Facts about Night Luna Wolfessa

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Night Luna Wolfessa.

Current age is 23

Her eyes were once green, but due to a horrible tragic, she received her little brother blue eyes. Whenever she looks at a mirror she has the urge to claw the eyes out, haunted by the constant memory of how she must live her life with eyes that should never be hers. Those eyes that belong to a boy who did not deserve the end brought to him by the monsters that dare rob the world of him. Night suppresses this urge by remembering why she keeps fighting, to avenge her lost loved ones and to honor Timber selfless sacrifice.

Her weapon of choice is a onyx like sword which is cursed. The blade is made of onyx gems that Timber gave her every birthday. He always have her one hundred since he had a spell to make any gemstone he desired. After his death, she decided to melt the gems into a sword in a way to honor his memory and in a way it would be him fighting with her. The handle of the sword is mainly silver with a blue ribbon tied around the helm. Her mother have her the now for her seventh birthday, the memory of her smiling when Night first wore it forever stay within her. It was slightly burned from the fire but it served as a great strap for the helm of the blade. On the helm is a oddly color gem that was once her father's, she still feels great regret that she looked this away from his corpse but it was necessary. A piece of her loves one is in her weapon, through this they all right with her. The gem allows her sword to be able to use element attacks. Night main elemental attack choices are Ice and dark magic.

As for the curse of the blade, it matches one of the saying of the onyx gem. The gem that brings great misfortune and death is soon to follow. Every time, Night uses the sword, it will darken her heart till it is there is no light remaining within it. She will only desire to destroy, rob and kill. Not caring about anyone, even from her own family. The curse was placed about the blade from a spellcaster that cursed the blade mere moments before getting diced up like a carrot. Night accepts this fate, refusing to go part with what remains with her family. Even if the curse will eventually kill her.

Love interests. Night had only ever loved two men. One was a boy who she knew as a child, she often found herself gazing at him through her window. She would do it for hours as if it was the most amazing thing that ever existed on earth. The boy however had a horrible accident after rejecting a poor little girls feelings. The family moved the next day after their son came home without his right arm. Night made sure to feed the monster of the forest well that evening. Oh how pleased it was. The second person,King Snugglemagne of Pure Heart Valley. He was a coward for a grown man, though he had his moments of showing his angry that drives his primal instincts. A creamy white furred lion,who acts like a child has captured the heart of the well feared legendary villianess, Noche. Night like how caring he was, the way he allow her to live at the castle. He didn't have grudge against her, even when she stole the throne from him and made him eat his own species. The king has a very forgiving heart,Night will make sure that will not be his end.

Night enjoys discussing plans, and setting up deals with other villians. A legendary villian is responsible for running the crime met for villians. Providing information to assassin's about their targets. Supplying gadgets and weapons to gangs for a good price, though if any of them try to stuff her, they lose more then a good deal. Night also is in charge of giving villian leaders the minions that they seek. Giving all they ask for in a person down to the slightest detail. Due to this, all villains who haven't ticked her off or attempted to end her, respected her greatly and awarded her with gifts and even lands of great values. Thanks to this she now has 5600 hideouts hidden in locations of her choosing. Her family members are welcome to visit and use them.

Plesio is the monster that hatched the night that Night decide to go down the path of villiany. Night raised her into a faithful guard dog, another way she enjoys to torture her victims. Plesio is a female Plesiosaurus like monster that when winter comes, she becomes an ice dragon. Night rarely used Plesio for violence, the monster is too innocent in her eyes, but rarely isn't always never.

Night does have other abilities. All her senses are enhanced, a condition from birth which comes in handy in many of her many run ins. Night also possess a strong skill when it comes to stealth, if she became a robber then she be uncatchable.

Her often choice is simply. A white to remain hidden within heavy crowds of people and hide from the law with ease. Her black outfit to blend in with the shadows and assists in camouflage with nightly operations she runs with only the moon as her witness. On the moon, always her only companion.

Night hates heroes. Mainly for her hatred for the ones who stole away her loved ones, not to mention from the scars she received from Mao Mao at a young age.

Her favorite food is sweets. Mainly the ones she makes. Cooking was also a way of coping with the lost of her loves ones, surprisingly she has quite the talent for it.

Sapphires are her weakness. If her eyes powers are used when she looks at one, the effects are used against her.

Those are all the facts of Night Luna Wolfessa. That and how no one will ever learn of her true name. She wants to change it but can't in memory of the honor of her lost loved ones.

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