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Night was training at her usual spot under the illuminating light of the crescent moon. She manages to increase her strike speed by a couple of seconds though she knew that she could do better. She pushed herself even harder then she had before. Cold sweat was showering her gray fur, her body beginning to become exhausted with every strike she made. This is what real training was, mustering very last bit of strength her body has to make her attacks flawless. Even in battle, every strike counts. There is no do overs in a real fight, a single mistake can get one killed. Night trained her body and skills to assure that this would not happen. Though she could not predict fate, she was going to make sure she be a tough person to go down. She has to get her revenge on the Mao clan after all.

She could already hear Mao Mao begging for his life in her mind. She should have broken his spine when she attacked him, or better yet his arm so he be weakened. Though it wouldn't be much of a challenge to one of her caliber. She was training to beat him at his very best, she wanted to fight him at his peak of strength before crushing him. Night would make the Mao clan pay dearly for Timber's death. A bubbling rage filled inside of her whenever she thought of how these so called "heroes" killed a innocent child for justice. So she use her own kind of justice to put them through the same heartbreak she endured.The

She was about to continue her training when she sensed that she was no longer alone. Her nose picked up the scent of another person. She knew this event was not of one of her enemies, they often carry the smell of tears of failure, misery, and wounded pride. This scent is one she knew since she could first use her nose. She put her blade back into the leather sheath on her back under her cape and face her guest.

"Great Grandfather, it is great to see you. Though it is quite odd for you to come visit me. Usually it is the other way around. I ask that you get straight to the point. You know I don't like chitchat, well I don't like my enemies to chitchat long anyways" She spoke, her arms crossed as she waited for him to come out of his hiding place.

Tai came out, his face was a mixed of serious and worry. This was not his usual look and this caused her a bit of worry. He approached her before sitting down beside her, gesturing for her to sit beside him. Like an obedient pup, she sat down next to him and waited for him to speak.

"Night, I came to ask that you stop this. I know losing Timber was hard for you, traumatizing even. Yet killing the Mao clan will not solve anything, all it will do is stain your paws with blood that will not cure you of your pain. Believe me when I say this" Tai eyes were sadden as he spoke, he had once been were Night was and he was able to stray away from the dark path.

Though he could not stray his great grand daughter from the path of evil, he hoped he could at least convince her to not lil the clan she hated. To be honest, Tai was still upset about the lost of his loved ones though he knew that it was better to move on.

"Tai, as my dear grandfather you trained me to learn the ways of the blade. Helped me learn how to fight the way I do now, became a parental figure when I needed it the most. I respect you greatly that no words could ever describe" She looked him in his golden eyes, seeing his ears perk up due to her words. However she was not finish. " Sadly, I must refuse your request. The Mao Clan killed my parents then sent a house on fire with me and Timber inside! I worked hard to get where I am, so that I can take those accursed felines down once and for all. I will destroy them even if it against your wishes! " She growled in anger, furious about him asking her the unthinkable

Tai sighed before getting up. He knew that talking to her was not going to work, though he had hoped that there was a possibility for trying at least. He knew there was only one way to convince her, the only way she could see reason. He pulled out his twin katana of fire and ice and got into a stance. Battle is sometimes the only way to show that one is wrong, he sadly had to show this lesson to one he wished he never had to fight. Though date had other plans.

The Night Villianous PathWhere stories live. Discover now