A Small Gesture of Kindness

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King Snugglemagne had his captor in his arms once more, like before he could have easily ended her. Though this time was different, he needed to make sure that Night was okay. Especially after what he had just witnessed. No person, not even the worst person that has ever lived deserve a punishment such as that. He gently cradled her in his arms, careful not to crush her with his strength by accident. He looked down at her sleeping face that was a mixture of pain, sorrow, and rage. He sighed as he used one of his secret tunnels to go to his former bedroom.

He was not going to alert the guards, though it would halt whatever Night was planning. A gentleman always cared for a lady when she is hurt. As a gentleman, Snugglemagne was going take care of her, even after all she had done to him, he believe she wasn't truly evil. Night could have killed him, though she did not, instead they talked. She no longer tortured him either, that had to mean something. Once she wakes from her beautiful slumber,he would question her about it.

As he made his way to his room, the memory of what he saw kept replaying in his mind. It was like a movie that was stuck on a endless repeat loop. A nightmare that would forever plague his mind, not even the sweetest dreams could not rid his mind if such a ghastly image. How he wish he did not seen as Plesio led him to her.

He was in the dungeon, singing a song to entertain himself since he had nothing else to do. Then Plesio rammed against the bars of his cell, the creature looked scared and worried. Surely something was wrong, though she seemed unharmed. That could only mean one thing, that Night was in danger. He had a choice to make. This was a golden opportunity to escape, he could tell the sheriff department everything and he could finally reclaim his throne. On the other hand, he could not leave Night who could possibly be injured or lost in the valley. As a true gentleman he could not allow a lady to alone. He followed Plesio to the woods, only to be blinded by a violet black light.

Oh if only he could have stayed blinded.Sadly the blindness was only momentarily. As his sight returned, he saw Night was howling in pure agony. Oh her cries of pain were like nails to a chalkboard to his ears. How her chest ripped and show her heart. Unlike most hearts, here was not a red color. Instead hers was turning black, a very villainous color that appeared to be draining all the goodness in her heart. In fact there seemed to only small speck of red left in her heart. A truly sad sight to see. Perhaps, this was the reason that she was so evil.

He watched in horror as Night chest closed and she collapse to the soft grass. He quickly scooped her into his arms. Her body felt so cold, as if she was soaked in a ice water though without getting wet. He needed to get her to safety, he needed to protect her like the gentleman he was. He rushed to the castle, to get her the aid that she needed.

Now they were in his former bedroom that had gone through a chaotic makeover. His walls now a dark blue with small swords designs, his royal garments were replaced with gadgets,skulls, and magical crystals and relics. Even his bed was replaced with a twin mattress that had black covers. Truly a bedroom for a villain. Though as dark as it seemed, it was actually quite comfortable. In a odd way it was highly fashionable. He gently laid Night on the bed and tucked her under the black covers that covered her like a cloak of shadows.

Snugglemagne watched her sleep a bit, softly brushing her fur back from her eyes. He still admired her beauty. He smiled a bit as he saw she was relaxing finally. Though he was faced with a difficult decision.

He could turn her in and have her imprison like how she imprisoned him. No chance of ever escaping or seeing the outside world. He could take her to the sheriff and rid her of all that she had under her villianess status. Thus returning him to his royal status as the true king of Pure Heart Valley.

Though he could also help her stray away from this dark path. Even if he fails, he could always offer his life to protect his citizens of they were ever threaten.  Though he wanted to help her, so she wouldn't be alone. He would be the warm hearted friend that could help her heal.

He chose the second option. His first gesture of kindness to the legendary villianess.

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