Enter the Vampire Lair

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Tai thought on what would be the proper place for Night till she was the proper age to be by herself. He was constantly on adventures and quests, so he was out of the question. His son, Theo and his wife Pyra were also out of the question. The eye powers of love would do more harm than good for Night and Pyra rage would most likely remind the girl of that horrible day. His daughter Ella and her husband,Brute would be too emotional to properly care for Night once he spoke of the reason why. All the family would be emotional of course, it would be common but Night well being was a major concern as well. Night was just a child, a child who cause massive amounts of irreversible damage, but still a child who is facing a large emotional event that will never go away. He needed to leave her with someone who he could help her through and hopefully help that scar that was a razor blade cut on her heart, one that would be hard to heal.

He then remembered a perfect person who was very motherly and could care for Night, like her mother did. This person was Night's aunt, Willow. Willow was Chloe's sister and always loved Night and Timber so much as if they were her very own children. Night was always quite fond of her, the two shares a unique bond. After thinking it over one more time, Tai thought it was the best choice. He looked over at Night who was sleeping by him, he learnt to soothe her from the night terrors she would have every three hours. He kissed her head, he would protect her as much as he could.

The next day, Tai took Night to Willow's mansion where Night would stay until she became 18. Tai explained to Night how in a few weeks he would speak to Shin Mao about the ordeal that happened and get answers. Night insisted on going, her family killers would be there so she had the right to heard this conversation.Tai hesitated at first, protesting that Night was too young to hear this, though one look at her eyes changed his mind.

"Very well Night, You may come but you will stay silent. I understand your anger but please restrain yourself till hearing their side of this. Shin Mao is a close friend to me, I trust his daughters had a reason to do what they did" Tai mental struggled to not doubt himself, though it was fighting back at his trust for his friend strongly.

Night only thought by hearing this was ,how to kill the girls that dared ruin her life and make Timber die her arms as he becomes a lifeless corpse.

The two came to a stone castle that Night as well belong to Dracula himself. The walls were a gravel colored stone that was edged and rigid due to age and damage over the years. The windows were covered by steel metal barbs with red velvet curtains. The towers were 18 feet tall and looked like the ones that many captured princesses would be thrown into by their villainous captors. The front door was well bolted down and locked like a prison holding the most deadliest prisoners.

Night always loved how the castle looked, how it was both like a home that a total would love in and how it was also a horror place that only fools would enter then die. She never seen intruders who enter ever come out alive or see their bones or corpses, how did her aunt manage it. Night would never know.

Tai knocked on the door, patiently waiting for the owner of the castle would answer. Tai never owned a phone, so he never phoned ahead. So all he could do was hope that Willow was home at the time. Luck for him, she was.

"Hello Tai, how are you? Oh, hello Night! You gotten so big! Where are your parents and where is precious little Timber?" Night heart aches at those questions, she couldn't tell her aunt the truth. Not to that kind hearted soul.

Willow had light blue fur that was often covered by her red vampire like dress, attached to the back of the dress was black bat like cape. Her fangs are more vampire like and bigger than most wolves. Her tail was long and well groomed, nearly kept. Like all the family members, Willow also possessed eye powers  that matched her appearance. Her eyes were a cinder red color that held the powers of a vampire, though that never made her one. She just had the powers of one, though garlic can make her stomach churning in pain for days. Her powers once vampire strength, floating, turning into a bat, superhuman speed, enhanced senses,hypnotism, damage resistance, regeneration, Animal control, and shape shifting. She may not be a true vampire but with the abilities of them, anyone couldn't tell the difference.

Tai pulled Willow inside,leaving Night to stay outside and waited as the two talked. Night already knew that the two were talking about her dead parents and Timber, she was a bit thankful since the subject made her heart bleed. The Night terrors got worse and worse,that would she was now an insomniac. Going nights without sleep, going the days and nights without having the sandman visiting to wiss her off to the horror dreamland she fought with every night. The current place she would soon be staying wouldn't help with the her insomnia, probably keeping her up more. After what seemed like hours to Night,Willow came to Night with her eyes full of tears as she held the young wolf pup like one of her own.

"You can stay here,sweetie. I'm sure Sage and your cousins will enjoy your company. I am so sorry that this happened to you, we will all miss your parents and your brother. Though you are here and we are so thankful that we still have you,Night. I will support your choices to be a villian. We all love you Night, though I know you will always carry that scar on your heart. Though we will help you through it. Night, you mean so much to us, we love you" Willow embraced her into a tight hug, a few cold tears hit Nigh t fur though she allowed it.

Night hugged back, though she saw more then sorrow then in Willow's cinder red eyes. There was a hint of wanting revenge on the daughters of Shin Mao daughters for taking away her loves ones. Night smiled, happy that someone shared her feelings.

Night would soon start her new life with her aunt, though there she would soon learn the new lessons that her aunt would teach her. The very lessons that made her the villianess she was now.

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