Hello Hated Enemy

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Night had gotten used to her new maid job quite well. She knew her way around the castle with in a matter of two weeks. She had only a selected rooms to clean a day, all quite easy to clean as a matter of fact. Most of the time she got it done, King Snugglemagne called her to be present in one of his royal meetings with his subjects. He seemed so excited to be with her. Oh, that silly fool of only he knew the truth. She probably torture him later, though she had to be patient. The time will come for such a wonderful reward. For now, she will continue the role of faithful timid castle maid, Luna.

The King have her a custom made maid outfit he had for the occasion he ever got a maid. It was unusual for a noble like him to have such an outfit on hand. Though Night didn't question it much. The outfit was a light violet dress with light blue tights. The lace on the dress was yellow and the ribbons were a pinkish red color. It appeared to matched the King usual garments, another unusual coincidence. Very strange. She requested a mask to conceal her scar and eyes, so the sheriff could not recognize her, if they remember her. The king accepted a simply request as this and have her given a good mask that made her eyes appear turquoise such as his.

He was kind to her. Almost made her feel sorry for what she was going to take away from him. Almost though meant nothing to her. Night would obey his every order, counting them in her mind. So she would repay him with the most cruel torture for each one she completed. Fourteen so far, soon more would be added to the mix. Night could not wait to hear the King pleads for mercy as she slowly tortured him with the several methods she learned from Willow.

Today, Snugglemagne would be visited by his dear sheriff and insisted that Luna was present. Oh, how could she say no? Of course, she would meet the sheriff. She put on a face of honor and nervous, though in realty she was pleased to see who of the accursed clan would face her. Hopefully one of Shin Mao beloved daughters to break his precious tiny speck of a black heart. Night smiled that appeared nervous to the King but in reality it was a smile of long awaited vengeance.

There she waited by the King side as he say on his throne, waiting for the sheriff department to come and greet their ruler. The moment the doors opened, Night looked up and she had to force herself to keep her persona up and not have her face filled with hatred and disgust. There in front of her, bowing to Snugglemagne was the only son of Shin Mao, Mao Mao. The one who gave her the scars for no reason. The one she would have great pleasure torturing him after shattering his pride.

"You're grace, the kingdom is secure and the sweeties are safe from all harm"Mao Mao gives him a report in the most serious way possible.

" Thank you, dear sheriff. I like to introduce you to Luna, my new maid as of a few weeks ago" Luna bow in his presence, holding back he desire to slash him where he stands

Mao Mao stared at her for a while, as if he knew from somewhere though could not remember. He was wary of her though she appeared harmless if she had to bow to him. The King liked her as well so she must be okay. Yet he could not shake the feeling that she was hiding something.

Luna then turned to see his two companions. The king did mention that the sheriff has deputies, and there were two with Mao Mao. The poor souls he got involved in all this, if only they never met him. They would have been spared. Oh what sad fate.

One was but a child. A small blue bat with a yellow heart on her chest with a peg leg to replace her right foot. Oh what misery, Night would bring to her as she shattered the innocence as she takes away the fantasy of safety every child has before sight of the real world hits them, and how they plead with tear filled eyes to return to the world of dreams they had grown used to. Her name was Adorabat.

The other was a white and brown badger, he was an adult and appeared happy. His nails were medium length and black. He wore a black eye patch on his left eye, most likely from an accident. She paid most of her attention to his robotic arm, it reminded her of her cousin Cyber. Could  they have meet before and Cyber used his eyes on his right arm? Possible. She would call him later to ask. The badger name was Badgerclops.

Night had no beef with them, though Mao Mao was a different case. He hurt her, his sisters destroyed her life, his father did nothing to stop this. He would be the first of the accursed clan to fall. Night would be sure to make it as painful and as slow as possible. That was a vow.

Oh her sweet hated enemy. His pain would be a pleasant melody to her ears. His scream the relaxing time of keys on a lyrics sheet. The joy of hearing his bones breaking like glass that she would jab into his wounds to cause more pain. Feed him his own species and drinks of blood and salt. Never the fresh water his body would need. How when his will shatter a he would be a shell and then she leave fate to collect what remained of his soul. Oh hated enemy may time to faster, so Night Luna Wolfessa can get her revenge. You black hearted monster.

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