Batrilla's Betrayal

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It was a usual day for Night, robbing innocent civilians and watch their pathetic pleads for mercy. Night decided to spare only the children that were too helpless to fend for themselves. After an hour, she successfully conquer the village and what little values they possessed. The day schedule after that was quite simply. She organize a few meeting places to receive some supply such as poisons, rare crystals to make magical weapons, and the new available contacts that she got from the petty grunts of their villainous bosses. Today, her cargo was a box of poisons that can kill anyone with the full dose, though a small enough dose can leave them paralyzed for a whole six hours. Oh what she would do with these little puppies. Oh what fun she would have indeed.

There were also some rare lava crystals that were hotter than the sun in summer with the humidity in full blast. They can be used as a power source for a certain gadget her cousin, Cyber was crafting. He spoken with her on the phone that his newest invention need a flaming fire power source, yet he had no such luck finding one. Well legally there is none, though Night was a girl who broke every rule in the possible book. The favor she would call as payment would be greatly needed once she delivered him these rare crystals.

Sadly her thoughts were interrupted by her young apprentice, Summer.

"Noche?" She flew to Night eye level

"What do you want, Summer? Do not you not see that I have very important matters that are more important than whatever you possible have to say to me?" Night looked at her, not showing her a speck of any form of kindness today.

Child or not, in the cruel world they live in, they have to fend for themselves. They were all they had, to teach and learn that the world isn't all sweet sugary clouds and a sky of rainbows. The world is violent, cool and unfair. Just like that day where she lost it all. Where all one has is a face full of tears and a strong desire to avenge those who were took from you in cold blood. This is what makes a villian, the lessons Summer will need to learn if she hopes to suffer a minute in the world she just entered.

All Summer had was a wing around Night back and a dagger to her back. She wore a Cheshire smile that was a mixed of insanity and madness. Something snap on her and she need to take it out on something. As luck would have it, the target was Night. The time you try and help someone learn how to defend themselves, then they turn on you. Oh the irony, though it was slightly assuming. Just a year ago, this little brat was a sniffling crybaby and now she was just an inch from slicing Night throat like a load of bread. Oh how amusing.

"I got a surprise for you, Night. That's right!I know you're real name and all about your past. How you may ask? I snuck into your room and when through all the focus on that little black book you have. That why I invited a special guest to torture, as you watch in complete agony"She force Night to walk to a chair and handcuffed her to the chair.

Summer then walked to a curtain, her grin was bigger that Night could have sword to have heard a crack. She pulled a golden silk radio and revealed someone that made Night feel fear. An emotion that she long had buried.

There her great grandfather was. He was stripped from his rare black steel armor. He was scarred all over his gray fur that dripped blood. His tail was sliced off in the most horrible way imaginable. His gold eyes were dull, like the brightness within them was just a mere memory now. He would need immediate medical attention. Night had to help him.

" Summer! You're quarrel is with me, leave Tai alone"She growled, despite the steel of the handcuffs cutting her gray fur

"Emotional ties are a weakness, that was the first lesson you ever taught me. I think you should a recap of that lesson" Summer walks slowly to Tai, she was going to destroy his eyes,the family treasure.

Night allow the adrenaline to fuel her and managed to break the restraints and tackle the bat traitor Allow all her strength to pin the tiny bar to the ground.

"M-mercy?" Summer whimpered, all the confident she had disappeared the instant she became disarmed

"Leave or I will see how bat stew taste and it will be served bloodless"Nigh gaze was cold and has the look of a feral beast in the wilderness.

Summer made her choice and quickly fleed. Night ran up to her Tai and checked that he still had a pulse. He still had a stable pulse, though how long would that last for. It was crucial that she get him to a doctor while he still had air in his lungs. She put his left arm on her right shoulder and leaned him against her, making her way to the medical room ten feet from her cargo room. Inside there are a staff of doctors with a death warrant against them if they dare to did obey her.

" We need to have a talk young lady. Mainly about your latest career choice"Tai spoke his voice was weak but his words were strong.

Night couldn't help but smile. "Of course  Great father Tai, of course.

This would be a long talk, though if her Grandfather was alright. Then for the first time in a very long time, she would look forward with this talk. Happy that she would be scolded with grandfather who will survive. 

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