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Cyber was forced to rest in one of the castle many guestrooms. He hates bed rest, unable to make any new gadgets or invent was a torture to him. He was so alone without his computers and tools. They were his only friends. Well maybe he had another one. He still blushed when he thinks of him. Cyber wonders what that person would think if he knew that Cyber worked for Night, he was more than a simple tech guy to her. At times, he was her partner in crime, hacking systems and aiding her in a series with fighting. He had weapons in his cybernetics that he used to take down any heroes who tried to damage his precious cousin.

When he fought with Night he used the code name, Beta. He used holographic image to disguise his cybernetics to appear normal. He wears black shades to conceal his eyes. Like Night he wears a cloak, though his is red. He always favored that glorious color, only one he sees most of the time due to his goggles. The color his cybernetics and flesh both ooze when he gets attacked by those who do not understand him. The color that he wears everyday. As Beta he is always silence, only acts upon Night's orders.

Though with him forced to rest, Beta would be stuck sitting on the bench for a while. All Cyber could do was wait for his body to heal. He was going to be bored out of his mind for days.

Night was constantly busy with her new duties as queen and her duties of being the legendary villianess, Noche. She could only visit him a few times. She was always concerned with how he was healing. She truly was the only one who could understand him after all.

His mind then when back to the Badgerclops figure who aided him a week ago. How Badgerclops rescued him from the sweetypies who harmed him and actually accepted him for him. He blushed again at the memory, during him of his boredom for a short while. He should have chatted with him longer, discussing their cybernetics as well as share tips on improving their technology. Even though he only had a robo arm, Cyber felt that Badgerclops was very similar to himself.  He wondered if Badgerclops had ever been bullied for his to robo arm.

He then remembered that Badgerclops had given him his number. All he had to do was text or call. Cyber was nervous about this, concerned that Badgerclops would be busy and would prefer not to be distrupted. On the other hand, he could be totally cool with chatting with him. His anxiety was making him sweat and made his paws a bit shaky. His thumb just a tap away from calling the badger's number. He took a deep breath and pushed the call button on his tail and listened to the rings, waiting nervously to hear Badgerclops voice.

After a few moments, he heard a familiar cheery voice that belonged to the very badger in question.

"Hello" Badgerclops answered, wondering who could be calling him

"H-hi Badgerclops, I don't know if you remember me. I-it's me, Cyber Clyde Clawberry. I was wondering if you like to chat for a bit" Cyber nervousness was laced in his voice, this was a first for him. A phone call to a friend after all.

"Oh hi Techno!" His cheery tone brought a smile to Cyber face, he really did like that nickname. "How are you? I was worried, I thought for sure that you lost my number"

"Sorry, I got hurt and I been on bed-" A sharp gasp interrupted him, causing him to be a bit worried.

"WHO HURT YOU?!" Badgerclops demanded to know

Cyber chuckled a bit, he like how he cared that deeply.

"I'm fine. Maybe you can come to visit if you like. Queen Noche is letting me stay at the castle till I recover. If you're too busy then I understand if you can-" The phone call suddenly ended.

Cyber sighed. He had ruin his first friendship. He might as well just sleep it off.

Before he could close his eyes, the door to his room opened with a loud bang. There stood Badgerclops who immediately rush to his side. He check over his damaged cybernetics and began to fix them the best he could. Cyber was so touched that his eyes cried tears of happiness for the first time. Badgerclops was truly a good friend that cared about him, despite the cybernetics. Cyber finally had a good friend and he vowed that he would not lose him.

If only he knew that a set of blue eyes was observing them from the shadows. One that would use his friendship to her own advantage.

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