Howling Cry

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Night was in the middle of having a strict meeting with a group of thieves that has the nerve to get on her bad side.  They call themselves the Thicken Thieves, a pathetic name in all honesty. They were just a small fry villainous group that was on the lowest level of villiany. How they met her was their most dangerous mistake and they should be thankful that she spare them.

It was when she was 17, her birthday was in a week and she decided to cause a bit more chaos before the day came. For many of her victims, her birthday was the only day out of the whole year that she does not cause any destruction or end the lives of those she sets her eyes on. After she had charred a supply shop to ashes, she went to a nearby tavern to get a quick bite. The tavern of the town that she was in was quite famous for it's delicious food. She has a carving for the cherry blossom salad along with some of their rich milk from their cow monsters. She was a vegetarian since the whole monster meat incident, never eating any meat at all.

She entered the tavern, taking a seat close to a window so she could see anyone who tried to pull a possible sneak attack again her. She told the Hyena waiter her order them she waited for her meal. The rain started the moment she entered, most considered this a bad omen whenever she came. This only brought a sinister grin to her face. Even the rain knew she was trouble, casting it's drops of sorrow upon the land while showing all that danger was here. All she wanted was to satisfy her hunger, seeing if this tavern truly had delicious food. If it was a lie then no one would be spared. At least the rain was a comfort.

Night was the only girl in the tavern, surrounded by a series of thugs, assassins, and thieves. If it weren't for her white cloak, the tavern would be a ghost town. For a legendary villianess, it is best to keep one's identity a secret. Mostly to get a decent meal in a place that won't run away like wimpy babies. Soon her waiter with her meal, she thanked him before being her meal. For the first time, a rumor she heard was actually true. The salad was indeed delicious, worth a five star review from her. This just may have saved this small excuse for a town.

That is when she felt a tip of laser at her back, clearly she was about to get robbed. Oh what foolish robbers they were. She might as well toy with them a bit.

"Well my dear, looks like you are having a nice meal here. Too bad it will be cut short. Now be the sweet miss your are and hand over your sword" The voice sounded british, certainly a first for her.

She looked in the reflection of the mirror to see who was trying to rob her. She has to hold in her laughter on who it was. The were three people trying to take away her beloved Moonlight Noir. The Thicken Thieves, she heard about them from one of her Intel leaks. They lose a member who was their so called muscle.  Oh how she hated those who betray or leave their groups. It was clear that they only had confident when they were armed with weapons.

Tiny Toad, the leader of the Thicken Thieves then grabbed the handle of the blade. He smirked as he examined the blade shiny gem steel. Onyx gem weapons worth top dollar in the black market. He could sell it for a good sum. His henchmen keep an eye on the girl, stop her from trying anything funny.

"Oh, this will due nicely, we'll get some good money for this" His smirk grew and her lower his weapon

Big mistake, Small Hop

Night then used her tail to grab Tiny Toad and held him in a tight grip. Then she kicked the henchmen away, knocking them into the walls of the tavern. Her cloaked fell off and it revealed who she truly was.

The customers in the tavern yelled her name in pure fear and ran out of the tavern, trying to avoid escape with their lives. They made a wide decision. Through the commotion, a poster fell from the wall. Night managed to get a look at the poster, this made her her smirk evilly.

The poster was about her. The legendary villianess Noche. The number of crimes she had did as well as how she destroyed several gangs and villains to gain her status. Even the most skilled heroes would feel fear when they looked at her. The poster stated in bold red writing that she was not to be encountered unless legendary heroes gave the okay.

This made Tiny Toad sweat bullets, struggling to make eye contact with the very soul that he tried to steal from. He began to beg for forgiveness, pleading  to be spared. He offered her his services. This interested her, they could be useful to her and she may be able to help them get a slight boost of ranks in the villian scale.

"Your gang will work for me, I will receive about 70 percent of all you collect. In return your lives will be spared and I shall provide you decent weapons that will help you with our capers. Consider it mercy for trying to rob me. You should know that I don't tolerate such like you stealing from a accomplished villianess such as myself. Is that clear?" Her eyes glared at him like she was ready to crush him where he stood.

The road nodded rapidly before handing back her blade to her.

She smiled and howled in victory. Allowing her animal instincts to show. The howling cry echoed throughout the town, sending chills to the citizens. Oh howling can send a chilly fear towards the fragile hearts to the weak innocent prey.

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