Cold Truth

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Snugglemagne waited in the cold cell, alone in his very own dungeon. Well it was Luna dungeon now. He looks through the window of the cell, despite the steel bars preventing him  from escaping. He wondered why Luna was doing this? He never did anything to treat her badly. He made sure she was cared for  very much and showed her true love. He thought all this  while the sun rays hit his fur, allow it to regain his natural creamy white fur color. He look to see his citizens, seeing them being carefree as they always been. He couldn't help but smile a bit, he was grateful that Luna was not going harm them.

Perhaps Luna could change. She may not truly be evil at all. He often noticed her eyes flash in sadness when she holds a picture close to her heart. Something triggered her to cause her to go down this path of darkness. He needed to ask about this, even if it means she would torture him later but it was worth the risk. He sighed greatly before his ears picked up the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs toward his cell. He slowly got up and waited to see who was coming to visit him. Even though he already knew who it was.

Luna had come down with a tray of food like she always did. On the tray was some mythical berry salad, a nicely grilled Tuna steak, and to wash it all down was a glass of lemonade that was a rosey red color. She hand him the tray and sat away from his cage, watching him as he begin to eat his meal. As always, he enjoyed the meal whole heartly.

"Thank you so much, Moon flower!" He smiled at her, after he finished his meal. He bow before her in his gentlemen way, causing the wolf before him to blush greatly.

"....Night" She spoke

His ears perked a bit as he lifted his head to look her in those gemstone like eyes.

"What was that?" He asked, making sure his voice was not rude to her ears.

" My name is Night" Night revealed her true name to him, he was powerless in his situation, so why bother to hide her identity to him anymore.

"Oh... That is a gorgeous name for a beautiful wolf such as yourself" He smiled, happy to learn her true name.

"Stop your pathetic attempt of trying to flirt with me! I will never fall for you nor will you ever see the sun beside you window. So stop acting like you actually care for me!" She snarled at him, causing him to flinched

"I was just being polite" He couldn't make eye contact with her, the fury in her eyes were burning whenever he attempted to look into her gaze

"Well stop. It is really getting on my nerves! You think I can easily be suave by sweet honey like words. Just get to the point that you are trying to make. Don't think you can fool me, you pathetic excuse for a ruler! You barely have guards doing patrols in the valley, hiding them all inside this small castle! A TRUE RULER SHOULD GUARD HIS PEOPLE AS IF THEY WERE AS IMPORTANT AS HIS OWN SAFETY! All you are doing is asking my anger, believe me when I say don't try to anger me.I have only two reasons for being here, you are certainly not one of them! So let out your true feelings, don't bother to sugar coat it either" Night was in a bad mood, so she decided to get real and put her prisoner in place.

The King sweat drop like bullets, his back was to the stone wall. He could hardly could gather the courage to speak to her. His mouth was so dry that it was a miracle that any words managed to even come out and not be dead silent.

"What two reasons?" He asked, barely able to be heard.

Luckily for Night she had enhanced hearing. She though about if she should actually tell him the truth. After what felt like an eternity, though in reality it was only for a couple minutes. Night decided to tell him the truth without sparing any detail.

She look back at him, watching his legs wobble and threaten to become jelly out of fear. Perhaps she should have been a bit less harsh to him. Well she could do nothing about it now.

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