Dinner is served

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Night had successfully obtained the throne of Pure Heart Valley from the former King, Snugglemagne. Now she was in charge, a position she always enjoy having. Assigning duties to her knights, writing laws and demands that the sweetypies must follow. Mostly like is what is keeping them safe, more safe then when that cowardly lion was in charge. The very moment that she shown herself in public, they were completely taken by her. Many were such naive fools, though Timber loved the kingdom and since these creatures lived there then they would be loved by her. She was like a guardian to them, not wanting to be a mother so she didn't get too attached. After all soon, they are are what happens when she is angered. Very soon indeed.

Queen Noche was a perfect choice for her royal name. No one, not even the accursed sheriff knew about her, so why hide such a glorious name at all. Night was about to invite the sheriff department to meet with them for the first time as Queen Noche. She had a perfect disguise to fool them as well. She had a crystal on her white cloak that makes her grey fur into a whitish silver color. She wore a black heart mask that concealed her eyes and her scars well. The king crown placed carefully on her head. The golden yellow crown that had a fuchsia pink heart on the center front of it.

Soon the doors opened and her eyes were locked in to the eyes of the sheriff department. Mainly focused on a certain black cat's emerald green eyes. Those green orbs were filled with shock, and so much confusion. Night smiled the best fake sweet smile she could muster in that moment. Mao Mao walked to her cautiously, ready to pull out his katana at any moment.

"Who are you?! Where is King Snugglemagne?! WHERE IS HE?!?!?!" He yelled, drama was certainly his style

"At ease, good sheriff. His grace, Snugglemagne has handed the throne to me, his servant Luna. He believed that he was not the character to rule over such a kingdom. A kingdom needs careful plans, a strong leader who will protect the subjects that she so dearly loves, and the aid of of who will be the greatest legendary hero of all time to aid her. Please dear sheriff, help me. Help me so that I can make this kingdom a better place"She spoke with a pleading, yet devoted leader type of tone

The mere meaning of the word "Legendary" , instantly had Mao Mao convinced that this new queen would be great for the kingdom. He would be a legendary hero in no time with Queen Noche on his side.

"B-but what happened to the king?" Adorabat asked the queen, a bit nervous from the sudden change of rulers

" Do not worry, sweet child. He is safe, visiting his relatives in another land to seek his true purpose, beyond these castle walls"She smiles to the young bat child

"Oh ok!" The naive child instantly accepted the answer, not even questioning it.

Badgerclops though said nothing he had his doubts about this. Why would the King just abandoned his beloved castle and throne to a servant he only had for eight months? Though the smell of warm food quickly wipe those thoughts out of his mind.

"Homemade Coco-chip cookies?" The Queen offered him

" You are now my favorite ruler of all time!! " He grabbed the tray out of her hands and gobbled them down till on the reflection of the tray in the light was shone.

Satisfied with the new queen, the sheriff department left back to their headquarters, as if they completely forgotten about their former king. Oh if only they could have searched just a bit harder, perhaps then they would have heard the hoarse wails from the dungeon below their feet. It was time for her to visit her prisoner and give him his dinner.

Night grabbed a silver tray that had a full meal. There was a small bowl of a freshly made salad. It was made with lettuce and rare red berries found only in this forest of this very kingdom. The next thing on the tray was a fine glass of perfectly mixed drink of grapes and cherries, seasoned with cinnamon for a hint of flavor.  Lastly a steak of a type of mystery meat that only Night know the origins of. It was fully cooked with herbs and other seasonings. Now she when to the dungeon to see how her prisoner was doing.

King Snugglemagne was paper then his usual white fur should usually be. The lack of direct sunlight  had done his fur some damage and lack of nourishment his health deserved. His eyes were full and a bit red due to the crying and another effect from lack of sunlight. His hands still chained. Now he was curled up in a ball on the cold stone floor. He was a bit thin from the lack of eating for a few days. He looked up to see his captor with a tray of food that made his mouth water.

"Please my good lady, may I please eat some of those delicious morels" He was still a gentleman at heart, even in this type of situation.

Night nodded and passed him the tray. She watched him eat every single bite of his meal till only empty dishes remained. He seemed to greatly enjoy the meal.

"Thank you, my lady. What was that type of meat, it was so delicious that my mind can hardly believe such a taste"He almost wanted to ask for a second helping, till Night spoke

"Lion monster meat"She cruelly smiled

The king eyes widen in horror. He had just consumed his own species, his ancestors would be disgusted by such a sinful and monstrous act. He started to vomit uncontrollably to try and fix his stomach from the horrific meal.

" The...sheriff..will..stop..you "He managed to say before passing out.

Night cleaned up the vomit before lying the former King on his side, so he wouldn't choke and his own vomit. She then left to resumed her ruler duties. Soon she will pay him another visit. May be sooner than he would expect.

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