Night,You matter

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The doctors worked hastily to heal Tai, failure would mean a swift death to them if they lost him. Tai lost a lot of blood but he made a quick recovery. Night was relieved, she could not have lost another precious family member again. At least the sky would not claim another soul, for now. Night concerns now we're how to tell her great grandfather that three of his treasured members of his beloved family were now gone. One a singing angel in the clouds of light that never allowed the greed and evil that plagues the world nowadays, the other two probably having fun torturing the demons in the fiery pits of the underworld where all descend would go. Her parents were mostly enjoying themselves, not regretting their actions that they committed.

Night needed to find a way to tell him, then afterwards she had to tell the other members of the family. Oh, how stressed this made her, oh how she wouldn't kill to have someone to brutally shatter someone skull. The gently cracks that lead to the well desired loud smash in skull fragments in a pool of nice warm blood that in mere seconds becomes cold.

"Night"A voice snapped her out of her thoughts, she turned to see that it was Tai.

Tai was now in a white hospital gown with an IV tube inserted in his right arm. His now nub for a tail was wrapped in bandages like a present on Christmas. Many gauzes were wrapped in many of the scars that Summer inflicted on his body, Summer would pay dearly for what she's done. Though his golden eyes regain their brightness and warm glow that she admired.

" Tai, I'm sorry... "Night looked away

" Night, you can tell me what happened. You know I will listen"Tai offer her a seat at the bench behind them, offering her a smile despite how hurt and beaten his body was.

Night felt the tears threaten to fall, though she refused to show emotional weakness to her great grandfather. He was a legendary hero who was a solid book hero. Though a bit of herself hated him. Where was he when the daughter's of Shin Mao destroyed all she cared about that day? What made things worse was that it was Tai himself that trained Shin Mao. So in a way, Tai somewhat caused her to lose it all. Night's feelings of love for Tai triumph over that mere speck of hate in her heart. She knew she had to confess everything.

Night took a deep breathe and told him the long, detailed story of what happened that day. How she manage to survive the fire. The way her eyes were damaged in her efforts to save Timber. How the smoke took the sweet air from her brother lungs and how he descended from this cruel and unforgiving world that only the smartest and strongest survive. Timber however was too pure for this undeserving world, he sadly did not stand a chance in this world. As sad as this pained her, maybe Timber was taken for good reason. Though that would not excuse the pain and rage she had in her heart. She told him that Timber trade his eyes with hers with a strange chant like spell. Even now, looking at the a mirror made her sick, knowing that Timber eyes would never truly be hers. How she preferred to be blind than be reminded how she failed to save him. Night also told him how she found her parents bloody and beaten bodies that were slated by the daughter's of Shin Mao, how they were the ones who set the house ablaze.

Night paused to allow Tai to take on everything he heard. Tai was in a state of both disbelief and sorrow. Night comforted him the best she could. She had two years to cope, so taking all this in would be hard for Tai. He was in the dark for two whole years, mainly because Night never told the family. She decided it was for the best, though she was relieved that at least one member knew.

"Shin..." Tai could not believe that his best friend own family would do such a thing.

"I am now a villian, great grandfather. You should hate me because I deserve it. I couldn't save Timer. I was asleep instead of seeing where my parents were. I didn't say a word about their deaths till now. My minion nearly killed you to emotionally hurt me. I only ever scare only second rank villian bosses. Killed 345 other villians, destroyed 67 gangs and burned or destroyed 1345 towns and villages. Just hate me because I am just a messed up 12 year old who is taking her problems out on people and has a talent for villainy"Night ranted about herself, each word came out and bit at her heart like poisonous bikers sinking their fangs in her already damaged heart.

Tai placed a paw on her shoulder, giving her a sympathetic look before taking her in for a comforting hug. He allow tears to fall, he never cried. It was against his code, but he allow this to happen just this once.

" Night Luna Wolfessa. You are not hated, don't ever believe that. I am sorry you had to go though all that alone, you are still a child. Being a villian is your choice, though I will support you no matter what. Their deaths are indeed tragic, though you are not the one who deserves the blame. Timber may be gone but you're still here, he may not have like villains but he will always love you even in the cloud kingdom of the sky. You matter more then you know, Night.You are still loved"Tai kisses her head and hugged her more

Night was so touched by this simple act of kindness that she allowed herself to break her own code of not showing emotional weakness. She had cried two full years of sadness in her great grandfather shoulder.

Though now she would have tomorrow to worry about. Where a certain aunt would show her lessons in villiany she would need

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