Warmth to A Wounded Heart

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The sound of water dripping down the dungeon walls was now somewhat peace ful. The moonlight illuminated the cell as it reached through the bars of the windows. Like they were sun rays but warm. This was oddly unusual for nights in the valley, though for this particular one, it was acceptable. The cells were always cold, the cold steel shackles of them only made bittercold worse. The rain from the previous nights did not help anymore than having a a coat in the scorching hot desert. Though despite all this, a certain white lion was doing  all he could to help the young gray wolf he had nestle in his arms.

Snugglemagne was now holding the very person that hurt him in his arms. He could have ended her were she was. He certainly has the strength to do it, it would be like breaking a twig. A fragile twig that grew a breath taking flower. He just could not do such a thing, even if she technically deserves it. He was a gentleman at heart and a true gentleman always helps a lady in distress. After all what would his ancestors think of him if he just turn his back on her like this.

He cradled her a bit more. His turquoise may have dull from the time he spent in this cell room, though they held true concern for Night. Even now, he was completely captivated by how the moon light only increased her beauty. He was a bit red and see this was not helping to calm his beating heart. Was he in love with Night? He had to admit, he was quite taken with Luna. Looking at Night in his arms, he couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth in his chest. Perhaps he truly did love her.

Night was still sleeping in his arms. She looks like she hasn't allowed herself to sleep in such a long time. Possibly years. A villianess must never sleep, that must be her reason. Her eyes had dark circles under her eyes, this only confirmed that she denied her body the rest of needed. She nestled a bit more in the warm soft arms that could easily be mistaken as pillows. She allowed her fur to snuggle and her as warm as possible. She enjoyed this strange warmth, it seemed familiar yet she could not truly remember why.

Timber was on her mind, more likely in her nightmares. How he was crying while she tried to save him from hellish flames that consume their home all those years ago. The way he tried to be brave while she carried him. How images of his body were stuck in her mind. His slight burn body with her scarred green eyes.... Why?! WHY?! WHY DID HE DO IT?! IS THIS HER PUNISHMENT?! TO FOREVER HAVE THE EYES OF SOMEONE SHE COULDN'T SAVE? TO ALWAYS BE REMINDED OF HOW SHE FAILED THE PERSON WHO RELY ON HER THE MOST?! She honestly wanted to wake up from this horror, though in a way it was the only time she ever saw him. The nightmare may be a tragic event, yet seeing Timber every time made it worth it. Like it was a bearable pain.

Though she be stuck in this nightmare longer then usual. Moonlight Noir curse made her body incredibly weak afterwards, which requires much more rest then why she was normal used to. She hated this after effect. All that destructive power and for what, having to take a few days of rest. So pitiful. Sadly though.She had to do so, since everything in the unforgiving cold dirt ball that was Earth, had a price. So she would stay in the land of nightmares for a while longer. She at least had this warmth to accompany her, so it was not all bad.

Snugglemagne watched Night sleep in his arms, how she appeared to be sad and in a great deal of emotional pain. He gently brushed her fur and held her closer. Upon closer inspection, he saw small droplets of tears. He softly gasped, doing his best not to awaken her. He held her closer, not willing to let go. He would never let go of his precious Moonflower.

"Oh my dear Moonflower, your thorns prick me and drops of blood stains your soft petals but you are still breathtaking  in the moon luminous light. Sadness wilts your petals, the ones that hold your sweet fragrance. You keep your thorns sharp to hurt others, though deep down...They shield you from more pain, don't they? You put up such a defense, not allow anyone to to truly help you...yet. You are damaged. Like your scars, your petals also are damaged... Though even the most damaged and wilted flowers still hold unimaginable beauty. I promise to break through that wall of thorns till I reach you. Till the morning comes, rest well dearest Luna" He looked at her, his eyes soften before kissing her head goodnight.

Soon he closed his own eyes, allowing the enticing siren call of slumber to take a hold of him as well. Though he still held Night close in his strong, white arms. He may not fully trust her, or know much about her either. Snugglemagne vowed to get through to her and help her for his heart told him. The heart never lies.

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