaceful life. It was only after five years, where She would meet the love of her life. One day, while collecting tea leaves, Shin Mao came carrying his injured friend, Tai Bladeclaw to her. Shin pleaded with her to help his friend. Kiyomo agreed and allowed them to take shelter in her tea shop. Kiyomo tended to Tai injuries, bandaging his wounds and giving him herbal teas to restore his strength. Kiyomo found herself completely fascinated with Tai and soon this fascination turned to love. Tai and Shin left as soon as Tai made a full recovery, Kiyomo thought it would be their last meeting. Though they visited her ever so often, Tai seemed to always find her no matter how far he went. Kiyomo loved this wolf, always happy when they were soulmates, destined to be together for all eternity. Yet would he accept her demon form? Would he accept her for what she truly was?

Kiyomo and Shin Mao are very good friends. Both are often seen training with one another. Shin Mao was the first to learn of her demon form, he did freak out at first but after a while he accepted it.Kiyomo has a special nickname of the big guy. ShiShi, she started to call him that when she learned about his true size.

Tai Bladeclaw took her to a clearing to propose to her, there they were attacked by a horde rock griffons. It was there where Tai revealed his demon form to protect her. Kiyomo gasped and was speechless at such a sight. The wolf she loved, the one she believe would fear her true form, was the very thing she was. After the monsters were defeated, Kiyomo revealed her form to him. It was there they shared a passionate kiss and make preparations for their wedding.

Years together were the best of her life. Then when Tai unleashed the Eye powers powers, she was sadly gifted a terrible curse. Her eyes now caused disaster and pain, red blood stained flowers always left behind in the pool of misery. To stop this, Tai had to sadly end Kiyomo life with his own two hands His heart was never the same after that.

Kiyomo now is a ghost that can't be seen by her fellow demons or her family. Though Shin Mao can see her as clear as daylight. She over talking to him and pranks him from time to time.

Kiyomo weapon of choice is a blade fan that is like a Lilly's petals. The fan is steel with a red tips and a black hue like color. On it's handle is a special thread that when touched, it puts it's opponents in a happy illusion.

Kiyomo is a happy, caring person who puts everyone else before herself. She enjoys making tea and gardening. Her passion of tea making has made her husband Tai, a tea addict.Kiyomo is a perfectionist when it comes to making her tea, so any mistake will trigger her demon form. The only weakness that she has is her own insecures. Always afraid that she isn't good enough for herself or the people she loves deeply.Though her demon form is so powerful that Tai and Shin are deadly scared of it. She truly was a strong gal. Though she still is even in the spiritual life

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