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Today Becky, Seth and several other WWE Superstars were visiting Mercy Hospital. These visits were always inspiring and hard on Becky. To see these young people fighting such big things when they should be playing with their toys and stealing cookies. But to see their fight was just awe inspiring. After visiting kids in their rooms they were heading down to story time when they passed a room and a young girl with ginger hair looked up from the seat by the bed and smiled and waved seeing Becky. Becky had stopped as the others kept going and walked into the room.

"You're mine and my mama's favorite wresser." The girl said.
"Me?" Becky asked squatting down beside the chair.
"Yes." She said nodding her head.
"Is this your mama?" Becky asked seeing a girl who could be no more then teenager herself.
"Yes, she's really sick." She said.
"I am sorry to hear that." Becky said.
"Bex." Seth said coming into the room. "Who is this?"
"I'm Gracie." The girl said. "You're mine and my mama's other favorite."
"There you two are." A nurse name Addison said coming in. "Found Gracie I see."
"Sorry, as we were walking by I noticed her." Becky said standing up.
"It's quite alright." Addison said.
"Is this her ma?" Becky asked.
"Yes, McKenna." Addison said.
"Mama is dying." Gracie said.
"Sadly she is." Addison said.
"She looks so young." Becky said.
"She is only seventeen." Addison said. "She learned early she had this cancer and before she began her battle she decided to have Gracie."
"Where is her family?" Seth asked.
"They wanted nothing to do with her after she made her choice, so McKenna's been doing things in her own since she was thirteen." Addison said. "She's been my foster daughter since then."
"Wow." Becky said.
The girl in the bed began to stir and opened her eyes.
"Hi baby girl." McKenna said.
"Mama." Gracie smiled. "Look Mama it's your favorite wressers."
"I see." McKenna said.
"You have a beautiful daughter." Becky said.
"Thanks." McKenna said before wincing and closing her eyes.
"Gracie we're getting ready for story time, do you wanna come listen?" Addison asked.
"Can I Mama?" Gracie asked.
"Of corse baby, go have fun." McKenna said.
Gracie got up from the chair and took Becky's hand and they walked down to the playroom for storytime.

When they got into the room there were people everywhere and Roman was getting ready to read. Gracie tugged on Becky's hand so she bend down to her level.
"Sit." Gracie said.
Becky smiled and sat down and Gracie climbed into her lap. Becky smiled as Seth sat next to her and then listened to Roman read a book fallowed by others.
"I think she's out." Seth said.
"Me too." Becky said.
Seth got up and carefully picked the sleeping girl up so Becky could get up herself. They walked back to McKenna's room and laid Gracie on the couch and covered her with her blanket.
"I'll go let the nurse know we brought her back." Seth said and Becky nodded.
She took out one of the last toy belts and wrote a note on it for Gracie before laying it next to her.

"Wait." McKenna said as Becky turned to fallow Seth.
"Hi." Becky said moving over to the bed,
"Thank you." McKenna said. "She hasn't smiled or slept this peaceful in ages."
"She's a sweet girl." Becky said.
"I know." McKenna said. "She's the one thing I was meant to do in this world, she needed to be born."
Becky nodded as McKenna softly cried.
"I am going to miss her so much and her me, I wish things had been different, but I know she was meant to be here, she has a purpose." McKenna said. "We all do."
"We do." Becky said. "I am sure she will always remember you and you will watch over her."
"I will." McKenna said. "I do not know what the fates have in store but there is a rhyme and reason for this all. I just want her to be loved and happy."
"All parents want that." Becky said. "I am sure she will be."
McKenna smiled before falling back asleep and Becky walked over to where Gracie lay and carefully brushed the orange locks from her face before leaning down and kissing her.
"Sweet dreams sweet girl." She said before looking up and seeing Seth standing in the door watching her smiling.
"Addison knows." He said as Becky joined him. "It's her usual nap time."
"Okay." Becky said.
"Come on, let's go get your favorite chocolate and cheer you up." Seth said taking her hand.
Becky smiled and glanced back at Gracie one more time before leaving.

(Authors Note: So this story idea came to me one night as I sat writing Different Paths and I put it down on paper to get it out of my head but it's taken on a life of it's own. I thought since I am trying to pace posting to much of Different Paths to fast aid would post this sampler and see if you guys and gals would want more because I have more written and I think it's a great story. So let me know if you want more, thanks.)

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