Facts about Yuki Cupid Melody Mint Clawberry

171 3 557

Current Age 7

Yuki is a White furred wolf who wears a white cloak with silver embroidery flowers made by her mother, Willow. She has white eyes that hold tremendous healing powers that can even bring back the fallen from death's door within a day. Though her white orbs are also pretty sad, for young Yuki is blind as a bat. Thanks to her healing powers, she can see light and shapes. Unfortunately she has trouble with colors, so all she can truly see is black and white. She tries to keep it a secret to most, especially with her team at the Sheriff department. Her tail is small and bushy like a baby squirrel.

Yuki is a shy girl, the type that never likes to go out and makes friends like most energetic children her age. As of such she was labelled a loner at such a young age. She always kept to herself, sometimes stops talking when upset or hurt. She will go months without speaking of hurt emotional. Despite her shy personality, Yuki has a big kind heart and will help anyone in need, good or bad. She does not care about what happens to her and always puts others first no matter what. Yuki barely gets mad and ever really gets upset about anything, even when she cries about a small stiff, those tears never last long. Though even she is truly upset she will go in a corner and listen to very sad music. Though she does have a mischievous side like her mother. She sets up small pranks on her friends and giggles as she watches from afar. No one knows this side of her, though if she pranks people for too long she will go into a mad prankster mode that is equal to a sugar rush.

Since Yuki does not possess a weapon because she is a pacifist, her great grandfather Tai trained her in self defense which also provided her her super strength. She can lift boulders twice her weight and size, in a way she is a young super wolf. Being a healer means Yuki hates fighting, especially between her friends. The moment she hears yelling, she will leave in the forest to be alone for a while. Though even the most purest of souls have darkness and Yuki is no exception. When she was born, her shadow literally came to life and ever since attempts to make Yuki fight, a shadow only she can hear. Like it wants her to be someone she isn't or worse...once was.

Yuki comes from the Clawberry family from her bloodline. Her parents are Safe and Willow. Sage is always spoiling his little princess and giving her lots of caring attention. Yuki is his little girl after all. Willow also loves her daughter, though she does not approve of Yuki pacifist nature, believing it will get her killed one day. Willow is often being the overprotective mother which gets a bit annoying to Yuki at times. Her oldest brother Cyber tends to avoid her so he does not accidentally affect her with his eye powers. He truly loved her more in than world itself, yet does not want to hurt her. Yuki knows this, yet it still hurts deep down. Her other brother Chill, he is always close by her until she moved to Pure Heart Valley to be their first doctor and the main healer in the sheriff department. They call each other every day to talk about their days. They have a strong bond.

Yuki enjoys to play videogames. Her favorites are rpg video games with a very good plot line. Yuki plays against Badgerclops a lot which lead them to have a rivalry. So far she has fifth wins while he has fourteen wins. Since she was still a kid, she plays with Adorabat and the other sweetypies when she has free time, her favorite game to play was dodgeball. Though her most favorite pass time is singing with what everyone calls her angelic voice. Yuki songs are so beautiful that it can be very distracting at times.

Badgerclops is best friends with her brother Cyber, so Yuki also considers him a very close friend. He is always so kind to her and is her videogame buddy. Adorabat is officially her bestie being the youngest on the team like her, also she loves spending time with her alot. Mao Mao is more of a sensei to her and she thinks greatly of his opinion of her. She will work hard to impress him and be a legendary healer.

Being the only doctor in Pure Heart Valley is a bit hard since the sweetypies are constantly getting hurt either by monster attacks or their own child like clumsiness. Though she is ok with her new life in the valley.

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