Facts about Tai Bladeclaw

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Tai Bladeclaw

Current Age 65

Tao is an elderly hero. His gray fur has obviously signs of aging. Through all the years, he has experienced many foes and battles. His eyes are good color that grants him the powers of  supernatural swordmanship. Allow him to use elemental attacks with his weapons and make rifts to other places.Thanks to Summer, he lost his tail. He does miss his long lasso like tail, it was helpful in many battles in his youth. He has scars all over his body from battles and Summer torturing of him. Most of the scars were from protecting  Shin as he started as a young adventurer under his care. His black steel armor is made from the scales from a black shadow dragon monster whose scales are steel like. After slaying that dragon, Tai work three long days to make his armor, polishing it with a rare silk powder was that repeals poisons and other toxins from monsters. He wears two platinum bracelets that were gives to him by his parents before he started his career as an hero, they mean a lot to him.

Tai can use any kind of weapon with ease, he can simply just hold a weapon for a few seconds before using it like he fought with it all his life. Tai powers only increase his skill and fighting abilities in each his weapons, especially his most deadliest one. Since he uses so many, only his top five will be mentioned. Tao also crafted every weapon he used

His twin silver katanas, he uses fire on one and ice on the other to make a flaming cold killer combo. When using them as one blade, it creates a violent ice firestorm that can destroys mountains into brittle pebbles. He calls them "BlazeFlakes",a perfect name for this weapon, though he couldn't understand why Shin laughs at them. The helm of each katana each have a colored crystal, on the left one has a light blue crystal and the other has a red one. Both crystals function as a receiver that allows Tai powers to go into the blades. The blade themselves are silver that can withstand the temperatures of their elements.

" Meteor Azule",Tai trusty diamond hammer,that has a rare star like glow. Tai uses light magic with a hint of earth magic for his hammer. Tai uses this weapon for gigantic monsters or monsters with supposedly unbreakable defense. Tai made "Meteor Azule", from the diamond his wife found. He cut the diamond down into a hammer block like shape, then used a golden rod and secured the diamond in place with a golden metal cover.

" Kiyomo",A sword named after his beloved wife. The sword is infused with wind magic. The blade is a whitish Lapis like blade, a true beauty as the women it was named after. The helm is iron and the grip is a gold and green ribbon made by Kiyomo herself. In battle,Tai uses dance like slashes to perform hyper slashes and tornados that his opponents and Shin never see coming. The blade is a reminder of his wife, graceful, beautiful, a swiftful temper. Oh Kiyomo, Tai loves her and his wife who is named after said blade.

"Soul of Demons", A steel spear that is a black hue color. The spear head is made of a rare Quartz mineral that was mined from a ancient cavern on one of his many adventures. After putting the mineral under a fire that burned at 500 degrees to become a devil red spear head that looks demonic. As the name, dark magic is used for this weapon that as Tai puts it, "Having a great time playing with a demon's powers. Stabbing monsters with demonic black magic.Oddly the spear head appears to reassemble a demon's head.

" Bluestrike', A staff made of titanium blue metal that Tai uses a combination of water and lightning magic, the staff has two crystal that separates the two magical until Tai chooses to  uses the combo attacks. Strikes of lightning and water as one like a tempo of a jazz dance. How both the water magic movements and the lightning magic strikes makes the perfect chemistry. The staff was cool down in a sacred lake and struck by a mysterious lightning strike through no clouds or rain were present that day.

Tai has a strong sense of justice, always doing the right thing. Tai never breaks any law and always follows the laws, though laws that are made by corrupted lawmakers will feel the justice that Tai enforces. Throughout all his many adventures, Tai has become wise and shared his experiences and advice to all young heroes. Even Shin Mao still seems advice from Tai from time to time, mainly about how to train his daughters and his only son.

Tai was the one who granted all the members of his family their eye powers. On a mission with Shin, the two acquired a crystal gem that was the shape of an eye that had a 23 different colored shards that each grant the holder 23 different powers. Shin have the crystal to Tai to hold, but with one condition. Tai must never look at the gem for five minutes, otherwise he would be cursed. Tai obeyed for the first few months but soon the lady of temptation lured him to look at the gem. He stared at it like it was a enormous chest full of rare mystical jewels for a good long hour. The gem shattered and the golden share went into his head and it was then when Tai received his golden eyes. His children were also gifted with eye powers as well. His son,Theo received pink eyes and his daughter,Ella received yellow. Every member of his family is now destined to receive eye powers.

Tai enjoys tea and meditation. Tea is his only beverage that he ever drinks. His favorite is one of his own design, it is a mix of pumpkin spice, carmel, a bit of milk and a a herbal tea mix and water. Tai is often found drinking it when he is stressed or when Shin Mao is getting on his nerves. So instead of hurting his friend's feeling and probably made Shin cry, Tai stays silent and allows his tea to mellow his rage away. Mediation is to relax his mind and it helps his body since it is getting weaker with age.

Tai has a violent temper which can have a destructive aftermath. He has been able to keep it under lock and key but not every lock can be secure. Sometimes, he feels like the smallest thing may as him off and all he wants to do is scream, destroy things instead of finding a solution to the problem. After the rage, he instantly regrets the damage he has caused, and isolated himself for days till he can forgive himself for what he has done. His body has gotten weaken due to age, her he won't stop fighting till he can swing his weapons no more.

Tao is very fatherly to all the members of the family. If they were a gang, he would be the godfather figure of the gang. He is extra fatherly to Night, since he learned what happened to her parents. He loves precious little villianess great granddaughter.

There's are all the facts on Tai Bladeclaw

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