Hello, I am Luna

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King Snugglemagne was taking a total stroll around his kingdom, greeting his subjects with a simply wave that made their little hearts flutter in pure glee. He was accompanied by two of his knights and was making his way to the plaza grounds where the fountain was. He would often stand near it and allowed the water to only enhance his beauty. Though he was surprised to see a girl collapsed near it. Her clothes were dirty, that he would not dare touch them, like it was a plague disease to him.

She appeared to be a young wolf but in her early adult years. Her fur was a light gray that seemed like fog in the mid of night. Her tail was long and glossy like silk. It was obvious that she took time grooming it. If only she groomed the rest of her fur this well. Her face was adorable even with the two disgusting scars on her left cheek. They were a deep dark red color and appeared to be caused by a claw or a sword like the one the sheriff has. Though the sheriff would never harm an innocent, so the king quickly dismiss that thought. The girl was quite beautiful and what gentleman would leave a poor unconscious girl alone.

"Guards! Bring that girl back to the my castle!" He ordered

The guards did as they were instructed, scooping up the girl and returning to their ruler castle. The king used one of his secret tunnels to get to the castle faster. As they arrived, the guards placed the girl in one of the king guest rooms to get some proper rest. The guards went back to their stations outside the castle while the King stayed near his newest guest. He sat in a chair by her bedside, awaiting to see what magic her eyes held. Oh if only he truly knew.  He want to be by her side till she awoken, that is what a gentleman should do for a lady. He was the best gentleman in the land, who manners go unmatched. He had his servant being a warm tray of food for himself and would call for another for his guest.

"So not worry my dear. As long of Pure Heart Valley, I will make sure you are cared for till you are well"He said in a whisper like tone, not to disturb the young lady sleep

Unfortunately, that caused her to wake up. Her eyes flared up in panic, they were a stunning blue that were like sapphires. The king almost drifted away by their elegance.

Night took on the persona of a scared peasant girl so she could easily fool this royal and gather information on the sheriff. Night took upon herself to learn a bit of convincing acting from her uncle Sage. So she could easily fool a few people such as this childish king.

" Please calm down, dear. You are safe here. I bow that no harm will come to you" He gently parted her head lightly, giving her a warm smile that shown that he was not going to hurt her.

"Where am I?" Night asked, acting scared like a child in a haunted house for the first time, jumping at the creeks like someone was going to grab them while their backs were turned.

"You are in my castle. I am King Snugglemagne the 25th"He introduced himself, bowing before and kisses her hand as a true gentleman would do.

Night let go a shy giggle and looked away, blushing with a light pink hue. Sadly this act of embarrassment was not faked. No lady in her family could resist a gentleman, sadly she was no expectation. Curse his good manners.

" Are you alright, dear? "He asked, checking her forehead for a fever since her face suddenly got pink.

Night just nodded, faking a few convincing tears.

The king hugged her, then feel ashamed of himself.

" Oh my deepest apologizes, I did not ask for your name. Please forgive me, my dear lady"He bowed once again and lightly kisses her hand.

Night thought for a moment before she answered. Her real name was out of the question, she had hidden it all these years and she was not about to just reveal it now. Her villian name was also not an option, she was now known everywhere by that name. Her appearance may not be known but her name was also over. She had to come up with a name fast. Then she though of her middle name, it wasn't her true name but it wasn't her villianess name either. It will have to do for now.

"Luna...my name is Luna"She sniffled, trying to dry her flowing tears

The king wiped away her tears, feeling sorrow for this girl. She looked like she had no where to go and with those bruises, she must of had a troubled past. He was in need of a maid, she could live in his castle and he get to see her every day. He believed to have fallen head over heels for Luna.

Night saw his expression and had her sword ready if he tried to hurt her. She was cautious around him, yet not in fear but to keep her identity a secret.

" Luna, you shall come work for me as my maid. You can leave in the castle and will be well cared for" He offered, his eyes looked kind and truthful

Night thought about the offer. This would give her a base of uncover operation to gather information of the sheriff and she be close enough to dethrone the King when the time came. Night hated the thought of being a servant, she founded it beneath a lady like her who has accomplished so much. For the plan to work, she would need to make that sacrifice, like any good plan there are complications and hard sacrifices. This would be the first to many.

Night nodded and accept his offer.

Night is in. Soon to see her hated enemy face to face

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