Farewell King Snugglemagne

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Night decided that today would be the day she set her master plan to destroy Mao Mao. The first thing to do was to get rid off the king in a way that would not get those pesky sheriffs involved. Night thought long and hard about how to do it. How does one dethrone a royal and get away with it? Night could use her eyes powers to make him willingly give her control of the kingdom, but then the sheriffs would question why their king would do such a thing.  Night needed a way to make them believe that she would be their ruler and not question it later. Then an idea clicked on her head that have her a devilish grin which would make her deceased parents very, very proud. Time for her final rounds as Luna the timid maid.

Today she would be at the king's side, she would be the only one on duty for the day. Luck would not be on his side. The irony that his new maid would make him lose the position he adored ever so much. It would be striped from him of his beloved throne and authority. She soon entered his throne room, Bowing before him as any servant does before their master. She would remember these times when she would torture him later. Yes, for his role in this, he will live. Live only to amuse her with screams, and cute pleads. She almost feel bad for doing this to him. Though she did wonder why she was the only one with him. Even the guards and Quinton were not with him. A very odd event, though for her plan it was a jackpot opportunity.

"Greetings, Luna. Today I wanted to have a day where the two of us get to know each other. We only ever see each other when you're on duty, yet since our first meeting we haven't spoken a single word to each other. As a gentleman, I would like to learn more about you, my dear" He smiled at her, his turquoise eyes admiring her as if she was a rare jewel.

Night was dumbfounded. This was both romantically cute and dumb. She admitted that no one truly did this for her before and it was honestly sweet. However it was also dumb, the king was a royal who should have be guarded no matter what, yet he had no protesters to help him here. He was now defenseless. Oh what a golden chance in a million.

Night walked closer to him,  so close that her eyes would meet his if her mask was not on. All she had to do now is wait for those magical words to victory.

"Luna, please remove your mask. You know I love your eyes. They are like gems filled with mystery and are such a lovely sight. I never know why you mask your true beauty, my lovely moon flower"He touched her right ear softly, lightly brushing it with his paw

Night light blushed, this was her first nickname for a long time. Moon flower was the reason her name was Night. A field of them were blooming on the very night she was born. How does this man know how to  trigger her emotions? Perhaps some tortured will make him cry out the truth.

" As you wish, my king"Night removed her mask and looked at the king with her eyes flowing a warm dark blue

The king stared at them till his own eyes mimicked the dark blue glow. He was now in a daze statue you like state that only  Night could awaken him from. Like he was in a prison within his mind to be trapped there till Night allowed him to be released. The king bowed to her as if there roles were reversed, he was her servant and she was his queen. Night smirked at the ease it took to fool him. Now for step two of phase one.

Night took out a vanilla colored paper that was a document. The document legally had one of her false name on it. It stated that the custody of the kingdom would be granted to her and she would be officially the queen once the king sighed the dotted line. She had used one of her villian contacts to persuade a law office to get her this legal document, all she would need to do is get the signature. A task so simply that would be only challenging to those who lack the IQ to do so.

"Sign it"Night handed him a pen to sign the paper that would put an end to his royal life

" Yes, my lady"The king sighed the paper and even gave her his crown. Placing it on her head like it was destined to belong there.

Night smirked before sitting on her new throne and looking at the signature. It was indeed his true name on the paper. She has no more use for him. Yet he deserve a reward for his aid. She lifted up his cheek and have him a long kiss on the cheek before kicking him down to the floor, releasing him of her spell.

"Ugh... What happened?" The king rubbed his head in pain, he then noticed Night on his throne.

"You're in my castle now, peasant" Night mocked him like how she felt serving under him as a maid

'Luna?! How dare you call me a peasant?! I am your king"He felt his hair for his crown but it was not there. He gasped and looked for it on the ground for it. "Where is my crown?!"

Night called at this and watched his misery. "I am now the queen of Pure Heart Valley, you cowardly lion! You have signed this position to me, fair and square. So how does it feel? Sad? Humiliating? Well it will get worse, I can assure you"Night felt happy and the moment she longed for was finally at hand.

The king tried to escape though the guards stopped him. Snugglemagne smiled, believing they had come to his rescue but instead they grabbed him. They took him to the dungeon and chained him up in the darkest. Coldest cell that hardly received any sunlight.

" No!! You're enemy is Luna! I am your King, release me!! " He demanded, his ego and pride would not be crush without a fight.

"We only obey Queen Noche"The guards spoke in unison and now before her as she entered the dungeon

" The sheriff shall stop you! " The King growled

"Oh, how can he if I have the power in this situation? Oh poor, poor Snugglemagne. Without your king title, you are so weak, but I can't wait till you see how I treat my prisoners" Night playfully parted his head as if he was a child.

Then her and the guards left him to cry as he struggle in his cold steel metal chains that were cutting deep into his fur. His wails echoed throughout the dungeon walls. It was a poetic music piece to Night enhanced hearing.

Phase one is complete. Now to wait till she felt was the perfect time to set Phase two into motion. Patience was the key to her plan and she could wait, like she had for six long years. Now she had accomplished Timber's precious dreams. Now it was time to accomplish hers.

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